Unlucky nodded to himself. This confirmed it - this section, at least, was basically Alien KPS Division. He'd read many of the KPS reports himself, of course, and the apparently random containment features reminded him very much of the Divison's own - not a few found by trial-and-error, since among the dangerous paranatural things and phenomena stored there were things that Aotrs science and magic COULDN'T explain (not could safely destroy). As well as little, inconsequential things like [i]sealed gods[/i] and the like that they understood perfectly well, but needed VERY solid security... (Whatstherefaces, the five the Aotrs had trapped on Temnis before Unlucky was even born and whose names escaped him - if he'd even known them - must be pretty pissed by this point.) Though it begged the question of why bring it HERE, to a planet, rather than, as the Aotrs had, move it to a nice, safe facility in orbit like the KPS base in orbit of Kalanoth's sun. Again, it suggested some sort of retreat away from something - perhaps a major failure at their old primary facility? But even so, why not keep this stuff in one of the orbs and drop it off in orbit, either near the sun - or, as was an increasinly alarming possibility, if this star was itselg and unexplainable paranatural phenomenon, at the other end of the solar system. Unlucky looked for a promising candiate to have a very close look. Again, there was NO WAY he was going to actually [i]touch[/i] one, especially if this was KPS-Division stuff, but if he could slip into the containmnt chamber for a minute (long enough fo a good scan), that would do. (And, assuming that didn't result in Problems... He figured, back to the computer.)