Argrean was almost pleasantly surprised that Richard said he could visit any time, he knew Emmerdale would be more than happy to meet with the humans on any whim that she could think of, or simply even just going to dote on Fenn whenever she wanted to. "Well if you wouldn't mind," Argrean spoke, choosing his words carefully. "If you wish to take Fenn back with you now, Emmerdale and I would love to have dinner at yours?" He offered with a soft smile, well, a soft smile for him at least. Fenn listened to his father, and at the mention of him going back with Richard his ears drooped backwards, but he glanced to his dad at the mention of his mother coming. He hoped having his mother there would allow a more... calming atmosphere, as she was someone who could command a softer air around her. "And of course," Argrean started again, catching Fenn off guard, "The Queens can talk over the preparations for the wedding, which I believe you said you were happy to have in your gardens?" He tilted his head slightly, "Of course the wedding won't take long to plan and could possibly be ready within... a week?"