"Getting to the castle will not be a smooth road unforunately as Much as i wished it to Be Vladmir. We have 400 miles of demon country to go through before getting even close to the castle. First pack, Lucky for you , you got the girl with the knowladge and the snake with the fangs to keep us better pretected if we had no people with us. But now w must pack a bit more before heading down to the road. She said wisely and waved to the warriors and walked away slowly to her horse that snorted and she gets on slowly as her snake coils around the horse stomach softly and the horse was never spooked by the large snake. She rode back to the castle and dismounted to go to her room to get some items that would held and blinked opening a black box with the demon sword that was granted to her by her father long ago. She closed her eyes and then broke the sword "i will not be what i once was" she mutters and watches the sword vanish into shadows. She went to her box and pulls out a necklace that belonged to her mother and strapped it to her normal sword and closed her eyes. "I don't know where you are, I hope to make you proud mom. I will find you and bring you home one day" she swore slowly and then with that had her things lightly packed up and put on her horse. She shrunk her snake down to make a foot long. She smiles and waited for Vladmir to be ready. She closed her eyes gently thinking to hwerself listenign to the ocean breeze rush past her and opned her eyes looking at the many stars and swore two where shining brightly in the sky above her.