[quote=@Almalthia] [@TheNoCoKid] No worries. I have another concept I can toss at you. I just figured with the year being [i][b]WAY[/b][/i] beyond what normal Cyberpunk is set at just thought I might toss in a character that is normal in a tabletop setting. [@Wayward] Thank you for taking the time to do a breakdown of your opinion on my character. Ideally that is the GM or Co-GMs job but I appreciate you took the time out of your day to give opinions. It means you read it and even though nothing was really constructive in any way I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't really mean to come off as a condescending jerk. Which you did, but again I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't meant that way cause ya know text. Hard to read inflection and all that jazz. Much appreciated that you took the time to read it. [/quote] The glaring issue from my own perspective are the hubs. Being unhackable is to a computer system what invulnerable/indestructible would be for physical beings, or being impossible to dodge or block would be for an attack; in the context of RPing, such qualities would generally fall under the umbrella of a powerplay. Simply establishing a difficulty in hacking them would be a starting point, I think, as would limiting the locations (Neosky and the Spire would seem least likely to have them as the former likely wouldn't have the infrastructure to accommodate it, and the latter should be legitimately guarded well enough that setting up shop there would compromise the rogue AI. It is, in large part, a matter of conceding some ground in terms of just how capable the character is relative the world/universe of the RP; by all rights there should be systems that can't be breached without copious effort, creative/genius tech wizards that could, in time, crack the AI's code so as to challenge it, and mysteries/cases that are too deep, complicated, or covered up to be properly solved without assistance. Most of this does come down to how you'd intend to apply the character in practice; eg - the events that play out IC present a greater challenge than normal to the AI. Other than that part, my personal question is if the Android body's physical prowess is primarily in its mobility. Is it something in the vein of it's fast and agile, but otherwise relies on fast, attrition-based combat? Is it otherwise easy to overpowered and/or takes a lot of physical damage when it's caught or is hit? Just a few things worth considering if you're really into the concept. It is a solid idea. Just that on paper it has a lot of potential for abuse, though having not RP'd with you before, I can give the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't do so. This is all just me talking as a player; just voicing my thoughts so they don't drive me crazy for being bottled up for too long. From this point on though, I promise to divert any further conversation to PMs.