Nestled in a large enchanted forest, stood the large Fae City of Ali'theer; One of the most prosperous kingdoms of the land. This city was full of Scientists and Alchemists, Philosophers and Merchants, Warriors and Mages; Trade was Wealth, the city was well fortified to ensure they were safe, no matter what. Ali'theer housed a large, lavish castle; standing on a gorgeous swade of land, a luscious garden surrounding every inch of the castle. The Royal Gardens housing many creatures that left much to the imagination; it was even said that A Pegasus and a Dragon lived within the grounds. This Castle was known as Castle T'or; as it housed the Royal Family of Fae that controlled Ali'theer. King Argrean was both feared and loved by his people; his claim to royalty a mystery to most of the citizens of his land. He ruled carefully and for the most part, fairly. He only asked for one thing; Complete and Total obedience. He garnered respect out of fear, and had his ways to twist other kingdoms around them into working for him rather than with him. Queen Emmerdale was the opposite of her Husband; She was loved and adored by her people. She was known as the 'Queen of the Hunt', ruling over the hunters and gatherers of the city with a soft gaze. She kept the forest that the Kingdom stood in flourishing; but these days she is often stuck inside the castle, as Argrean doesn't want to allow her too much freedom. Princess Vianna no longer lived within the castle, the oldest child of the two Royals. She was married off to another Royal Kingdom of Fae, and had a good handful of children. The final person within the castle is Prince Fenn. The only son of Argrean and Emmerdale, the 'heir' to the castle itself once his pass away within the next thousand or so years. Not that Fenn really [i]cared[/i] too much about that anyway. Fenn didn't see himself as a 'Prince'; he took the role under his mother of undertaking the Mantle of ruling the 'Wild', as well as sneaking out under his father gaze to go off to find and dismantle poacher groups and traps. Fenn was said to be something completely special; so said the Fates- Very Old, Powerful Fae who could see into the future and got visions of things that were going to happen. The Fates said that Fenn was going to do something amazing for the lands, not just the Kingdom itself; but as they Fates are, they were cryptic and vague, which caused Fenn to roll his eyes and not take the vision too seriously. But there was something boiling on the horizon, a nearby human Kingdom was encroaching on their forest; starting to make paths into the woods itself, which caused scuffles between protectors of the edge and the Kingdom knights who joined the builders. Tensions were rising now, and a war seemed to brim aggressively from either side. Argrean awaited the chance to demolish the humans with his army of strong Fae, but was surprised when he was send a letter from the Human Kingdom; proposing Peace and... A Merger. [hr] King Argrean sat in his carriage as it headed to the meeting point of both sides, he kept his eyes away from his son Fenn; he was already angry at him not dressing the way he instructed him to. A small Fae Advisor sat on the other side of the Carriage, as they were mainly there to keep note of everything and make sure that Fenn behaved himself. Queen Emmerdale would join later, but Argrean had told her to not join them as the peace treaty was a Mans job, and she was to come in when they needed the two Queens to plan out the wedding. Argrean didn't want her butting in at all when it came to negotiations; knowing she would show favour to the humans rather than the Fae, as she was known to be too 'soft' to those Argrean saw as enemies. Fenn toyed with his gloves as the carriage moved along, flexing his fingers in them before his sharp claw-like nails easily tore straight through the leather. "Oop." Fenn said softly before he pulled his gloves off with a sigh, "Mamma's not going to like that." "No." Argrean rumbled angrily, "Your [i]mother[/i] will be disappointed you broke the gloves she made for you." He said as he looked out side the carriage.