[center][h3]Komatsu Bay[/h3][/center] [center][b]BREAKTHROUGH[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (SHI), [@Crowvette], [@Restalaan] (SKA) ~[/center] "[color=6ecff6]What the--?! Let go of me![/color]" Underestimating [u]Io[/u], Merneptah was caught off-guard when the Lich latched onto him and started draining his spirit energy. The lightning spell aimed at [u]Skarsneek[/u] was interrupted as the required energy to cast it was stolen away. [u]Io[/u] swelled with power as she absorbed a high amount of spirit energy from a spellcaster. She would feel as if she could tear the land asunder with a single spell. Merneptah swatted [u]Io[/u] away with his staff, just in time for him to block the first strike of [u]Shizuka's[/u] Gale's Fang technique which negated the attack. Still, the attack was powerful enough to break the staff into two. Merneptah was sent stumbling back and upon noticing his shattered staff, he angrily threw the two pieces away before holding up his hands. Two ethereal khopesh swords manifested in his palms, and those who can sense energy would feel that this spell took the last of Merneptah's magical reserves. "[color=6ecff6]You all are little more than worms and maggots![/color]" He pointed one blade at [u]Shizuka[/u] and [u]Io[/u] and the other at [u]Skarsneek[/u]. [center]---[/center] [center]~ [@The Irish Tree] (LIL) ~[/center] [quote=Liliana][color=f49ac2][b]"Don't go thinking the minotaur's the only one that'll kick your butt!"[/b][/color][/quote] "[color=f49ac2]Agh![/color]" The bite made the Champion release [u]Liliana[/u] and the warrior Fairy used this chance to blind her Varjan opponent with a spell. "[color=f49ac2]I can't see! What the hell did you do to me?![/color]" The Champion flailed around, grasping for anything to stabilize him. He was defenseless against [u]Liliana's[/u] onslaught. At least at first. The Champion then suddenly blocked one of [u]Liliana's[/u] swings with a javelin and kicked her away with surprising coordination. "[color=f49ac2]My butt's not so easy to kick, as you'll see. You think blindness will deter me?! I'm a hearing kind of warrior, you know? I don't need to see you to defeat you![/color]" Unfortunately for the hearing-focused Champion, his environment was anything but quiet. The screams and shouts of the battle raging behind him prevented him from detecting an enormous being loom behind him. With one swing of his humongous axe, the summoned Minotaur sent the Varjan Champion flying and crashing through the wall of the barracks. When [u]Liliana[/u] looked though the hole, she saw the unconscious, perhaps even dead, body of the javelin-throwing Varjan Champion. The summoned Minotaur continued wreaking havoc on the hapless Varjans, who were routing and running away. In a few moments, the summoned monster would disappear back to where he came from so [u]Liliana[/u] need not worry for his safety. Perhaps it is time to reunite with the others? [hr] [center][h3]Shizuyama Wilderness[/h3][/center] [center][b]TEACHER AND STUDENT[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Rezod92] ~[/center] [quote=Kerry Maros][color=fff79a]"Now unless you want to end up like your two friends over there, where's Setsuna?"[/color][/quote] "[color=aba000]Somewhere where you'll never reach![/color]" One of the Footmen archers answered before shooting arrows at [u]Kerry[/u]. Spurred by his comrade's bravery, the other archer also fired. They missed, of course, thanks to [u]Kerry's[/u] mastery over flight and speed and soon, two arrows landed on both the Footmen's necks. Courtesy of Takamori, who strode to [u]Kerry[/u] with heavy steps. Also incredibly unamused judging from his contorted face. "[color=yellow]What kind of fight was that?! I didn't peg you the type to play with your food![/color]" He immediately scolded [u]Kerry[/u]. "[color=yellow]Is that what you'll do when you fight Setsuna?! You're gonna mouth off while letting her think of ten different plans as to how to escape from you or maybe even kill you?[/color]" Takamori was livid, his eye even twitching from abject anger. [hr] [center][h3]Shizuyama Wilderness[/h3][/center] [center][b]THE HUSBAND[/b][/center] [center]~ [@The Irish Tree] (EUL) ~[/center] "[color=mediumslateblue]Hmph. I said nothing about sending peasants to die. But if she wants to get herself killed fighting those students again, then who am I to stop her?[/color]" Sorae remarked as [u]Alice[/u] left. "[color=mediumslateblue]Whatever. Let's go.[/color]" Sorae then led [u]Eula[/u] out of Terauchi Temple and into the wilds of Shizuyama, where the stone paths turned to damp dirt. "[color=mediumslateblue]Look there.[/color]" She pointed at the footprints on the soft soil left behind by the Varjans who attacked the temple during the last assault. "[color=mediumslateblue]Mostly large Varjan boots, right? But look at that set...[/color]" Sorae pointed to a set of footprints differently-shaped from all the others. They were smaller and only led out of Terauchi Temple. "[color=mediumslateblue]That's probably Kana. Let's follow it.[/color]" The tracks led Sorae and [u]Eula[/u] a little far away from Terauchi Temple, towards a small cemetery situated on the side of the road. The other side of the road being several fields of rice paddies. However, the duo saw a group of Varjan Brigands in the middle of the road, appearing to have captured someone. Sorae quickly led [u]Eula[/u] behind some gravestones so they could get a better look. "[color=mediumslateblue]The Varjans have somebody... Damn them! It's Kana![/color]" Indeed, the small Varjan group have captured a peasant woman who was apparently the wife the duo were looking for. The Varjans laughed as they tied up their newly-captured villager, oblivious to the presence of [u]Eula[/u] and Sorae watching them. "[color=mediumslateblue]We need to deal with the Varjans before they take her away.[/color]" There were about three Brigands and two Warriors in the group, but there was also one Firethrower standing silently to the side. "[color=mediumslateblue]You said you'll have trouble fighting, right? You wanna sit this one out while I take care of them?[/color]" Sorae asked her Automaton companion. [center][h3]Fort Tanabe[/h3][/center] [center][b]SECOND CHANCE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (HIN), [@Restalaan] (GRI) ~[/center] The Wardogs arrived before their masters and Kikyo was ready to battle them . However, [u]Hinami[/u] greeted the canines with her three-sectioned staff. The Jiangshi's powerful strikes made short work of the Wardogs, the animals whimpering as they fell. Then there were the oncoming Varjan Brigands, but [u]Gringor[/u] came upon them in return. With one horizontal slash from his axe, he dispatched one of the Brigands. The other ducked in time and attempted to retaliate against the High Orc but Kikyo used [u]Gringor[/u] to launch herself into the air for a downwards strike against the surviving Brigand. The result was a head rolling away from its body. The fighting soon died down as the last Varjan had a sword thrust into his back. When the imprisoned warriors realized they won, they raised their weapons and cheered. "[color=00a99d]Here's to Lady Kikyo and Lord Takeshi! I knew they wouldn't forget us![/color]" More cheering occurred after and Kikyo approached the prisoners to ask them about their conditions. Shortly after, Kikyo returned to [u]Hinami[/u] and [u]Gringor[/u]. "[color=lavender]I've got some strange news, yokai. These men said they weren't treated badly by the Varjans. They were treated more like guests, just in cages.[/color]" The warrior woman grimaced as she wracked her brain for possible answers. "[color=lavender]The Varjans are glad to torture and enslave other Shizuyamans, but not these warriors? What are they planning...?[/color]" [center]---[/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (ATS) ~[/center] [quote=Atsuha Hangai][color=9e0b0f]"Are you alright? Let me inspect your skin, you might get infected!"[/color][/quote] The Wardogs let out pitiful whimpers when [u]Atsuha[/u] summoned branches that jutted from the soil to impale them in their abdomens. No more Varjans approached the two and in fact, it seemed the garrison of this prison had been wiped out by the prisoners with the help of Kikyo, [u]Hinami[/u] and [u]Gringor[/u]. [u]Atsuha[/u] had quickly run to Takeshi's side to inspect his wounds. "Haha! Come on, Atsuha. I'm way tougher than what you give me credit for." The young master attempted to reassure the Jorou-Gumo. However, inspecting his left arm revealed bleeding bite wounds. "Uhh, I've had worse...?" "What about you, Atsuha? Are you alright?" Takeshi asked. "Sorry that I couldn't get here earlier." He also apologized before looking at the prisoners gathering around Kikyo. "What of the prisoners? Did they give you any hard time when you were rescuing them?" [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center]~ [@Enkryption] (CRL) ~[/center] [quote=Carroll]"[color=808080][i]I understand, if you can't, of course. After all, I doubt you have much experience with Wonderlandian metals and smithing.[/i][/color]"[/quote] "[color=fff79a]Of course not, but the same could be said of a normal sword from a normal Shizuyaman warrior.[/color]" The swordsmith replied. "[color=fff79a]For me, every blade is unique. As recognizable as a person, lady yokai.[/color]" The swordsmith then grabbed Benihime to examine it more closely. "[color=fff79a]Although, your weapons are... more unique than most. I have not heard of weapons that were also your arms. Truly, the weapons of the yokai are as exquisite as they are exotic.[/color]" Putting down the scissor-blade, the swordsmith then grabbed both and brought them over to the side of his shop, silently urging [u]Carroll[/u] to follow him. Benihime and Nozarashi were brought to the smith's sharpening setup. He first put the two swords leaning on a post before asking a passing peasant to fetch him a bucket of water from the well. "[color=fff79a]I hope Shizuyama's sharpening techniques will serve your Wonderlandian blades just as much as it does our blades. Unfortunately, our equipment here is limited. Please, do understand.[/color]" Once the bucket of water was received, the swordsmith took a low chair as well as a wooden plank held up by thick sticks of wood. The assembly of the latter looked sturdy. Rectangular blocks of differing stones were put inside the water pail. After some time passed, the swordsmith took two of the blocks and placed them on the plank. He then took Nozarashi and placed it on the block, also taking a handful of water to wet it. Then began the process of the actual sharpening, the smith sliding Nozarashi against the stone. His movements were precise and quick but also delicate and respectful. [center]---[/center] [center]~ [@Enkryption] (ALI) ~[/center] Asking around as to the whereabouts of the storyteller Katsuhiro, [u]Alice[/u] was pointed to a corner in the temple grounds. There, [u]Alice[/u] saw a silver-haired musician surrounded by children and their parents. Apparently, he just got done regaling a lighthearted tale for the young ones. A simple, happy story to at least distract them from their bleak situation. After the parents have taken their children away, Katsuhiro took notice of [u]Alice[/u]. "[color=honeydew]Greetings, madam yokai. Hmm, you look familiar but I don't think we've met before. What can I do for you?[/color]" He greeted [u]Alice[/u], not recognizing the latter. "[color=honeydew]Nothing too physical, of course, but if you are interested in Shizuyama's legends and history, then I am more than happy to assist you there.[/color]" [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] [hider=Breakthrough (ONGOING)] "Lady Kyouko needs a port to dock her fleet to properly engage the Varjan armada and deliver supplies, and that port will be Komatsu Bay. If we're going to liberate the fortress, we'll need help and Ayu says she has a friend for the job. We can join her and go to this friend's house, just outside Komatsu Bay." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [hider=Second Chance (ONGOING)] "We almost have everything we need to save my father. However, we cannot leave the refugees of Terauchi Temple defenseless. We need warriors to fortify and defend the temple while we are away. Kikyo knows of some imprisoned warriors who can help replenish our ranks." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=Teacher And Student (ONGOING)] "Lord Takamori said that his traitorous daughter, Setsuna, is training Varjan archers in Ōmiya. I know this frightens him, even if he tries to hide it. If we don't find her and end this, there may be no stopping the archers, and no hope for Ōmiya Springs. We need to see Lord Takamori immediately." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Husband (ONGOING)] "Lady Sorae told me that Kana, Sogen's wife, has disappeared during the attack on the temple. She wants help tracking her down as Kana is the only lead we have on the identities and whereabouts of the killers of Clan Tokinomiya." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by. "You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood." "People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news. "Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause." "Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained." [/hider] [hider=Bottoms Up] A peasant man warming his hands on a bonfire noticed the taskforce member passing by. "Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike] "Dealing with these students of the Heavenly Strike was more difficult than we thought. They have already thrown back two of the taskforce. However, the yokai fought them separately and at different times, so perhaps a more cooperative approach would be more fruitful." -Takeshi Oja [/hider]