[center][color=ed1c24][h2]Joshua Tamashii[/h2] Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color] [@Lunarlord34] [@BlackMaiden] [@Zarkun][/center] Joshua at least at the decency to wince and look a bit regretful about his actions when Amaya scolded him. "[color=ed1c24]Sorry. You know I don't mean to worry you. I try to avoid it but I guess I'm just a bit too much of an idiot at times.[/color]" He said to her once there was a pause in the conversation, having listened to what James and Cody had to say as well, lowering his head. "[color=ed1c24]How about I make it up to you? I think... maybe one-thousand jewels of ice cream, your choice of flavors at the parlor of your choice? Does that sound like it'll help? We can go to any city you want as well.[/color]" Turning to Cody, he looked thoughtful as he examined his fellow guild member. "[color=ed1c24]I do have to agree with Amaya and James on this one. I understand the need to train and try and better yourself. But you do need to just take some time and relax. If you just focus on training, you'll eventually hit a rut and unless you take the time to relax and do some reflection, you'll likely get frustrated and make no progress.[/color]" He said, remembering his time in the East when Kirin had been training him. He had experienced many, many ruts back then. "[color=ed1c24]That being said, I do think you have a good idea in observing your betters. All martial arts training starts with the art of imitation. If you can't mimic the basics shown to you, you'll never get anywhere. That being said, after a bit of relaxing, would you like to do some training together? I'm a swordsman too you know. At the very least, having someone to spar with can often times be better then training alone. On top of that, I can help you stop yourself from training too much, which will help these two relax and not worry as much.[/color]" [center][color=fff200][h2]Amelia Averyonna[/h2] Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color] [@Zarkun] [@MarshiestMallow][/center] "[color=fff200]Well then...[/color]" Amelia said, looking around the guildhall before spotting Penny and shouting to her. "[color=fff200]Thank you for the chocolates Penny![/color]" With her thanks given, Amelia turned back to Damian before looking thoughtful. "[color=fff200]Not much has really happened that I know of. I've mostly been trying to figure out the location of the at least one of the remaining two Riders. I only got Styx and Acheron to find yet. But, sadly, it's taking more time then I imagined. I suspect their locations where exceptionally well hidden due to their powers. Other then that, Mama and Papa are at some sort of meeting with Master Jack, but I don't know what that's about. I don't know where Sam is though. I should probably go looking for her, make sure she's not in trouble. Maybe she's out playing with Elyse or something though. But if she's not, I can only hope she's okay and then she isn't hurt or anything.[/color] [center][color=f26522][h2]Pyrrha Arvanitas[/h2] Dragon Fang Guild Hall[/color] [@Zarkun][/center] Indeed, Pyrrha was not a fan of money being spent on her but at the mention of going to Hargeon, her eyes lit up a bit as she turned towards Jake. "[color=f26522]Really?! We can go to Hargeon?! Can we go to one of those restaurants by the ocean! I can only imagine how fresh the fish must be at those places. If we get there when the sun is setting, I bet it'll look so beautiful as well![/color]" She said excitedly before catching herself. Her cheeks quickly grew red as she looked away and spoke in a more subdued tone. "[color=f26522]B-but I guess any restaurant there would do. I don't really got anything fancy to wear to places like that so I would look... really out of place.[/color]"