[hider=Brianna E. Lyffobelt][center][hr][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201123/e5fdf728069047618206cf5d0fe95f29.png [/img] [color=FFDEAD][sub]”Hello everyone, I am happy to be here today! Brianna is my name hope you enjoy my weapon in action; it’s been in my family for generations!”[/sub][/color][hr] [color=FFDEAD][b]Name:[/b][/color] Brianna Este Lyffobelt [color=FFDEAD][b]Title:[/b][/color] The Kind Swordmaster [color=FFDEAD][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 (Going to be 21 years old, September) [color=FFDEAD][b]Birthday:[/b][/color] 30th of September, X874 [color=FFDEAD][b]Magic:[/b][/color] [hider=The Swordmaster, Shifting Sword Style] The Swordmaster, Shifting Sword Style, is a combination of Requip Magic and Sword Magic. The Shifting Sword Style was created to use the full potential of the Sky Tears Sword’s shifting ability. The Sky Tears Sword has access to two magics, which are Wind Magic and Telepathy Magic. However, the wielder can only access the Wind Magic in the blade. The Shifting Sword Style activates the blade’s shifting ability to alter what it looks like and the magic it allows the wielder to use. Therefore, it allows the wielder to use their drained magic to shift it into another form or one of the blade’s spells. However, this will usually make the wielder heavily exhausted if it takes too much in too little timeframe to use its magic or shift its forms constantly. Additionally, if the wielder loses consciousness, the sword will instantly revert to its base form. The Requip Magic has only access to the Swordmaster Armor, which is heavily customized to fit Brianna’s preferences. The Sword Sheath called Shift Tears Sheath is tied to the Sky Tears Sword itself, but the Swordmaster Armor can additionally use it only to show off.[hider=Requip: The Swordmaster][color=FFDEAD][u]Requip: The Swordmaster[/u][/color] The Swordmaster Armor comes from Requip Magic, which is lightweight, flexible, customized to Brianna’s preferences, and is different from the other women in her family. The entire armor set is silverish gold, has a lengthened battle skirt, which stops at her knees for comfort. Her combat/hiking boots are short since they are made for quick foot movements. It gives a slight boost to her hand-to-eye coordination, and she’s a bit faster in it too.[/hider][hider=The Shifting Sword Style’s Forms]The Sky Tears Sword has four total forms in the Shifting Sword Style. The Base Form is the very first form, which it starts as. This weapon is a holder magic item, which gives the wielder access to the Wind Magic within itself. The base form’s adverse effects are minimal since it doesn’t alter its wielder’s personality or mood. However, the other effects are listed in the Equipment Section, called The Sky Tears Sword’s Image and Description. [hr] The Sky Tears Sword shifts into its first form, the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/e4/86/f0e4864a933d5a241afee3911797c815.jpg]Sky Rose Sword[/url], and it's magic shifts from Wind Magic to Rose Petal Magic. The Sky Rose Sword can last the longest, which requires Brianna’s memories to activate its Rose Petal Magic. Brianna’s memories are paramount to using these spells by remembering all the Roses within her mother’s Rose Garden will make sure she keeps her thoughts to happiness. However, it does change her eye color from its natural green color to red to match the magic in question. It’ll affect Brianna’s personality to make her much more easily embarrassed to any little intent of complimenting her beauty or trying to flirt with her. The Rose Petal Magic uses Sky Rose Sword based on its magic since the Rose Petals it uses are the blade itself. The base form’s secondary effect changed; it glows to a light reddish glow emanating from the entire sword. The Sword’s female voice, which comes from its Telepathy magic, will change its personality to be the same as Brianna’s altered personality. It’ll be like Brianna’s mother or sibling in terms of the tone of voice. While to others, it’ll be conversational and a bit excitable while trying to be kind towards both genders, sometimes annoyed at the male mages. [hr] The Sky Rose Sword shifts into its second form, the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/f0/3d/c0f03df5679fab882e917b834a91d2b0.jpg]Darkened Sky Sword[/url], and it’s magic shifts from Rose Petal Magic to Darkness Magic. The Darkened Sky Sword can last a while, which requires the use of Brianna’s memories to activate its Darkness Magic. Brianna’s memories are paramount, which all surround depression, a sense of loss all towards the one person in her life, which was precious to her, and that’s her father, who was supportive to her lacking talent. As well, including all the times she felt a bit down by any of the times, her inferiority complex got worse, which made her feel utterly helpless but kept it in the back of her conscience. Therefore, she will keep her thoughts on depression and a sense of loss since it allows the spells. However, it does change her eye color from its natural green color or the red-eye color from the Sky Rose Sword’s form to a silverish black color. It’ll affect her personality to make Brianna become a depressive downer, which will make it very hard to allow her to smile since she remembers the shock of losing her father. The Darkness Magic has the same similar glow as Brianna’s eye color under the Darkened Sky Sword. The base form’s secondary effect changed; it glows a silverish black glow emanating from the entire sword. The sword’s female voice, which comes from its Telepathy Magic, will change its personality and mood to be the same as Brianna’s altered personality and mood. It’ll cause Tearsy to reminisce about the family before the Lyffobelt Family rescued it, but it’s more saddened at the head of the family dying of Brianna’s Family. [hr] The Darkened Sky Sword shifts into its final form, the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/d2/32/8cd23243b0cea9560b1bb3df4babe3b6.jpg]Poisoned Sky Sword[/url], and it’s magic shifts from Darkness Magic to Poison Magic. The Poisoned Sky Sword can last for the shortest amount of time, which requires the use of Brianna’s memories to activate its Poison Magic. Brianna’s memories are paramount, all surrounding anger and wanting to know why her father had to die pointlessly, unlike all the other ancestors in her family. Therefore, she will keep her thoughts on anger, rage, and jealousy. However, it changes her eye color from its natural green color or silverish black eye color from the Darkened Sky Sword to a lightish purple or violet color. It’ll affect her personality to make Brianna much more snippy with people and a bit angrier than usual at her frustrations, failings, and assuming the worst in people. The Poison Magic from this blade is purple or violet in color, and it mostly comes from the blade itself to cause slashing damage, which has an excruciating strain of poison from the Sword Wave Slashes it uses. The base form’s secondary effect changed; it glows a light violet glow emanating from the entire sword. The sword’s female voice, which comes from its Telepathy magic, will change its properties to Brianna’s altered personality. Still, it’ll become a tsundere type blade, which will embarrass itself by apologizing like one.[/hider][hider=The Shifting Sword Style’s Spells][color=B7A74A][h3]Wind Magic[/h3][/color] The Sky Tears Sword shapes the Wind Magic, which will release destruction by the Winds. [color=FFDEAD]- Wind Blade, Crescent Slash:[/color] This spell requires Brianna to swing her sword in either a right or left direction, which is to a person she needs to take down. The sword will shape the Wind Magic to become a crescent-shaped sickle, launched from it. It will spin quickly and sound like a saw blade, which will go towards whoever she’s fighting, and it will damage pillars, which are made out of wood. It slices through wooden support structures like a knife through butter. [color=FFDEAD]- Defensive Barrier of Wind:[/color] This spell requires Brianna to stand completely still and unable to attack. The blade will start shaping the Wind Magic to form a barrier of wind around her and itself to protect them from harm. As long as she doesn’t drop the blade, it’ll stay up. [hr] [color=B7A74A][h3]Rose Petal Magic[/h3][/color] The Sky Rose Sword shapes the Rose Petal Magic, which will cause people to understand and see the beautiful yet deadly weapon that is Rose Petals. [color=FFDEAD]- Rose Petal, Unison Strike Slash:[/color] This spell requires Brianna to swing her sword in the left or right direction. The Blade will start shaping the Rose Petals to create a beautiful display. All that’s left of the Sky Rose Sword is its hilt and the rose. These Rose Petals go in unison in the same direction as the direction Brianna swung her sword. There are hundreds upon hundreds of Rose Petals flying in the air and flying directly into a person, which will feel like a jab type slash into a person’s body. However, if there’s armor or a barrier, it’ll hit into that instead, which will lessen the attack's punch. The petals return to reform the blade, which disallows it to be usable for melee attacks until it comprehensively reforms. It must be fully reformed before shifting back to the Sky Tears Sword. [color=FFDEAD]- Rose Petal Dancing, Vanishing Veil:[/color] This spell requires Brianna to be standing completely still. The blade will shape the Rose Petals from the blade, leaving the hilt and its rose. It will cause a massive amount of Rose Petals to fly throughout the air. This makes Brianna move from her original position to anywhere in a ten-foot 45-degree angle behind her. There is a slight trick of the eyes only for a slight second by making people think she's moving forward when she isn't. The petals return to form the blade, which disallows it to be usable for melee attacks until it fully reforms. It must be fully reformed before shifting back to the Sky Tears Sword. [hr] [color=B7A74A][h3]Darkness Magic[/h3][/color] The Darkened Sky Sword shapes the Darkness Magic, which will release the terrifying power of darkness. [color=#FFDEAD]- Silver Bane Darkness Slash:[/color] This spell is a sword wave slash. The Darkness Slash will go in the direction where Brianna slashes the Darkened Sky Sword. It will go along the ground to travel to its target. If any point it hits the person that Brianna is fighting or hits any object in the way of the target, it will mark them with a silverish black glow. This glow causes an aftereffect of feeling slightly sluggish, but this aftereffect only lasts for a short time. The specific nature of this spell is about slowing her opponents, but that's about all. After the mark disappears, and the Darkened Sky Sword shifts back to the Sky Tears Sword. [hr] [color=B7A74A][h3]Poison Magic[/h3][/color] The Poisoned Sky Sword shapes the Poison Magic, which will release painful poison to infect a person cut with the blade. [color=#FFDEAD]- Poisoned Pain-Inducing Jolt Slash:[/color] This spell is a sword wave slash. The Poisoned Slash will traverse the ground towards its target. While it traverses the ground, the ground will be shifted towards the acidic toxic ground. It can cause acidic burns and pain-inducing poisoned scars on the body, which can be lessened by healing magic. The Blade must shift back to the Sky Tears Sword after the effects are given.[/hider][/hider] [color=FFDEAD][b]Magic Level:[/b][/color] A [color=FFDEAD][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Brianna wears the Lyffobelt Family Necklace, a beautifully designed necklace with opals and platinum little sword logo everywhere on the necklace. Additionally, she wields the Sky Tears Sword*, which is in the Shift Tears Sheath on her waist because it is her family’s heirloom weapon. As well, a Lacrima powered cellphone to call her mother, her little sister, or whoever needs to be contacted, which one of the contacts is her family’s personal chauffeur that drives a pretty bluish green luxury car. [color=FFDEAD]Protective Luggage Carrier[/color] – The Protective Luggage Carrier is a spatial magic item. Therefore, it means it can hold many different things within and protects glass objects inside of it. This protective luggage carries the Lyffobelt Company Letter, which informs Brianna of her father’s death, two to three weeks’ worth of clothes for daily activity and sleeping, her family photo, 8 bottles of extensively strong alcohol. As well, it can carry an additional week’s worth of clothes if needed. [hider=* – The Sky Tears Sword’s Image and Description] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/17/71/3f/17713f1777c86e95f9f61ab75a77392b.jpg [/img] The Sky Tears Sword is a sentient blade, which is a holder's magic item. This weapon has been in the Lyffobelt Family for generations after being recovered from a family who wanted to misuse it. As well, it has primarily been used by the women in the family. It can connect with the Lyffobelt Family women spiritually, caused by the secondary effect of a light greenish glow emanating from the entire blade. This glow first covers their hand or hands by holding onto it, but afterward, it covers their body in the glow. Thus, it can refuse another woman from the Lyffobelt Family by glowing a dark greenish glow. It values the women in the family highly, even if other women have sword weapon training. The Telepathy Magic it uses can be used to talk to its wielder and anyone in their vicinity, up to a fifteen-foot radius. This causes one to hear a voice coming from it, a young adult female who has a very aesthetically, beautiful, charismatic voice. This voice will ask if their wielder feels okay and/or needs help with anything on their mind. In terms, it will playfully tease the wielder, which will only stop when it needs to use its other side to calm them down. The voice is sincere, happy, and friendly with being in the Lyffobelt Family for seven generations. Its previous wielder was Nelia Ophir Lyffobelt, who became the best swordmaster in her family’s entire existence. However, Brianna is Nelia’s eldest daughter, which in turn it was Brianna’s turn to shine and try to surpass the martial prowess of her parents with the help of the Sky Tears Sword. Now, this comes onto its specific quirks; it has three of them. These quirks are as follows; it outright loves women, mildly jokingly with men, and has quite a burden of circumstance. It outright loves the Lyffobelt Family for keeping it from darker means, but it causes it to have big emotions if [i]any[/i] of the family members are injured or hurt a sister or daughter to the family. It has always gained its true purpose of shifting itself because this family tested itself rigorously with the different style the men use, which is a different form of Sword Magic. It has a slight annoyance at how others act towards it or its wielder, but that’s about it. It had also been given a nickname of Tearsy, throughout the halfway mark being in the Lyffobelt Family. The Sheath of the Sword is called the Shift Tears Sword, which is very similar to what the Sky Tears Sword looks like, but it has a beautiful depiction of many different women surrounding beautiful waterfalls, which look like tears. As such, there’s an inscription on the sheath itself, which says [i]’ May you flow like water to your destination to watch what you enjoy seeing.’[/i] When the Sky Tears Sword is within the Sheath, it glows a different-colored glow, which is an orangish silver glow; this counteracts its usual glow of being outside of the sheath. It has to be entirely pulled out of the sheath to regain its original glow, a light greenish glow.[/hider] [color=FFDEAD][b]History:[/b][/color] [hider=]The Lyffobelt Family are a sword-focused family with a gentle side dealing with being florists, whose favorite flower is the rose. This caused them to be much more proactive in Fiore’s politics and whatnot and stopped a rival’s operations by sending their entire family to jail since they were into darker sides of jobs. The Femi Family’s Operation stopped even before it began. They recovered the Sky Tears Sword from them since they enjoy using many different magical swords; their greatest weapon is the Callous Lightning Sword. Because of the Lyffobelt Family’s Proactive nature, they joined many light guilds in their seven generations' worth of family members. They are also wealthy because of their hard work and building good relationships with the other influential families in Fiore. The Lyffobelt Family’s women wanted to uphold the Legacy of recovering the Sky Tears Sword and help it get its full potential unlocked. The legacy of the entire family is in the use of their magical swords. However, the Callous Lightning Sword is focused primarily on mental fortitude over the use of one’s emotions, while that is the case with the Sky Tears Sword. The Callous Lightning Sword will backfire and hurt the wielder if they doubt themselves or any non-mental clarity. When Brianna was growing up, her parents were in her life, but they had many different duties and regulations to keep their daughter protected. In terms, the parents took turns in raising Brianna because she was the firstborn, and she had much riding on her. However, a problem arose, in which she was unable to wield her father’s weapon, the Callous Lightning Sword. Because she was heavily emotional and didn’t have the mental clarity to see past the smallest things, she was highly talkative and constantly asked questions. Therefore, this family was highly restrictive towards her because of the strict nature of the family’s hierarchical structure and its traditions. Basically, she had to stay out of the spotlight because she didn’t meet her parents' expectations, which caused her to become pretty sheltered from society as a whole. Her family had standard procedures to dedicate the child’s mental and physical growth, as long as they show something in return. However, she was told that she had a singular focus and birthright: the Sky Tears Sword's secondary legacy because only the oldest daughter can wield it. Brianna couldn’t help but be extremely happy about this chance to be a part of all the other ancestors who had wielded the Sky Tears Sword. Seven years into her sheltered life, she gained a new addition, Serena V. Lyffobelt, her younger little sister. Brianna was ecstatic about having a new addition, but when Serena was old enough, she was able to hold the Callous Lightning Sword without it backfiring on her. It showed that Serena was a prodigy compared to her, which slightly made her sulk inferior to her little sister. As one would suspect, the Lyffobelt Family live in a luxurious, lavish lifestyle that would make others jealous about their riches and how well-liked they are in Fiore. It is primarily because they changed with the times and gave back to Fiore by generously donating their time and money to build up gloriously beautiful structures with backbreaking labor. As such, they explicitly carry themselves differently from other wealthy folks because of how kind and polite they are. Brianna was extremely spoiled, while also being a bit of an airhead, much much more than other rich kids by the reasons of getting love from both of her parents and everyone working for them. Brianna was trained in the martial pursuits of becoming the next Legacy Swordmaster and next wielder of the Sky Tears Sword, which was the parents' responsibility to train her. This family was pretty strange in how they dealt with the training and business responsibilities because of how multitasking-based they were; if one were at the company’s headquarters, the other would be taking care of the kids because they saw that raising their children correctly was the most important for their children’s development, which is why the father primarily focused on Brianna. In contrast, her mother primarily focused on Serena. Therefore, this made the family focused on giving their children the best martial skills before joining a guild. Brianna was primarily trained in the Shifting Sword Style of the Sky Tears Sword, like all the other more emotionally focused people were. Brianna had no real interaction with the outside world; therefore, her ideals couldn’t be tested by other kids of her demographic of rich because she was the complete opposite of them, completely nice and kind no matter the person’s circumstances, and held no such biases against them because of the Lyffobelt’s traditions drilled into Brianna and her younger sister Serena. It hurt somewhat because of how sheltered Brianna was, but the one thing that came up was searching for a light guild to join, which there were two in particular. However, it was Brianna’s choice to join whatever one she wanted. It was behind the chaotic Phoenix Wing Guild or the Structured Guild called Dragon Fang. These were what the father gave as the descriptions to these two guilds, which Brianna decided to choose the Phoenix Wing Guild instead of something that feels like her strict, rigorous family. However, it would take much training to join that guild, but her father was proud of his daughter. She was very skillful in swords and would become pretty good in the Shifting Sword Style too. Brianna hoped she could be even better than her mother Nelia in using the Sky Tears Sword, but she needed to at least get outside and try her best. Her growth and development in joining the Phoenix Wing guild were prolonged because she was an airhead. She had to be constantly be reminded and instructed on using the Sky Tears Sword, which was her parents being her instructors. However, it finally stuck after five total years of rigorous, constant training of her knowledge and skills of everything they had to teach her, which she started at 14 years old and ended at 19 years old. They drilled into her a strict schedule to keep on training no matter what since the Sky Tears Sword’s Shifting Sword Style is essential to the dual legacies of the Lyffobelt Family. However, Serena took a single year to completely understand the Shifting Sword Style, which shows she’s a prodigy with magic holder items like the Sky Tears Sword and the Callous Lightning Sword. It caused Brianna to make herself change somewhat; it made her have fire in her eyes to make sure she’ll listen to instructions about swords or the Sky Tears Sword, which is because she felt so inferior when her younger sister was outshining her. However, other things like strategy would be lost on her completely because of her listening problem, which is because she’s an airhead. In terms, she had a single test to see if she was truly ready to leave the Lyffobelt Family Estate nest, in which she had to beat her own father, the [i]Grand Lightning Swordsman[/i], in a duel. She had to use the Sky Tears Sword, and he used the Callous Lightning Sword. Therefore, defeating her father in a duel was a challenge since he wasn’t holding back for one and two; he wanted to know if what they taught her stuck and showing her how a determined enemy would be. However, the way to defeat him in a duel was to disarm him of his weapon, which she did, but it took six hours to do so. She was so happy to beat her father she giggled happily, which she passed the one traditional test that is insanely tough. In terms, she showed her skills mattered much more than being a prodigy like her sister Serena is. Her father encouraged her to remember her skills in combat over what Serena can do compared to her. That duel took much out of her, which caused her to be taken to her room by her father the last time her father carried his daughter in his arms like a child, but she’s now a grown-up, only because she was treated a bit childish because she was childish. Brianna had a greater challenge ahead of her, which was the Phoenix Wing Guild’s pecking order of who’s strongest. In terms, she would have to duel one of the mages there, which was a crazy thing, but she did duel one on one against her father, who wasn’t going easy on her. He never really does go easy on anyone when he’s training them, which is apart of the Magic Council’s Enforcer Battalions. She didn’t really understand the point of doing that, but she wanted to join Phoenix Wing badly, which she did since she chose Phoenix Wing over Dragon Fang. About five months before her 21st Birthday, it was shown while being in the guild after being ranked by Phoenix Wing Guild's strongest mages. A letter came to her by her family’s company mentioning the one thing she didn’t want to hear: her father was killed while on a Magic Council mission. However, the details of this mission were shrouded in mystery. This caused her to start drinking because her greatest supporter of her is dead, which she did call her mother about the news, and her mother was shaken much by it. As if her mother learned the truth before her because she was busy in a guild that she really enjoys being in. However, it made her want to get over her inferiority complex, and the support she got from Phoenix Wing’s guild helped her get over her father’s death quicker. Even though her talkative behavior is quite annoying to deal with all the time.[/hider] [color=FFDEAD][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [hider=]As she is now, Brianna is humble in some aspects, friendly and polite heiress of her family. She shows everyone, no matter their circumstances, which she’ll show them the respect they deserve. It is because she’ll never once discriminate against what they have or have not gotten in their life. A very rare trait in rich people is why she carries herself to show others respect as she should get in return. In terms, her humbleness comes across as the reason for her being overly friendly towards everyone. As well, she focuses on the Lyffobelt Family’s old and long traditions. These traditions are stated in the family’s record as such, and you must keep to the training of oneself with talent or skill will grant you valuable lessons. As well, you mustn’t discriminate against others. If needs must, you mustn’t abide by recklessness nor take revenge against someone who showed themselves stronger than you. You must also uphold and have mastery of the Sky Tears Sword’s recovered legacy, and finally, you must put your name into the record to make your name in the family’s record. Brianna is patient and much more talkative than most people would want to deal with, she constantly non stops talking, but she’s pretty much keeping to her values of being a rich girl. She also gives generously to good charities, which involve rebuilding structures and anything that involves the Royal Family’s Directives to keeping the kingdom happy. It is because being generous is apart of the family’s traditions. Brianna does have some mental problems within her psyche. She’s an airhead who is too trusting or naive towards certain people because she was raised in her family, much more protective than normal. In terms, she has an alcohol problem. Still, it was only found out she’s quite an alcoholic drunk because of showing her eight different emotions while drinking, which makes her very entertaining to be around. Strategic instruction planning entirely goes over her head, compounded by why she’s an airhead, in one ear out of the other, only if it doesn’t involve her specific set of skills with swords and the Sky Tears Sword. Brianna has a massive problem; she has an inferiority complex to her sister’s talent and skill compared to her skills. Serena was born as a prodigy in the Lyffobelt Family. It usually causes her to sulk and feel like she’s not ever going to be able to catch Serena, being the prodigal child, but Brianna must use the Sky Tears Sword since it's her right. Brianna has a problem showing off how she dresses in beautiful dresses or in armor that fits how rich she is, which is vanity. She has to look the part of being a part of a prestigious martial wealthy family in Fiore. She understands not much about personal space since she tries to invade it sometimes, but if you tell her to give you freedom, she will undoubtedly allow you to have your room in a slightly overbearing polite, and kind tone of talking too much. Flirting goes entirely over her head because it's not understood because of how sheltered she was before going out. There is only one way to get her to blush, which is to compliment her, but if you try to flirt with her, she’ll giggle at you and not understand what you were trying to say.[/hider] [color=FFDEAD][b]Guild & Guild Mark:[/b][/color] Phoenix Wing, On her back, upper mid-back in its base color. [color=FFDEAD][b]Team Members:[/b][/color] [color=FFDEAD][b]Four Strengths:[/b][/color] [color=EEE8AA][u]Friendly:[/u][/color] Brianna is overly friendly and makes everyone feel respected, no matter their way of life besides hers. It’s because she sees the value of someone isn’t how much money they have but how they bring themselves up in the world. It’s because of her demeanor and her elegant, kind, gentle voice, but able to get the attention of others with it too. Her positivity, kindness, and politeness are a bit infectious. As well, she will want to make friends with everyone. [color=EEE8AA][u]Swordmaster:[/u][/color] Brianna has been trained in many sword-fighting styles: Florentine, Longsword, Broadsword, and Fencing. In terms, she was rigorously and intensively trained throughout her young childhood to adulthood. The Lyffobelt Family wants to make sure their Swordmasters are good in many different sword-fighting styles because of their training. She still trains to this day to keep on learning more sword-fighting styles, but at least she can pick up whatever sword and use it without a hassle. Brianna causes her to fight beautifully with the proper reaction times and hand-to-eye coordination required for each different fighting style with a sword she does know. [color=EEE8AA][u]Patience:[/u][/color] Brianna has much patience within her well being, which is better than being reckless. Abiding by recklessness isn’t a good idea because her parents taught her that rushing is one way to become on the short end of the life stick by being killed. [color=EEE8AA][u]Helpful / Generous:[/u][/color] Brianna is accommodating and generous. In terms, she tries to be as supportive as possible with her overwhelming and sometimes overbearing positivity. She donates her time and money to projects all over the Kingdom of Fiore as long as it puts a smile on people's faces. In terms, she helps others whenever it's needed. [color=FFDEAD][b]Five Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [color=EEE8AA][u]Prideful:[/u][/color] Brianna’s pride is towards the Lyffobelt Lineage and her own abilities, and it's a bit of overconfidence, but her family deserves to be overconfident. This family accomplished so many things in its seven generations, stopping their rivals from the Femi Family and recovered the Sky Tears Sword; they are famous and incredibly wealthy and primarily masters of specific offshoots of Sword Magic. Their lifestyle is split between two different focuses; one is the Sky Tears Sword for the family's women and the Callous Lightning Sword, specifically her father's weapon. [color=EEE8AA][u]Serena Talented Complex (Inferiority Complex):[/u][/color] Her inferiority complex is compounded because her younger sister is so much better than she is at literally everything. The Lyffobelt Family believes in talent and not raw skill, which makes Brianna be frustrated at every little thing that has happened to her. She’s terrific, but her sister is just so much better, even at a young age too. She cannot disappoint her abilities by being slighted, which will cause her to sulk or figure out how to deal with the problem of not being talented. [color=EEE8AA][u]An Emotional Drunk:[/u][/color] Brianna is an emotional drunk, which shows all eight primary emotions. She started drinking around when she learned of her father’s death, five months before her 21st Birthday. Obviously, she’s completely lightweight to alcohol since she only started awhile ago. However, she drinks more than dealing with anything, but it causes her to blackout from alcohol. [color=EEE8AA][u]Too Trustful / Naivety:[/u][/color] Brianna’s upbringing caused her to be a bit too trustful and slightly naive of the world around her, mostly because of her own family upbringing. Her friendly attitude has caused her to misunderstand, jokes at her expense, and flirting because she hadn’t really had to deal with it. The jokes go straight over her head, but she does giggle slightly at people who flirt at her, but she thinks it's a joke or something else. [color=EEE8AA][u]Airhead:[/u][/color] Brianna is an airhead, which usually has things go in her head and out the other. Only because she loves talking much, which usually causes her to be a bit confused on certain instructions that don’t involve her skills with a sword. [color=FFDEAD][b]Greatest Love(s):[/b][/color] Brianna has loved chocolate, her two cats, her family, roses, talking nonstop, and finally, the Sky Tears Sword, which is her birthright weapon for being the eldest daughter in her family. [color=FFDEAD][b]Motivation:[/b][/color] She’s trying to overcome her inferiority complex and get stronger at using her birthright of the Sky Tears Sword. She can also meet new people and become friends with them, which will protect them with all her might. [color=FFDEAD][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d5/d3/b4/d5d3b44e206c97993bbb60cfef3e813a.jpg [/img] Brianna is a beautiful 20-year-old woman, which follows her mother’s looks very well. But her dirty blonde hair is slightly different than her mother’s beautiful blonde hair. She keeps her hair short because it would be a bit annoying to get in the way. As well, she has beautiful green eyes, which always shine beautifully. Her height is 5’8”, and she weighs a total of 152 lbs. In terms, she knows what she likes and wears skimpy clothes sometimes or beautiful expensive dresses other times, but Brianna is showing off what she wears. As such, she also has an hourglass body shape too. She wears regular bluish-green tennis shoes or combat-boots generally because of how severe her family is. She also has a strange-looking scar on her left hand, similar to a lightning bolt but in a silverish green color. [color=FFDEAD][b]Additional Details:[/b][/color] -The Lyffobelt Estate is massive, which is at 128,000 Square Feet and Five Stories Tall. This estate is miles away from Hargeon Town, where their company’s headquarters reside. The Estate is a beachfront property, which is near the ocean. However, it is connected to Hargeon Town by a road, which follows the beach. The Lyffobelt Family has a bodyguard unit of mages specifically handpicked by them to protect their Estate, their children, their legacy, and finally, their Company’s Headquarters in Hargeon Town. It has a total of seventy members in this bodyguard unit. -Brianna loves to dance, sing, gardening, and any other form of hobby. She has a specific green thumb towards all types of flowers, like roses. As well, she brings up her family frequently. -Brianna has two cats by the name of Rachel and Pauline; they are tabby cats. Her family has six other animals at her family’s estate; most of them are for Nelia and Serena. -Brianna has expensive tastes for food, drinks, and clothes. It is mostly because of her family’s affluent lifestyle and what is tasked of her. -The Sky Tears Sword uses the [color=FFB6C1]FFB6C1[/color] color code, which is light pink. -Brianna is bought a home in Magnolia Town, with all the expectations of a nice home away from home type of deal. It is a two-story house. On the outside is painted light green, like her sword's glow and her eye color. [hider=The Lyffobelt Family] [color=FFDEAD]Nelia Ophir Lyffobelt (Alive/Mother)[/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e1/8f/32/e18f32f728921bc35aebea1101b41da8.jpg [/img] [color=FFDEAD]Zachery R. Lyffobelt (Deceased/Father – The only picture Brianna has of her father.)[/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/18/9d/2e189d2150d9e0c5207fd5d4fe4920a9.jpg [/img] [color=FFDEAD]Serena V. Lyffobelt (13, June 6, X882 – Younger Sister)[/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ba/5d/98/ba5d98b2d6f8eab7d94266588a6391a4.jpg [/img] [/hider][hider=Brianna’s Impressions & Relationships with others][color=FFDEAD][b]Impressions & Relationships:[/b][/color] Regan Hadou - Her impressions of Regan Hadou is overly positive because she gave her wonderful compliments on her singing. Regan also helped her with many of the problems she had previously, even though it still with her, but it's better to understand what her parents previously told her. Because of this, Brianna has a large amount of respect for her and had a wonderful time. She also calls her Master Hadou because she is a master of her own style, and it is interesting in a way because of what it does. [/hider][hider=Theme Songs] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wVTyO16unQ]【Trails in the Sky (Sora no Kiseki) FC OST】In My Heart[/url] - Brianna's Sadness / Darkened Sky Sword Activate - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO4LyKd-Hws]Nemo - Nightwish[/url] - Only because I love this song, nothing less, nothing more. - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tazx_vCZCv4]Soundmopi - Return Of The Hero [Epic Heroic Choral Action] [Battle Theme][/url][/hider][/center][/hider] [hr] [hider=Cailyn Silvia Pennavor][center][hr] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201217/cc6c3653847ce24766c92827b64abd53.png [/img] [color=0b32f4][sub]” Aha, how wonderful you walk into my parlor. Can you please stop looking at my ears? Yes, I am a Half-Soulerian, dear. You are a bit silly, don't you know?”[/sub][/color][hr] [color=0b32f4][b]Name:[/b][/color] Cailyn Silvia Pennavor [color=0b32f4][b]Other First Names:[/b][/color] Caitlyn [color=0b32f4][b]Age:[/b][/color] 27 [color=0b32f4][b]Birthday:[/b][/color] 6th of April, X868 [color=0b32f4][b]Species:[/b][/color] Half-Soulerian (2nd State Corruption Level) [color=0b32f4][b]Magic:[/b][/color] [hider=Absolute Avior Magic] The Absolute Avior Jeso is hyper-specialized magic created by the Astegard Kingdom’s Royal Family. Therefore, this magic flows through all Astegardians, but it’s more potent in the Royal Family’s descendants, and they can never lose the meaning behind its purpose. It’s non-elemental in practice, but to master it, you must learn its distinct phase-shifting ability, which becomes other elemental magic. It primarily supports other elemental mages by empowering their magic, but it does have an offensive feature set. The Soulerian Magic called Derio Veri Jeso changed the Soul of what makes Absolute Avior Jeso, which lost its luster and completely changed it into non-elemental magic that goes based on the Moon’s eight phases. Therefore, it’ll become stronger in what it means to be Derio Veri Jeso. Absolute Avior Jeso had been corrupted by the curse from the Soul Bane Katana. It lost its original purpose and changed into the Octadic Phased Locks, meaning it can no longer support Elemental Mages. Soulerians have an oddity towards non-elemental magic over using other elemental magic, and it's because that’s because they were primarily created to use Non-Elemental Magic. This means the Octadic Phases replace its elemental changing abilities to unlock more powerful non-elemental spells. Absolute Avior Jeso in Fiorean tongue is Elemental Change Magic, but Astegardians and Soulerians call it what it's named. The Derio Veri Jeso name in Fiorean tongue is Justified Serenity Magic or Vindicated Trial Magic, but Astegardians and Soulerians call it what it's named. One translation is that it gives serenity to every person that it touches magically. However, other translation means it is devoid of all elemental magic to focus on using its non-colorless magic. Or another way to see it, Derio Veri Jeso merely means focusing on one type of magic even if it is colorless. [hider=Octadic Phased Locks - Derio Veri Magic] The Octadic Avior Shift was the original name of the Absolute Avior Jeso’s Shifting ability. However, it changed into the Octadic Phased Lock because of the Corruption that changed it to the Soulerian Magic. The eight different phases are in line with the moon’s concept of phasing. As such, its other name is Phased Shifted Moon since it follows the moon’s phases very closely. The Octadic Avior Shift shifted between the eight of ten elemental magic in the elemental magic category. However, its new look is towards unlocking more powerful non-elemental magic by its eight phased locks. However, its original shifting names are still on the eight locks because the Astegardian and Soulerian magics share names for this section. It requires the moon’s correct phase to activate the lock and unlock the spells within. Cailyn has only unlocked the fourth Octadic Phased Lock so far. She has much more to learn, train for, and await the correct moon phase to unlock the higher tiers. Her shift in becoming a Soulerian by the Soul Bane Katana caused her to access the Soulerian specific spells and Octadic Phased Locks. When it previously was about Shifting into different elemental magics, which was helpful to different elemental mages. In terms, here is what Cailyn had access to before her change into Soulerian; Deltous, Gammen, Regulus, Nebulus, Hercon, Uenoa, Vaeho, and Asher. These names in Fiorean are Fire, Water, Wind, Darkness, Earth, Lightning, Ice, and Light. In terms, it shows what each Octadic Avior Shift used to do to help out those eight types of elemental mages, but the previous version was weaker than actual elemental mages. [color=2DAA6D][u]The Octadic Phased Locks:[/u][/color] [color=0b32f4]Ver Deltous Ma Lock:[/color] New Moon unlocks the first Octadic Phased Lock. When this lock was unlocked, Cailyn accessed the first set of Non-Elemental Spells tied to the first lock. In terms, the maximum number of spells unlocked by the Ver Deltous Ma Lock is three. These magics will be touched on in part below. However, these spells are nowhere near as powerful as the spells from the other seven locks above. [color=0b32f4]Ser Gammen Da Lock:[/color] The Waxing Crescent unlocks the second Octadic Phased Lock. When this lock was unlocked, Cailyn had access to the second set of Non-Elemental Spells tied to the second lock. In terms, the maximum number of spells unlocked by the Ser Gammen Da Lock is three. These magics will be touched on in part below. However, these spells are nowhere near as powerful as the spells from the other six locks above. [color=0b32f4]Cer Regulus Ne Lock:[/color] The First Quarter unlocks the third Octadic Phased Lock. Cailyn accessed the third set of Non-Elemental Spells tied to the third lock when this lock was unlocked. In terms, the maximum number of spells unlocked by the Cer Regulus Ne Lock is two. These magics will be touched on in part below. However, these spells are nowhere near as powerful as the spells from the other five locks above. [color=0b32f4]Ker Nebulus Ge Lock:[/color] The Waxing Gibbous unlocks the four Octadic Phased Lock. When this lock was unlocked, Cailyn had access to the fourth set of Non-Elemental Spells tied to the fourth lock. In terms, the maximum number of spells unlocked by the Ker Nebulus Ge Lock is two. These magics will be touched on in part below. However, these spells are nowhere near as powerful as the spells from the other four locks above. [color=0b32f4]Zer Hercon Je Lock:[/color] The Full Moon unlocks the fifth Octadic Phased Lock. Cailyn knows how much magic will be unlocked when this lock has been opened, which is a total of two non-elemental spells. The spells haven’t been deciphered as of late since it takes a descendant of the Astegardian Royal Family to translate them. The magic spell requires all the other four Octadic Phased Locks to be unlocked before unlocking this stage. It means you must wait for a Full Moon, staring at the Full Moon, and then say the lock’s name to open it. [color=0b32f4]Der Uenoa Ra Lock:[/color] The Waning Gibbous unlocks the sixth Octadic Phased Lock. Cailyn knows how much magic will be unlocked when this lock has been opened, which is a total of two non-elemental spells. The spells haven’t been deciphered as of late since it takes a descendant of the Astegardian Royal Family to translate them. The magic spell requires all the other five Octadic Phased Locks to be unlocked before unlocking this stage. It means you must wait for a Waning Gibbous, staring at the Waning Gibbous, and then say the lock’s name to open it. [color=0b32f4]Fer Veaho Wa Lock:[/color] The Third Quarter unlocks the seventh Octadic Phased Lock. Only one magic will be opened when unlocking this lock, which is called Julirite Iryao Bane. The name of Julirite Iryao Bane in the Astegard Kingdom is Grand Ninth Barrier. In the history of the Astegard Kingdom, this barrier protected the Kingdom’s Population from destruction many times. However, it costs much of the user of this magic to keep it up, which means it is a massive drain on one’s magic. The barrier itself is see-through because it has no magical affinities connected to it. The magic spell requires all the other six Octadic Phased Locks to be unlocked before unlocking this stage. It means you must wait for a Third Quarter, staring at the Third Quarter Moon, and then say the lock’s name to open it. [color=0b32f4]Wer Asher En Lock:[/color] The Waning Crescent unlocks the eighth Octadic Phased Lock. Only one magic will be opened when unlocking this lock, which is called Julirite Vaeno Omega. The name of Julirite Vaeno Omega in the Astegard Kingdom is Grand Explosion Ultima. It is known from the history of the Astegard Kingdom on the Julirite Egaous Continent, and this spell caused vast craters in every direction besides within the Kingdom. This spell is potent and incredibly dangerous to use since it will cause greater harm to you than using the Julirite Eryao Bane. Some people who have used this spell out of desperation ended their own lives to kill whoever they were fighting. However, if you aren’t using this spell in the most desperate times, you will go into magical exhaustion and then unconsciousness because of how much magical strain it puts on you. No amount of preparation or training can reduce the adverse effects of this spell. It delivers a massive non-elemental explosion, which not even the caster can handle its force. The magic spell requires all the other seven Octadic Phased Locks to be unlocked before unlocking this stage. It means you must wait for the Waning Crescent, staring at the Waning Crescent, and then say the lock’s name to open it. [/hider][hider=Octadic Phased Unlocked Spells - Derio Veri Magic] [color=2DAA6D][u]Octadic Phased Unlocked Spells:[/u][/color] [color=0b32f4]Ver Deltous Ma Unlocked Spells:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Befie Erhead Bellas (Slow Pulsing Blast):[/color] This spell is an area of an effective magic spell that blasts an area with slow pulsing energy. It radiates colorless magic that does damage to an area of twenty feet in a circle pattern. However, she must see it in a 45-degree direction in front of her. It is one of the weakest offensive spells that Cailyn has access to because it's from the first Octadic Phased Lock. It's basically a colorless magic blast from Cailyn’s left hand that radiates magical energy from her hands. [color=#5F9EA0]- Ahri Jeso Bellas Mesq (Flowing Magic Bolting Chain):[/color] This spell is a single offensive magic spell, which flows through the area as if it's colorless lightning. It bounces between at a maximum of three targets, which the final target gets the strongest part of the attack. Cailyn must see these targets in a close enough range to use this spell as a magical attack. It is the second of the weakest offensive spells that Cailyn has access to because it’s from the first Octadic Phased Lock. It’s basically colorless magic that acts like actual lightning that chains off opponents to cause magical damage. [color=#5F9EA0]- Feroh Eryao Bane (Asti Zeroth Barrier):[/color] This spell is an area of effect, defensive barrier, which is classified as the weakest barrier. It is a colorless see-through barrier with a purplish glow surrounding it, holding up to six people. The limit of this barrier is how much punishment it can handle while protecting the people inside it, including the caster, which is not very much. It shatters at a limit of a total of three magical hits or people asking to be let go from Cailyn’s protective barrier. The Octadic Phased locks pride themselves on the barrier spells more than the offensive spells, or even the desperation spells are quite desperate. The time limit is the shortest possible unless she puts more magic into maintaining its strength, which will drain her magic quicker. It will disperse quickly after it was cast and set up if she lets it go its course or dispel the barrier by being asked. [color=0b32f4]Ser Gammen Da Unlocked Spells:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Jeirho Jeso Hallen (Energy Magic Infusion):[/color] This spell is solely focused on a single ally to give them a jolt of energy like a wakeup call. It is like when you hear an alarm going off, which you need to wake you up. Her Soulerian Ability requires her to touch people’s skin to give her magic to others by recharging them. It can also give a slight boost to the metabolism of the one affected by this spell. It is stronger than the offensive or defensive spells of the first Octadic Phased Lock because it is from the second Octadic Phased Lock. It’s basically a colorless magic beam that travels to the closest ally, not in her direct arm length. It means it only affects people who have been knocked out or need to be woken up from being put to sleep. [color=#5F9EA0]- Jeso Imaehe Hallen (Magic Recovery Infusion):[/color] This spell is solely focused on two allies to give them a fountain of extra magic. It is like when you need an extra boost of energy by drinking an energy drink. Her Soulerian Ability requires her to touch people’s skin to give her magic to others by recharging them. It can also give the allies an extra boost in perceiving weaknesses or the right amount of juice to overpower their foes. It is different from the Energy Magic Infusion since it recovers magic during an active combat scene because it is from the second Octadic Phased Lock. Basically, meaning it’s colorless magic that pulses from Cailyn in a twenty-foot radius doing her act like a fountain of mana, which isn’t in her direct arm length. It means it recovers people’s magic throughout the battle, but the effects only last as long as Cailyn has magic. [color=#5F9EA0]- Feroh Vaeno Omega (Asti Explosion Ultima):[/color] This spell is an area of effect, offensive explosion spell, which is classified as the weakest. It is colored with a purplish glow when it has been cast, which can destroy a total of twenty feet of area to cause a smallish crater. This magical explosion's limit requires Cailyn to recharge her magic reserves before using it again and has to wait a short time before casts. However, it can shatter the Feroh Eryao Bane in one expanding explosion, and the reason is that the 2nd Octadic Phased spells are more powerful than the spells in the first lock. The spell dissipates quicker than the Barrier since it's a one and done type of spell. It means Cailyn cannot spam this singular spell because of the mental, physical and magical strain it puts on her, but the strain isn’t as bad as the strongest spell unlocked at the eighth Octadic Phased Lock. It means it’ll take Cailyn a long time to gather ethernano at a slow rate compared to not using this spell. This spell has to be cast from near Cailyn in terms of her arm length. Whenever she touches the ground and says the name, it will cast. It’s a dangerous spell by how proximity Cailyn has to be, but it's a desperation spell to be used only in the most desperate of times. [color=0b32f4]Cer Regulus Ne Unlocked Spells:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Bellas Alpha Refute Bane (Blast Absorbing Reflect Barrier):[/color] This spell is a barrier, which absorbs spells and reflects them to the one who fired it at Cailyn. It protects her in a forward 180-degree angle barrier, which first absorbs the spell that hit the barrier and reduces the spell's force. The spell reflection occurs after the absorption effect, which will send some of the spell’s power back to the caster who hit the reflecting barrier. The spell can only absorb up to three elemental magic, which will change the colorless magic barrier with purplish energy to the elemental magic’s color. Cailyn’s Reflect Barrier has a second effect, which will recover people’s magic energy as long as people are behind the barrier. These people are only allies, and the magic barrier recovery can recharge up to three people. Her magic is only used to keep the Reflect barrier up. However, this barrier can only last up to an average amount of time. It cannot be boosted like the other barrier magic because it's absorbing magic and defending people from magical attacks. If the mage is higher than her, the barrier will be shattered rather than absorbing the magic base element. It doesn’t have the similar effects that recovery support spells because it’s a defensive spell over a recovery spell. [color=#5F9EA0]- Derho Cer Bane (Honia Third Barrier):[/color] This is an area of effect, defensive barrier, which is classified as a rank above the weakest. It is a colorless see-through barrier with multiple purplish glows surrounding it, which can defend a small village from damaging spells. This barrier limit is how much punishment it can handle while protecting a small village, including the caster, which is more than the weakest barrier. It shatters at a limit of a total of double the attacks it takes to take down the weakest barrier or people asking Cailyn to dissipate the spell so they can leave the village to get back to their lives. The Octadic Phased Locks pride themselves on the barrier spells more than the offensive spells since the desperation spells are quite desperate. The time limit is awhile compared to the weakest barrier unless she puts more magic into maintaining its strength, which will drain her magic quicker. It will disperse quickly after it was cast and set up if she lets it go its course or dispel the barrier by being asked. [color=0b32f4]Ker Nebulus Ge Unlocked Spells:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Deso Erhead Imaehe Hallen (Quick Pulsing Recovery Infusion):[/color] This spell is solely focused as an area of effect to recover others' magic. The center point is Cailyn, which pulses quickly out from her up to a thirty-foot radius, and it hits a maximum of five allies in her vicinity. She becomes a magic fountain of extra magic for others that need the boost during a battle or training to their heart’s content because her body glows with slight purplish energy flowing from her. Still, this energy recovers others while corrupts her further. In terms, it gives a similar effect to the previous two magic recovery spells but combined into one, a jolt of energy and hearing an alarm at the same time. It gives a small boost to metabolism and the ability to perceive the weaknesses of their foes better. However, this only helps recover your magic and not heal your injuries or wounds. Additionally, as long as Cailyn uses this actively, she has to stay still because she’s the center point, and any movement would distract her from recovering her allies' magic power. However, if the battlefield is too hectic for her using her magic in this way, she will move to defend herself in two different ways, defensively activating her barrier spells or using one of her desperation spells, which she leans towards the early mention. [color=#5F9EA0]- Derho Vaeno Omega (Honia Explosion Ultima):[/color] This spell is an area of effect, offensive explosion spell, which is classified as the one above the weakest. It is colored with a purplish glow when it has been cast, which can destroy up to forty feet of area to cause a smallish crater. This magical explosion's limit requires Cailyn to recharge her magic reserves before using it again and wait until the spell is completely ready to use it again. However, it can shatter the Derho Cer Bane in one expanding explosion, and the reason is that the 4th Octadic Phased spells are more potent than the spells in the third lock. The spell dissipates quickly than the Barrier since it’s a one and done type of spell. It means Cailyn cannot spam this singular spell because of the mental, physical and magical strain it puts on her, but this strain is much worse than the 2nd Lock’s version but nowhere near the devastating potency of the final lock’s spell. It means it’ll take Cailyn a longer time to gather ethernano at a slower rate compared to not using this spell. This spell has to be cast from near Cailyn in terms of her arm length. Whenever she touches the ground and says the name, it will cast. It’s a more dangerous spell by how proximity Cailyn has to be, but it's a desperation spell to be used only in the most desperate of times. [/hider][hider=The Twin Enchanted Daggers] The Twin Enchanted Daggers, Erica, and Darrel only have one elemental spell to their name. These are the only two Elemental spells in her arsenal, but they are basic level spells compared to the more powerful elemental mages. [color=0b32f4]Gammen Dagger, Erica:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Invoke Splashing Cool Bolt:[/color] This basic level water spell can give people a wet experience by splashing them with a water bolt or small wave of water. It is to help people who are overheated by the sun by cooling them down. In that case, it's basically a support spell to cool people down. You must say, [i]Erica, let’s cool down people of this infernal heat![/i] Before it can activate, however, it can only be used a total of five times before the dagger needs to recharge to be able to use it again. The Recharge time takes around a while to the longest amount of time, depending on how the Invoke Spell is used. [color=0b32f4]Deltous Dagger, Darrel:[/color] [color=#5F9EA0]- Invoke Fireball:[/color] This basic level fire spell can cause damage to people by creating a basketball-sized Fireball that will go towards whoever Erica sees. It is her only offensive elemental spell since it’s from a dagger. You must say, [i]Darrel, let’s heat the battlefield with a Fireball![/i] Before it can activate, however, it can be used a total of five times before the dagger needs to recharge to be able to use it again. The Recharge time takes around a while to the longest amount of time, depending on how the to invoke spell is used. [/hider][hider=Leso Bane Magic, Holder Variant (Soul Bane Katana)] Soul Bane Katana’s Leso Bane Magic is unique compared to other holder magic item’s abilities. It corrupts the wielder’s soul with an ever-present change to their appearance and their magic. This magic is passive as it works to alter the wielder and cannot be activated below 20 years old. These alterations are separated into five levels, in which the maximum level is five. It will also take a while to increase the corruption by how much the Katana takes from the wielder’s soul and what magic element it draws. Therefore, it will corrupt their magic to do the complete opposite of what it did previously. The Katana’s power grows exceptionally each time it increases in its corruption state. However, Cailyn’s appearance is irreversible during the soul corruption process. The final corruption state completely unbinds the wielder after completing the soul corruption process because it has no more steps to corrupt the wielder with. Additionally, the Katana can only corrupt the royal bloodline descendants of the Pennavor Family. All these states of corruption are trying to fully convert a descendant of the Pennavor Royal Family into a Soulerian. The Soulerians are half-human and half-cat since they have human features and skin colors. The Astegard Kingdom created these Soulerians to protect their most precious treasures, magical secrets, and history. However, the Kingdom had fallen into anarchy, and the royal family fled, keeping the history. Cailyn is the most recent of the Soulerians in recent memory or history. [u][color=2DAA6D]The Five Tiers of Corruption:[/color][/u] [color=0b32f4]The First State of Corruption:[/color] Cailyn’s appearance changes because she now has fangs that can be enlarged or shrunk by her will. Her skin has lost much of its vibrant beauty and gives her a more engrossing hunger for meat products to keep her weight balanced where it is at this time. It has also started to change her magic into a more corrupted form. These magics affected by Soul Corruption Magic gain the ability to do the opposite of what they are meant to do. Additionally, Cailyn’s entire being wants to please the Soul Bane Katana, but it is a non-sentient weapon. It also makes her forget the smallest amount of details, like what happened to her daughter or husband. Cailyn reached the first state of corruption after four years had passed because she activated the curse on her 20th birthday. The early stage is one of the largest roadblocks to corrupting the soul of the wielder. In terms, it usually takes a total of four years. [color=0b32f4]The Second State of Corruption:[/color] Cailyn’s appearance changes much more by giving her Soulerian looks, which means she gains cat ears, eye color, and iris shape changes. She can hear and see further distances because of her cat hearing and sight, which allows her not to need glasses. However, she does lose the ability to use her regular human ears since they become cat ears instead, but the bonuses are more significant with her better hearing. Her personality gets much more altered to be more Soulerian, which gives her the ability to discern the properties of different types of magic by a glance. Her eye color can change from her natural eye color to the glow coming off of the Katana. Cailyn’s magic is completely altered to be more Soulerian-based, instead of what she used previously. It uses the Octadic Phased Locks of the moon’s phases. As well, she does gain the Soulerian’s ability to transfer their magic to others by touch, but it's a much weaker effect of recharge since she’s not a full Soulerian. This weaker variant doesn’t get her to be attached to the ones she transferred her magic to by touch, and it's because she’s only a half-Soulerian right now. Cailyn reached the second state of corruption after three years had passed after hitting the first state. These two stages take the most extended time to corrupt the wielder’s soul after the curse’s activation, which is seven whole years. However, the later stages are much easier to become the Soulerian. [color=0b32f4]The Third State of Corruption:[/color] Cailyn hasn’t reached this state of corruption. [color=0b32f4]The Fourth State of Corruption:[/color] Cailyn hasn’t reached this state of corruption. [color=0b32f4]The Fifth State of Corruption:[/color] Cailyn hasn’t reached this state of corruption. [/hider][/hider] [color=0b32f4][b]Magic Level:[/b][/color] A [color=0b32f4][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Cailyn wears a simple pendant necklace, revealing her family and her in it, smiling happily. She wields the Soul Bane Katana*, which is in the Bane Breath Sheath on her back because it is her most precious weapon as she wears the religious symbol of her religion around her neck, which is called the Jereborth Necklace. It symbolizes the Astegard Covenant of Populous’ three prime goddesses and eight adjuncts. [color=0b32f4]Soothing Harp of Sadness:[/color] This harp has been in the Pennavor Family for a very long time, but it's the first time in its history to be used by Cailyn. It was a memento from her late mother, Erica, which plays sad music. The harp can play other emotions, but it is more set on sad music because it was enchanted only to do sad tones. [color=0b32f4]Astegardian Music Box:[/color] This music box is one of Astegard Kingdom’s primary talents, making music and production of music boxes. There is a small seal symbol of the Pennavor Family’s Royal Family, showing the importance to Cailyn’s lineage. As well, as a small inscription on the side of the box, [i]May you sing to your heart’s content, my descendants of our great family, it has been a pleasure, Crow Queen Estina R. Pennavor.[/i] [hider=The Twin Elemental Daggers]Cailyn’s Twin Elemental Daggers are both named after her parents and what her parents primarily used as magics. Her Mother used Gammen, or what Fioreans call Water, while her father used Deltous or what Fioreans call Fire. These two daggers have the same appearance as a dagger that Cailyn is holding in her appearance picture. However, they have different designs on the Twin Daggers. The Design on her father’s dagger is a flower motif since he is from the Kingdom of Fiore. The Design on her mother’s dagger is a crow motif since that means she is a descendant from the Astegard Kingdom’s Royal Family. The outlandish names are to keep in spirit with what it means to be a Descendant of the Astegard Kingdom. [color=0b32f4]Gammen Dagger, Erica:[/color] The Gammen Dagger, Erica has an inscription with Cailyn’s mother name on it and the magical element of Water in the Fiorean tongue. It can only use the singular base-level support water magic it was enchanted with. It has a secondary enchantment to be unaffected by the Soul Bane Katana’s terrible curse, which keeps it true to Water Magic's roots. [color=0b32f4]Deltous Dagger, Darrel:[/color] The Deltous Dagger, Darrel has an inscription with Cailyn’s father's name on it and the magical element of Fire in the Fiorean tongue. It can only use the singular base level offensive fire magic it was enchanted with. It has a secondary enchantment to be unaffected by the Soul Bane Katana’s terrible curse, which keeps it true to Fire Magic's roots.[/hider][hider=* - Soul Bane Katana] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/84/1a/1b/841a1ba2be027da53d87ea6aa5d5a1d4.jpg [/img] The Soul Bane Katana has a terrible curse tied to it, and it’s a holder magic item. The Katana was made in the Astegard Kingdom centuries ago and is tied to the Pennavor’s Royal Bloodline. It has six different sized jewels on it, which pulse in purple energy that swirls around the entire weapon. The largest of these jewels nearest to the blade’s handle is called the Soul Jewel, and it changes colors to the magical energy that flows from its wielder, and that magic slowly loses its color and becomes corrupted. The Runes on the blade says, [i]Corruption Bringer[/i], and linked to the sword’s curse. All it takes to activate its curse is touching it and saying its runic name. It scars your body with a runic script with, [i]Touched One[/i] or [i]Awakened Corruption[/i]. The scar will never go away, and the stinging sensation is when you are trying to clean the area. The weapon’s curse will control your entire life, where you will be quite trapped and unable to feel sorry for anything you’ve done. No matter what kind of emotion you have towards the positive or negative, it matters not to the Katana. As such, the wielder will become obsessed with pleasing the weapon they touched. It becomes sentient only to the one marked with the scar, which will make it only talk to the wielder as if it is a normal person like a loved one or an acquaintance. A bit of a funny thing, this weapon makes their wielder seem a bit crazed since it is a non-sentient magic weapon. There’s a bone-chilling presence to this sword when it is outside of its sheath, which gives it a feeling of an ice magic type Katana. However, it is more tied to the wielder’s soul and corrupting every inch of them by the curse. The stronger the wielder’s soul, the longer it takes to corrupt their wielder, the weaker the wielder’s soul, and it takes absolutely no time at all to corrupt it. It all depends on the wielder’s everything in their life that depends on whether it’ll take a short time or a long time to thoroughly corrupt their souls. The Sheath of the Sword is called the Bane Breath Sheath, which is entirely the opposite color to the Soul Bane Katana. Therefore, means it tries to counteract the adverse effects of the weapon by radiating light. It is why it’s called the Bane Breath Sheath, and it’s trying to contain the curse of the Soul Bane Katana by any means necessary to give the wielder time to recollect their thoughts. As such, there’s an inscription on the sheath itself, which says, [i]May whoever wields this cursed weapon has respite in their mind to rest without nightmares.[/i] When the Soul Bane Katana is within the sheath, it gives ease and helps their wielder regain their emotions. However, its curse is strong and usually overwhelms its wielder’s mind in wanting to wield it.[/hider] [color=0b32f4][b]History:[/b][/color] [hider=]The Pennavor Family are Astegardians from the Grand Kallos Continent and were the Royal Family in the Astegard Kingdom. They fled their home continent to live in the Ishgar Peninsula’s Fiore Kingdom. In terms, they brought their unique magic to the kingdom, but they had never really been able to regain their wealth and whatever else by working in the Kingdom they now live in. It was a hard time for them, but lately, they’ve been given charity by some noble houses or rich people in the Kingdom because they are down on hard times of late. Their own brand of Elemental Change Magic does help keep them working as much as one can work as a mage in Fiore. Their primary reasons they fled to Ishgar and Fiore were a rebellion or anarchy at their home, and they wanted to keep as much knowledge alive. The only thing they kept was their Soul Bane Katana, Harp, and a music box from their homeland since it produced music for the world to listen to. Cailyn only had her parents in her life because of the reason, and they didn’t have much to live on in their home city of Oshibana Town. However, her parents were always quite happy and smiling; their family lives somewhat relative to peace and happiness. The only thing riding on Cailyn during her childhood was being kept healthy, happy, and quite knowledgeable about her kingdom’s history. However, Cailyn always looked at the Soul Bane Katana emanating the strange purplish energy that flowed off it. Her parents told her not to touch the Soul Bane Katana until she was ready for the commitment of turning into a Soulerian, but since she’s too young, like around 9 years old when this part happened. Cailyn dropped the Soul Bane Katana topic since it would take 11 years before she would be allowed to activate its runic name and touch it. The Katana felt like it was drawing her in, but most children in the Pennavor Family would be drawn in by that sword’s energy. As one would suspect, the Pennavor Family was barely making it from their history of being wealthy royals from a rich continent of music, traditions, and history. This family always smiles on their face and never once felt like they lost anything from fleeing. They didn’t really see the value of money as much as keeping people happy as they were governing them. It’s better to be with family rather than being pompous royalty. They much like their new station of living in a nice one-story home with much history. Even though the history of coming to Fiore and where they live now is a long journey, they keep all their family history in multiple diaries or books to keep track of where they came from to now. Cailyn even created her own history journals about her own life to keep track of everything. It wasn’t a hassle since she loved to write things in journals, diaries, and other types of things. Cailyn did a really dumb thing when she turned 17 years old, which was get pregnant with a daughter to a man by Zack's name. They had to marry because her parents insisted they should marry. After all, her parents would go on a journey to their old homeland. It means now the house is Cailyn’s, and she would have to get work around the town to keep her afloat so that the house wouldn’t be foreclosed on. She had a beautiful daughter nine months later, by the name of Julia. It was the happiest time of her life, but her parents left their twin elemental daggers for her to use instead of them. Katana’s draw was even stronger, which was immensely annoying for her to deal with. However, she focused on raising her daughter and being a happy family. Cailyn had done another stupid thing, which was doing what her parents told her not to, activate and touch the Soul Bane Katana. On her 20th birthday, which she did the unthinkable, was to pull the Soul Bane Katana out of its sheath and say its runic name, then her world utterly went upside down. Her life was slowly degenerating during this time, like she forgot things, constantly remembering the homeland’s capital city in vivid details. However, it would take three whole years afterward, where she started to have the same purplish energy coming off of the Soul Bane Katana to come off her. Some significant things happened, which she wrote down in her diary, but she plainly started to forget about. However, the one driving force in all this was her obsession with the Soul Bane Katana. Two important events happened in Cailyn's Life. After her twenty-third birthday, she decided to move on from living in Oshibana Town and move to Shirotsume Town. It's mostly because she felt like it's time to move on with her life, grow, use her magic, and use the Soul Bane Katana because of a driving force causing her to use it. The other important event happened because she had no idea where her sweet little girl Julia was, but she knows one simple thing; she's alive. The Journey was long and tiring for her; which she had to camp every other day, which she wrote in her journal about the travails. She arrived at Shirotsume Town to look for work there because it would rather be a good idea. Cailyn worked her butt off until she decided to join the lock guild there since they were a rising star compared to the number 1 guild in Fiore, which is in Magnolia Town. Dragon Fang felt like a good idea to join since they hunted monsters, beasts, and all types of creatures. She joined two months after her 26th Birthday, which she wanted to do because they would probably need someone with a magic set that is support based but does have some offensive spells. In terms, Cailyn really enjoyed being accepted into Dragon Fang, even though some of the people mishear her name and call her Caitlyn. Still, it's mostly because she has a thick foreign accent as if it stayed with her throughout her whole life. She's very astute and focused during actual jobs, and it's only after these jobs she sits there and stares off while holding her mother's dagger in her hand with something to drink in front of her. A Year later, on her 27th Birthday, a change happened to her entire being; she entered the Second Corruption State, made her a Half-Soulerian. Her magic was altered or corrupted even further to become Derio Veri Magic instead of its Absolute Avior Magic. The only good news, Cailyn had four of the eight Octadic Phased Locks unlocked because she had completed the prerequisite for the four in particular. Her change into a Half-Soulerian shocked the hell out of Jack since he saw cat ears and some other features that made her look more like a cat. Cailyn giggled at Jack because she wanted to turn into a Soulerian. She tried to explain to him in the simplest details what is a Soulerian or a Half-Soulerian in this case. However, he freaked out even more, put up a firewall of fire, and hid in his office. It felt a bit odd, but she did notice his reactions to Prince, which made her feel a bit weary at what that all means. Cailyn was turning into the Soulerians, a mono-gendered race of feline-like human-looking creatures with human skin colors and tones with many human eye colors. [/hider] [color=0b32f4][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [hider=]Cailyn is obsessed over the Soul Bane Katana and talks to it as if it's a sentient weapon but has no clue it isn't one. She has a personality shift to be more like a Soulerian, which are generally sociable, kind, friendly, and a bit flirty with others. It means her personality wanted a sense of adventure or sate her curiosity about magic. However, it's primarily because the Soul Bane Katana has corrupted her entire being to become a Soulerian, which she wants dearly. It made her forget about her previous life with her family, but she does know that her daughter is still alive. All she wants to do is help others in her quest to learn new things and record her life history in her trials and tribulations of becoming a Soulerian. She joined the Dragon Fang guild since it has to deal with many crucially hard monsters to fight, but always good to have a challenge. It is better to use her magic specialty of support, defense, and offense to help the Dragon Fang out. However, she's instinctually following what Soulerians did in the past within the Astegard Kingdom. Cailyn does have some massive mental problems, compared to what's going on with her. Her primary thing is she has a form of acute amnesia that blocks her old life as a human, like remembering anything about her immediate family. However, she has a feeling her daughter is still alive, and it's deep in her bones. She stares into the distance as if she's trying to remember a palace in the capital city of the Astegard Kingdom, which means beautiful music. It takes her a bit of time to respond to people trying to get her attention because she looks a bit out of touch with reality. She responds with some nonsensical phrase that makes her sound a bit terrifying, but it's mostly about her daughter since she doesn't know where she is. However, her magic knowledge increases by understanding and able to discern magic at its base level by just seeing it by which the Soulerians enjoy the most, magic itself. However, she does get very easily confused at looking at the magic that some people in her guild uses, specifically her Guildmaster and Silver Wolf, mostly because her religion disallows the followers of it to use the magic in the first place. It took her to understand it, which was the slayer magic, specifically God Slayer Magic. Her demeanor felt a bit scared since learning about her guild master and one other in her guild that used slayer magic forbidden magic for the Astegardians and Soulerians even to learn. She had to pray to her Prime Goddesses, and the Adjuncts would ever forgive her for joining a guild with slayer magic present. Her heart filled with joy, and helpfulness, because they forgave her as long as she kept to the Astegard Covenant of Populous' laws. In terms, Cailyn respected everyone's use of different magic, but she will never ask to learn it since she will stay with her magic. Basically, meaning she'll not get overbearing with her religion to the people in her guild because of the teachings telling her not to convert anyone who doesn't want to change who they worship. It's how Soulerians are no matter what, mostly because the continent they live on is primarily for their religion and nothing else. [/hider] [color=0b32f4][b]Guild & Guild Mark:[/b][/color] Dragon Fang, on her back in [color=6495ED]cornflower blue[/color] [color=0b32f4][b]Team Members:[/b][/color] [color=0b32f4][b]Four Strengths:[/b][/color] [color=#5F9EA0][u]Pious Individual:[/u][/color] Cailyn is a pious religious individual that worships the Astegard Covenant of Populous. She follows the Covenant rules to the letter, and every time she runs into the magic that is forbidden to learn. Because she asks forgiveness, the Prime Goddesses and the eight Adjuncts will always forgive her because she's becoming a Soulerian as a Soulerian does have a bit more leeway but can't break the Covenant's Laws. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Friendly:[/u][/color] Cailyn is friendly, with an overwhelming amount of kindness, politeness, and kind. It's primarily because of her religious tendencies, and she understands other people's responsibility and magic. As well, she has a pretty thick accent that makes her show how kind she truly is. She sometimes does tease others with her flirty nature, of being a Half-Soulerian, almost to a full Soulerian. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Recovery Magi:[/u][/color] Cailyn is primarily a Recovery Magi or supports other mages on the battlefield. Her Derio Veri Magic is very useful in protecting people, giving back magic to others, and have a desperation spell that is highly dangerous to herself. However, it's primarily because she must use it in desperate times. Additionally, they cannot be spammed like other magic because it's heavily counterproductive to use more in a row. As well, she's able to discern magic by just seeing it. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Focused:[/u][/color] Cailyn is very much focused on a battlefield to keep the more powerful team members going while protecting others with her magic. She has a long fuse and never gets overly frustrated or angry with everyone, basically like everyone's own cheerleader to keep everyone's spirits up. Because of this focus, it makes her an adamant person to fight since it switches on her survival instincts, but mages stronger than her can usually defeat her long fuse of patience. [color=0b32f4][b]Five Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [color=#5F9EA0][u]Mistranslation:[/u][/color] Cailyn has a thick foreign accent, which has stayed with her entire life. It usually makes people have a hard time understanding her by calling her other names. She also has a weird way of trying to say other's names with her accent. It's a bit of a hurdle for her to make some people laugh or be heavily insulted even though she was trying her best to introduce herself. As such, it does also make her seem threatening even though she isn't. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Acute Amnesia / Obsession (Soul Bane Katana Induced):[/u][/color] Cailyn has acute amnesia, which blocks her memories and life before she became apart of the Dragon Fang Guild to help others. Unbeknownst to her, it's all because of the Soul Bane Katana's Corruption of her body, causing this amnesia. As such, she only knows her daughter is still alive, but that's about it to her intuition of being a mother. Cailyn also has an obsession with the Soul Bane Katana, which makes her look slightly insane talking to a non-sentient magic sword, but she doesn't know that right now. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Absentminded / Out of Touch:[/u][/color] Cailyn can sometimes be absentminded or out of touch with reality, where she sees past events in the Astegard Kingdom. As if they are happening now, mostly by seeing the Celestial Capital of the kingdom called Astevari Pennavor. It usually will take her to be gotten out of her out of touch or absentmindedness, but she'll, in the end, say something utterly nonsensical. However, this only happens during downtime periods, which are quite slow and not really quick or fast like a battlefield. [color=#5F9EA0][u]The Ultima Spells:[/u][/color] The Ultima Spells in her arsenal has many drawbacks compared to actually using them. These spells can only be used in desperate times since they are a close-ranged spell that expands into a larger magic explosion. She hasn't really become desperate enough to use these spells, and it's one of her personal failings, which she wishes to get over since what she is becoming does also have this failing within their soul. [color=#5F9EA0][u]Half-Soulerian:[/u][/color] Being a Half-Soulerian doesn't give her any of the buffs that a Soulerian or an Enlightened Soulerian gives. Even though her hearing and sight are much better than her Astegardian self, not much of a boost compared to the other two. All in all, Cailyn is hoping to become a Soulerian or even higher since she's being driven to become a Soulerian. [color=0b32f4][b]Greatest Love(s):[/b][/color] In terms of Cailyn's greatest loves are, in turn, keeping everyone around her by protecting them from harm with her magic. As well, the Soul Bane Katana is on the top of her list, it's a family heirloom weapon that is only used for one purpose, and that's not really fighting. Another one of her greatest loves is her Prime Goddesses and eight Adjuncts, and they help her throughout her whole life to live her own life. [color=0b32f4][b]Motivation:[/b][/color] Right now, her motivation is to become a full Soulerian and help others in the Dragon Fang Guild to understand and feel out other types of magic, hopefully. It is to bring the Soulerians back after no one continued the Pennavor Royal Family's legacy all those years ago. [color=0b32f4][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Cailyn's Soulerian Self][img] https://i.imgur.com/0ccyaso.png [/img] -=Credit for edit goes to [@twave]=-[/hider][hider=Her 20th birthday picture] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/96/55/e6/9655e63472167b343ac0330624c8e122.jpg [/img][/hider] Cailyn is a beautiful 27-year-old Half-Soulerian woman with an air of something missing or more going on around her. She wears black-colored clothes at all times because of her heritage of being apart of the Astegardian Royal Family Descendant. Her hair and eyes are part of her royal bloodline from the Astegard Kingdom, which glows an eerily brighter red during a full moon. She has fluffy pointed cat ears, replacing her normal human ears, eye color changes, and iris shape changes. Additionally, Cailyn is quite terrified and unable to stop what she has to do on the underlying surface; it’s a bit in her body language of how she acts. Whenever you look at her, she stares off into the distance, trying to remember a time from long ago, which makes her incredibly out of touch with reality. Her height is 5’6,” and she weighs 120 lbs, which is below her ideal weight. As well, her body language is unnerved, as if she’s always on edge and waiting for something to happen. Cailyn’s body shape is an hourglass figure, but she’s more leaning towards the Soulerian’s lithe version of it. Cailyn only has many black dresses, outfits, and whatnot that it feels right for her to honor her traditions of being a descendant of the ancient past queens of the Astegard Kingdom. She has an intricately designed umbrella, which has the national symbol of a crow for her far away continent homeland of Grand Kallos. Her skin color to an average person is much more white as a ghost than what is for people living in Fiore. It means she has to wear sunscreen on her skin, so she doesn’t get sunburnt. The picture above was taken on her 20th birthday before she started to become a Soulerian. [color=0b32f4][b]Additional Details:[/b][/color] -Cailyn lives in a one-story house in Oshibana Town, which her family has lived there ever since her ancestors left the Astegard Kingdom. Her new home is in Shirotsume Town, the Dragon Fang's Guild Hall Fourth Floor. She keeps up on the rent as much as she can since she has to take many jobs. -Cailyn has an Astegardian History Book to help people understand her history. It was given to her by her mother. -Cailyn is barely making it than her ancestors from the Astegard Kingdom, the Royal Family. -Cailyn can’t for the life of her remember where her daughter or husband is, but she knows at least her daughter is alive. -She has extra clothes on her in a bag, where she keeps her favorite family heirlooms, specifically her music box. She holds her harp on her person in a bag. [hider=The Pennavor Family] [color=0b32f4]Zack Erin Pennavor (Deceased/Husband - Her only picture of her husband, but can’t for the life of her remember how he died.)[/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/54/db/71/54db71f72740767bb5ae6890f5156f72.jpg [/img] [color=0b32f4]Julia Reed Pennavor (10, April 10, X884, Daughter and Alive - It is her only picture of what her daughter would look like at ten years old.)[/color] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ed/e4/09/ede4095f4ce8e2396b6dafba34b59281.jpg [/img][/hider][hider=Cailyn’s Impressions & Relationships with others] [color=0b32f4][b]Impressions & Relationships:[/b][/color] Jack Goran, Master of Dragon Fang: It makes her laugh every time that Prince makes him do something utterly hilarious like a firewall. However, she had finally given him that reaction because she’s turning into a Soulerian, which she is a Half-Soulerian now. However, Cailyn respects her guild master for how much he worked to keep Dragon Fang going. As such, she kind of deeply respects his use of Slayer magic since her religion disallows her from using slayer magic primarily. Everyone else isn’t a follower of her religion and doesn’t go too hard on people because of their use of magic. Only descendants of her family living in Fiore follow the Astegardian Religion. Prince, the Pantera of Dragon Fang: Her impression of Prince is that he's a bit of a trickster and causes Jack much trouble, but his tricks are pretty funny and hilarious. As well, Cailyn is a bit intrigued into what makes him, him by the fact, and she's turning into a not naturally occurring cat race, while Prince is of the Pantera race.[/hider][hider=Theme Songs] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1RsaPr3p8g] Original Song - CORRUPTION // Metal[/url] - The Soul Bane Katana’s outside of its sheath for Cailyn’s transformation into a Soulerian. - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIGL2xy8tx0] The Edge of Dawn (lyrics) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses[/url] - Just a good song. - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IId5hdXvvcE] The Celestial City - Stellaris Soundtrack[/url] - Remembering what the Astegard Kingdom’s Capital City of Astevari Pennavor looked like.[/hider][/center][/hider]