[hider=Caelan Maxwell] [center][h3][b]Caelan Maxwell[/b][/h3][/center] [hider=Guapo huh?] [img]https://storage.googleapis.com/pai-images/a96736861d2a4e159fb78e6ba73b8f14.jpeg[/img] [/hider] "Listen 'ere pal, ah dinnae hae time tae stick aroond 'n' listen tae ye babble oan. A've git far tae mony hings tae dae. " [b]Age[/b]: 42 [b]Appearance[/b]: A lanky fellow, toned build, skin tanned from long hours spent in the heat and light of the sun. A well muscled form under leather jacket, and synth-fiber runners trousers. Spiked runners boots. His body pretty much unblemished by augment or implant, except for a single cyberlink port on his left wrist, that has perpetually red aggravated skin about the interface point. Well callused hands, and scars litter his arms and knees. [b]Faction[/b]: Sk8te [b]Sk8te Cell[/b]: The Jolly Moggies of Morris Road, Morris Road is a short alley,branching off Metro Street, located between four Corporate enclaves or minor branch offices. Morris Road is considered the main throughfare that links the four Enclaves, but is technically claimed by the Jolly Moggies. The Jolly's number maybe 100, and take alot of jobs from the four enclaves as couriers and salvagers and are often paid with food, goods and items through that. [b]Background[/b]: Morris Road, once upon a time it was just another back alley branching off Metro Street. Home to one of the best Burns Supper restaurants in all of Megacity. Also home to a flourishing and proud Irish and Scottish population. Since time immemorial, Morris Street has been alive and kicking. As time went on Morris road remained a place of color, and unique culture. Highland Games events being held, as well as some very wicked games of Hurling, Bulldog and Camogie. But it'd be several centuries later, in the time of the Geonet, and the Megacity that it got really interesting. Morris Road continued to be a place of culture, but, had since fallen into a state of disrepair. Flanked now by four immense Corporate mini-enclaves, two from Gellar Energies, another from Julion Enterprises and the last by Breathe Right Medical Conglomerate. Morris Road and afew of it's surviving original buildings are now replaced with towering habblocks, apartment stacks, consumer blocks and corporate ad spaces. Within these places and often enough above the semi-beautified road, in among the towers and concrete blocks, is a new and thriving group. Known as Sk8ters. Locally known as the "Jolly Moggies" remnants of the culturally unique and tight knit community of Morris Road. Among them is an older man, Caelan Maxwell, not the oldest, but not quite a young sprig anymore either, unlike some of the kids that make up about 60% of the cell these days. Most of the old hands operating as teachers and elders. Caelan isn't quite there. He still goes on Runs, and takes jobs from the enclaves. Just not quite as fast as he used to be. He spends time patroling the outer reaches of the cell territory, making sure more belligerant cells don't make odds at the Moggies, or Corp tac-teams try and run them out. Caelan thinks of himself as an inventor, for a very unfortunate reason, and because he thinks it's fun to make things that defy the cards he's been dealt. Taking scrap and salvage and turning it into something that can take him to new heights. Cybernetics: Except for a very basic Mk.1 Zilodix Cyberlink, Caelan has no other cybernetics or implants. Weapons/Tools: Tesla Corp. Mk.4 Electro-caster {Jail Broken} - A civilian version, easy to get, easy to use, quite legal, stun gun, using ion caster technology to throw a pair of differing charge ion beams and then firing a high voltage beam of electricity along the beams. Caelan's jail-broken version casts a much high power beam, where the civilian non jail broken version will put down an assailant for a few minutes long enough to get away, Caelans version will put out a street cop or riot geared Tac team member out for atleast a few hours, and even fry a low grade sec-bots internals. Maxwell Ent. Climbing Gloves - One of Caelan's own inventions, mechanical powered climbing gloves that enhance his grip strength and reflexes. Large metal and plastic exo-skeletal gloves that he can slot over his hands and forearms, powered with a plasma battery allowing him to get atleast 7 hours of climbing time out of them. In a pinch they can be used like giant boxing gloves. Maxwell Ent. Grapnel Gun - Another of Caelan's own creations. Mounted on a belt harness, with a 200 yard high tensile wire attached to a high grade spike that can punch into any material short of heavy armor. Allowing for secure traversal of long distances without the use of jump packs. Maxwell Ent. Single Blade Light Shoes - Modified Keller brand hover boots. The light hover capabilities have been ramped up several orders of magnitude, taking the form of a single blue blade of hover energy. Caelan takes a kind of speed skate stance when in use, allowing him to move at high speeds on solid ground. Likes: List some things your character likes - The Dawn from on top of a sky scraper - The feeling of danger and speed during a high speed run - The Freedom felt when taking a long leap off a hab stack Dislikes: List some things your character dislikes - Loss of culture and identity - Lack of Freedom to do what he can for his family and friends - The proliferation of the Corporate agenda Quirks: Add some details that make your character unique! Can be an odd habit or just some information not revealed in the image or the backstory! - Caelan is allergic to Augmetics and implantation. This was discovered as a youth when he went to have his data jack implanted. The surgery nearly cost him his hand. Removal of the data jack can't even occur without potentially costing his arm. - Caelan's graffiti tag is a giant CM monograph with electrical symbols cascading off it - Caelan has a love/hate relationship with the tech corps. Such is he pretends to have a illegal corp of his own which he calls well, "Maxwell Enterprises". And tacks it onto anything he comes up himself. Places of Interest: Caelan's Workshop - Located at the apex of one of the corp ad pillars with power supplied by several spliced in cables directly into the pillars power source. Cobbled together from salvaged flooring and bits of steel, wood and concrete that he carted up to the top of the pillar and then melded together. The three room building is somehow very well hidden among the blazing lights of the ad pillar, it's there that he tinkers away at his little inventions. And dabbles in his science. Morris Road ground level - if not up on the roof tops, or on a delivery run or other job, Caelan can be found roaming up and down Morris Road ground level, people watching or shop lifting food and items from shops. [/hider]