[hider=Claire Turner] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/7a/2a/f17a2a9b5e457d0e4c8a367f39b989f6.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Claire Turner [b]Gender:[/b] ♀ [b]Personality:[/b] A wanderer at heart, Claire likes to think of herself as the type of person who doesn’t stick around one place for too long, but who leaves lots of memories and stories in her wake. She tries to be assertive and confident with people she hasn’t met, forward and hopefully with an easy charm that makes people like her. She tries to pursue what she wants, not letting the opinions and concerns of others hold her back and hopes that it comes across as decisive rather than selfish. Enigmatic; or at least she wants to be. Claire knows more about the people around her than they know about her and that is entirely intentional; part of it is asking questions, being friendly and getting people to talk about themselves, but it is also a deliberate desire to be secretive and dodge any return questions, but in a teasing way that plays up the mystery around herself. The ties in to Claire’s aloof nature; she had an easy time dealing with other people socially, but prefers to avoid attachments. She doesn’t keep friendships, at least not for long ad tries to keep her distance from people. [b]History:[/b] Claire is a normal girl from a relatively small town in the Northern prefectures of Japan. As a kid she was fond of sports, very energetic and had more in common with the boys her age than the girls, but as she got older and her friends started to take their sports more seriously she drifted away from them. Instead she developed more of an interest in nerdy hobbies and took a liking to sci-fi, fantasy and anime; in particular she became interested in the game of Duel Monsters after watching the shows in middle school. Luckily, her school had a club for the game that was fairly popular and after playing a few games with a borrower deck she started buying packs and made her own. As you’d expect from a first attempt, it was pretty bad and she lost a lot of game, but her new friends were helpful and helped her to improve both the deck and as a player and she ended up becoming pretty good at the game; one of the best in her small town at least. Aside from the card game, after moving to high school Claire developed an interest in engines and mechanics; particularly motorcycles, something inspired by the fact that the older brother of one of her friends had bought and was repairing an old motorcycle in their garage. The fact that she had a crush on the brother had nothing to do with it, she swears. Clair offered to help him, despite not knowing anything about it at the time, and although it started as an excuse to spent time with him, she developed a genuine interest in the subject. As a teen, Clair started to have strange dreams; dreams about monsters and things in the shadows that were sinister and malicious. At first they were like regular nightmares, indistinct and scary, but over time they became clearer; clear enough that she began to recognise some of the monsters in her dreams as coming from the game of Duel Monsters. She thought nothing of this, dismissing them as the product of an over active imagination, until she started to see things in real life too. Shadows out of the corner of her eye that were gone when she turned to look, silhouettes in the dark that might have been something inhuman, bumps in the night that no one else heard. The nightmares continued to wear away at her and now it seemed like they had followed her to the waking world too, something she knew she could never tell anyone. Not without being called crazy. It all culminated in one night, a couple of weeks after her graduation from high school, when one of her nightmares decided to show themselves to her, plain as day, as she was walking home one night. Claire tried to ignore it, it wasn’t real after all, monsters couldn’t be real, but when it came close enough that she could feel its breath on her face, smell the musk of its body and its claws pricking her skin? It had to be real. Claire ran that night. Ran all the way home, to gather her belongings and what money she could and her Duel Monster deck for some instinctive reason and packed her bags. She ran to her friend’s house, to their garage, and let herself in with a spare key to take the motorcycle she had helped rebuild. She ran to the open road on a stolen bike without telling anyone where she was going, in fear of the monsters that had been stalking her for years by this point and who no longer seemed content to staying in the shadows. [b]Deck(s):[/b] [hider=Metalfoes] [u]Monsters (22)[/u] 3x Metalfoes Volflame 3x Metalfoes Goldriver 3x Metalfoes Silverd 3x Metalfoes Steelen 1x Metalfoes Vanisher 3x Metalfoes Melcaster 3x Metalfoes Bismugear 3x Baobaboon [u]Spells (10)[/u] 3x Painful Decision 1x Pot of Riches 2x Parametalfoes Fusion 2x Metalfoes Fusion 2x Fullmetalfoes Fusion [u]Traps (8)[/u] 3x Metalfoes Counter 2x Metalfoes Combination 2x First-Aid Squad 1x Fists of the Unrivalled Tenyi [u]Extra Deck (15)[/u] 1x Metalfoes Crimsonite 2x Metalfoes Orichalc 1x Parametalfoes Azortless 2x Metalfoes Mithrilium 2x Fullmetalfoes Alkahest 1x Number 17: Leviathan Shark 1x Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale 2x Heavymetalfoes Amalgam 1x Heavymetalfoes Electrumite 1x Duelittle Chimera 1x Beyond The Pendulum [/hider] [/hider]