[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/kAJen7P.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/9a22d700f276ef2833cce9b929a083bd.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] [color=add8e6]"Vhy do you kome if it is overrrvhelming?"[/color] Anastasia was immediately taken aback by the mans thick Russian accent. Such an accent was the last thing she expected to hear in this podunk town. What was a man like himself doing here, exactly? He stuck out like a sore thumb, which is exactly the opposite of what she was trying to do. She pondered on his question for a moment, [color=FFC300]"I don't know."[/color] She simply stated, smiling back at him. Although the answer was simple, it felt nerve wracking to give such a succinct and unjustified answer. In the past she had felt the need to explain her answers for nearly everything. Everything had to be rock solid, no room for argument. "I don't know" wasn't a thing, but it was now, and it felt freeing. She was allowed not to have an answer for everything, she told herself. Ana shrugged as he turned down her offer of ice cream, thinking it was his loss. She took another bite of her ice cream and looked ahead to the individuals who were playing corn hole. She had played before, but she was no good at it. Aim was not exactly in her wheelhouse, but she still had fun with it. Ana's attention quickly shifted as she noticed a small redheaded woman slink her way behind the Russian man. Ana glanced over at the blonde man, wondering if this was a person he knew. The way the redheaded girl was acting was odd to say the least. [color=c4df9b]“Hey. Udders. Can you get lost? The cows are getting milked over there. Also the ice cream innuendo is super obvious and really weird. Please stop and get some help.”[/color] Ana's mouth dropped open at the sudden berating from the girl, truly shocked. She glanced down at her chest; were her "assets" really that noticeable in this dress?! So much for blending in. She looked back up at the girl, then to the Russian, then back to the girl before she burst out in delightful laughter. It had been a very long time since someone had been as bold as that to speak to Ana in such a way. It was actually refreshing to have someone around who wasn't afraid that they would get whacked the moment they misstepped around her should her husband get wind of it. [color=FFC300]"I like you."[/color] She giggled, pointing at the redheaded girl with her tiny pink spoon, completely unfazed by her comments. Ana had heard much worse. Her eyes moved to the Russian man again who was practically being crawled upon by the girl now. [color=FFC300]"You two know each other?"[/color] She questioned, assuming they must from the way they touched. Ana began to wonder if there was something sinister going on with this man - the redheaded girl looked very young in comparison to him. [hr] [right][sub][@Zora][@Viciousmarrow][/sub][/right]