Richard looked over at the Fae Prince for the first time due to his little... outburst, dropping his neutral expression for a split second as a frown formed on his face. He certainly wouldn't let his own son speak to him like that, though it did seem like the Fae King had it mostly under control, as after a brief word the Fae Prince did settle down. He turned back to Argrean, holding back a sigh. "Of course," he replied. "Likewise, I agree to everything. Arrangements have already been made to allow for the Fae Prince's stay in my kingdom." He looked back at the Prince again, for just a moment. "May have to teach him some proper manners, but no worries, we'll get him in shape in no time." Anthony, on the other hand, seemed... a little more concerned, regarding the Fae Prince's outburst, compared to his father's clear annoyance at least. Of course, Anthony had known that the plan was for the Fae Prince to join them, staying in their kingdom, and he assumed that the Fae Prince knew as well - how curious, that he seemingly didn't. Still, when the Prince gave him a small smile, Anthony found himself returning it, almost trying to silently communicate that he was sorry about this whole situation, as it was becoming clearer and clearer that he was not happy with this arrangement, much like Anthony himself.