You could feel the excitement in the air as more and more people arrived to the club and the roughly 35-40 people who had their names on the VIP list enjoyed the drinks and cocktails that awaited them. The buzz soon reached Addie’s ears and the realization of where she was and why she was pushed to dress the way she ended up became too much for her. Panic soon filled the blonde as she tapped the bar impatiently waiting for the drink. Her flight mode active but she didn’t want to be rude and ditch the drink. A cab would be easy to catch right? RIGHT?! [color=pink]Hearing a voice behind her made her grin as she slowly turned around, “It’s about time. With this many people Addie’s about to go into flight or fight mode, and she’s normally more of a flyer.” Her gaze jerked down to see the drink in his hand which she instantly took from him. “What do you know, this equals the beers you owe me.” Taking a drink she hissed softly at the liquor. “Damn that’s good stuff, what year is it?”[/color] Oh god, oh god oh god! More people… panic slowly shook her insides as the bartender [i]finally[/i] placed down her drink. Taking it up she thanked him and attempted to pay but got waved off. “Okay… well then here.” She placed five dollars she was prepared to play for the drink on the table as a tip and started to hurry towards the door. [i]No no no, Jack can’t see me like this, no no no![/i] Her thoughts had her in flight mode as she took off towards the exit while he was surrounded by people. [color=pink]Taking another drink of the scotch she pointed. “Look, she’s running already. I thought we had a bit more time…” When Addie finally crossed in between Crystal’s line of sight to Jack she called out, “LOOKING GOOD ADDIE!” As loud as she could causing her friend to stop and look at her as if asking [i]Why are you shouting?![/i] with her panic expression before Crystal pointed a long finger directly towards Jack, which to Jack, looked like she was pointing at the random blonde in the black dress.[/color] Addie froze giving her friend a very pointed, ‘what the fuck?’ expression before she flinched. Shit… Jack was practically behind her wasn’t he… Her fight or flight mode was cut off and she instead chose the route of dealing with a dinosaur where if you don’t move… they can’t see you!