[center][b][h1][color=92278f][i]Welcome[/i][/color][/h1][/b][/center] [b][indent][indent][indent][center]Sonatina here, looking for a few mature 1x1 roleplays in which I would play the female character. I'd like to play high casual, but could be convinced to go advanced or mid casual, depending on your needs. I prefer correct spelling and grammar but won't make a big deal about mistakes. I'm currently in the mood for a dark, very mature rp (that would contain romance/smut) and would like to rp with players around the age of 21, though I won't be asking how old you are. I currently have a couple plot ideas (you'll find them below) but will also listen to any suggestions.[/center][/indent][/indent][/indent][/b] [b][h2][color=92278f][i]A Darker Twist[/i][/color][/h2][/b] A somewhat darker, sexual version of your favorite fairytales. I would currently really like to do a dark version of Beauty and the Beast, starting after my character has begged to take the place of her brother, who was being held captive by the Beast for trespassing on his manor estate. Your character would be the beast. [b][h2][color=92278f][i]Deep Space[/i][/color][/h2][/b] A space themed mature 1x1. The setting and plot haven't been nailed down yet, so this one would take a bit more work. I'd be up for a number of different pairings. [b][h2][color=92278f][i]Hunted[/i][/color][/h2][/b] An urban fantasy mature 1x1. A young female demon hunter takes on too dangerous a task and ends up being captured by the demon she was hunting.