Aiko clenched her fists when Kai replied he looked forward to the freedom. Had Kazuo asked her that question, too, that also would have been her answer. He didn't need to ask her, though, because he already knew what it was. She was the one who suggested a small handful of people, with herself included, move out to a small house. It took a bit of convincing to get everyone on board, but once she was able to explain to them the benefits of everyone having more space they agreed. As she clenched her fists, it wasn't in an aggravated way. Rather, it was in an [i]I know exactly what you mean[/i] sort of way. She forgot all bout that when they arrived at the bus station. Less than a half hour until they would arrive at their new house, the energetic girl happily thought. Aiko stood by Kazuo and looked down at his bag which still read 'I <3 Aiko'. Looking back up at him, she quietly asked, [color=a2d39c]"What are [i]you[/i] looking forward to the most?"[/color] He looked down at her and shrugged. [color=7ea7d8]"Being able to blast music without getting yelled at by half of the world's population."[/color] He was about to add on to that when the bus pulled up. Aiko was eagerly the first one to hop on, paying the fare for herself and everybody else since she was the only one not carrying something. She took a seat in the middle, waiting for her friends plus Kai to get on. As she waited, she gazed out of the window. It was about mid-August, so there wasn't much time left until the world would start turning beautiful different shades of red, orange, and yellow. She touched the glass as if that would help her memorize what this lovely greenness looked like. It was comforting to know that whatever happened, the seasons would always change and bring new beauties with them.