[hider=Xiang Min Purnama] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240402/a93083f93f5168063bd6469114b732e1.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.donmai.us/original/02/e2/__yang_xiao_long_and_atlesian_knight_200_rwby_drawn_by_puz_lee__02e29922c63108a938df1e151dab8596.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Pictured: Herself after surviving an ambush from a rival corporation. She was 35 at the time of the ambush.[/center][center][color=FFCE00][h3]"The questions of the day will not be resolved in Agreements or Compromises, it can only be resolved in Blood, and I don't intend to be the one whose blood is spilled."[/h3][/color][/center] [center]Xiang Min. When asked about the latest acquisition of Kemerotron Security into her company.[/center] [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Age:[/center][/h2][/color] [center]37[/center] [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Appearance:[/center][/h2][/color] [center]Typical individuals who live on the spire likes to dress to the nines. These are people who prefer fancy suits and dresses, or perhaps, trenchcoats made with the highest quality materials and an accompanying scarf. Xiang Min ditches all those pretenses and prefers to wear more 'lower class' outfits. Not really a person who prefers frissy and impractical dresses and suits. She likes outfits that can aid in her movement, is relatively easy for her to put on, and are easier to put out after a long day of work. Typically wearing a short skirt with shorts underneath, alongside a custom-made jacket as well as thigh-high socks and boots. Her fairly practical appearance is quite striking, especially for an individual who lives in the Spire[/center] [color=FFCE00][center][h2]Faction:[/h2][/center][/color] [center]Heirs[/center] [color=FFCE00][center][h2]Background:[/h2][/center][/color] Xiang Min Purnama was one of 2 daughters born from the quite reclusive, but wealthy Purnama family. Daughter of Lanfang Purnama and Dewi Sukacita Purnama. Her childhood years were spent in relative comfort within the Purnama estate, every conceivable luxury was available at her fingertips with Robot butlers and maids serving the Purnama family. Should things go relatively smoothly, Xiang Min would've been a shoe-in as the successor CEO of the Stalwart Corporation. The megacorporation her family rules with an iron fist. But two things occurred that changed the trajectory of her life forever. First, was when she stumbled into an archive of historical records and started studying the ancient philosophers and their texts when she was 15. She learned from many political thinkers, media pundits from back in the day, and all sorts of historical records. From Spinoza to Confucius to [url=https://www.youtube.com/@ContraPoints]Contrapoints[/url], she studied every single thing that relates to what made the 21st century fall into such an era of chaos and uncertainty at the end. It molded her political ideas and made her rethink the world she lived in. Is this all she will be? Just some Iron-Fisted CEO once her parents are dead? The second thing that happened, was the Purnama estate fire that occurred on her 21st birthday. The cause of which still unknown to this day. The [url=https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/home-beautifully-blends-traditional-modern-japanese-architecture]Purnama Estate[/url], a very lavish traditionally designed mansion, with all the security systems befitting of an Heir Corporate Tycoon. Was burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Xiang Min and her sister managed to escape the fire with only singes, but once the firefighters arrived and put out the fires. She saw the burnt corpses of her parents charring in the basement, seemingly trapped by a malevolent actor. Who is the actor that dared kill her parents in such a gruesome way? And why did the MPD rebuff her after a short investigation? That made her adopt a much more ruthless approach to her enemies and competitors from now on. She became the CEO of Stalwart Corp afterward, renaming it to Stalwart Defense and Security. Shifting the company's focus to more military matters, and slowly but surely becoming one of the largest defense contractors and private security companies throughout the Megacities. She was quickly regarded as a hard, but ultimately fair CEO. In a way breaking the traditional mold of the typical Corporate Executive. The first reform she did was actually pay her workers a living wage, seen as an unconventional tactic by observers at that time, and more than gaining her a few enemies due to her bold direction. But it ultimately paid off when an attempt on her life when she was 25 was thwarted with the brave defense of the Private Security forces guarding her convoy. The respectful and even in some ways kind way she treated her employees is contrasted with the quite cold and calculating nature of her when she is faced with rivals that threaten to usurp her company. She is 37 now, and Stalwart Defense and Security is one of the premier names in Private Security and weaponry. With Xiang Min herself having a small arsenal of weapons in her house. A house that she rebuilt in the exact style and shape of the Purnama mansion before it was burned down. But, beneath all that glamour and wealth. Xiang Min is planning for an eventuality. She knows this system is unjust and the megacities are ruinous towards anyone who doesn't have connections or incredible skill. She is planning for a revolt, a revolt against the system, the MPD, the gangs, and the corrupt Heirs who rule over it. She wants change, she wants a more democratic, meritocratic megacity. And she is willing to make allies high and low to fuel her dream. A dream of a much more equal, much more inclusive megacity. [center][color=FFCE00][h2]Cybernetics:[/h2][/color][/center] 1) Mark V Face Scrambler: The latest generation of deception technology that is partly developed by Stalwart. The Face Scramber is an awesome piece of technology that blurs your face on any camera that detects your visage. A combination of malware and classified backdoor access to almost every camera network in Megacity-01 allows the user to traverse the city in complete anonymity, it doesn't prevent detection from the MCPD should you use a Geonet service though. 2) Agni Kai Flaming Fists: A very useful piece of cybernetic weaponry, essentially replacing most of your arm muscles with composite fibers, allowing you to use your own arm to deflect bullets. The Flaming Fists Subsystem also further modified the arms. Allowing you to shoot bolts of fire should you open your palms, or infuse your fists with fire, making your punches having a bit more oomph than usual. 3) Warpath 14 Neural Enhancer: This is a very, very intensive piece of cybernetic hardware. Essentially boosting your brain activity to such a point that you can react much, much faster than an average human. Activated on the owner's thought, and only working for a limited amount of time before a limiter forces you out of that enhanced reaction space. This mod allows Xiang Min to move like lightning for a split second, essentially making her super fast and almost impossible to catch. Usage of this cybernetic is very taxing on the body though, and no more than 10-15 jumps using the Warpath 14 is allowed in 24 hours. Using more than that limit will put too much strain on the brain, potentially leading to an aneurysm and even death. [center][color=FFCE00][h2]Weapons/Tools:[/h2][/color][/center] [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/8/8e/EmberInactive2.png/revision/latest]Gauntlet Guns:[/url] Designed to take out longer-ranged targets. She has these gauntlet guns whenever she goes on excursions outside the Spire or whenever she feels that her life's in danger. It fires smart bullets that can track targets as long as you're in her line of sight. Jump Boots: All her boots and shoes are made with built-in springs that allow her to jump much higher than average. She has to activate the Jump Boots verbally though. Her Small Arsenal: Something she keeps at her estate whenever things get dicey. But she can bring out her variety of rifles, pistols, and even rocket launchers from her house should the situation need it. A... small precaution after the fire that burned her house down. Her vehicles: Of course, being an heir. She does have an extensive collection of vehicles, although nowhere to the same level as, say, Chandi's. Nonetheless, she has a good array of Muscle cars, bikes, and even some utility vehicles, with a fair bit of them armed with guns and missile launchers. Her clothes: All clothing she wears is lined with a protective material that prevents her from being killed instantly by a bullet or sucker punched into unconsciousness. It's still pretty painful if she gets hit though. [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Likes:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- [url=https://img3.gelbooru.com//images/de/85/de85c8f4a134b7b3176a73aa79a0267c.jpg]Her Sister.[/url] The cutest thing in the world! - The Megacity, through all its problems and issues - Alone time to practice her fighting skills - Hanging out with her sister, she likes going to the park and having a picnic with her sister. - Cuddling with her sister - Did you say her sister? Because yes she does like her sister![/center] [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Dislikes:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- Corporations that tried to kill her - Traitorous employees. Has personally dealt with some of them herself - Men (and women, she doesn't judge) who liked her only because of her appearance - People who actively try to make things worse for anyone not living on the spire [/center] [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Quirks:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- Will fidget a lot whenever there's nothing to do. Will occasionally play games on her phone in her office when she's bored, her employees dare not to ask what games she's playing. Will nonetheless stand up to attention if a matter is brought to her - Her sister is the co-CEO of Stalwart Defense and Security. She supports her vision entirely - Will take great lengths to make sure employees are loyal to her, be it through generous pay packages and reduced workloads, or... other means. - Her obsession with her sister might be a result of her being the only family she has left - Her sister's name is Mingfan Purnama - Her house is situated at the top of a high-end apartment complex. More specifically, at the roof. Besides the house itself. There are gardens and an elegant fountain that accentuates the wealth of the Purnama family. [/center] [color=FFCE00][h2][center]Places of Interest:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- A small bodega at Metro Street. She tries to go there discreetly but it's an open secret that she likes the halal chicken and rice from that particular bodega. - Arcadium 15 at the Spire. A megamall that houses every luxury product imaginable. She occasionally goes clothes shopping there, but the real attraction is the AR theater, A place that she likes visiting to see what kind of wacky entertainment the directors have made there. - Her house. After a long workday, she likes to visit her house and relax, occasionally get some fight training against a sparring robot she made to be as difficult as possible, and generally relax and chill out whenever there's nothing to do.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Mingfan Purnama] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/art-deco-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240407/d788fb950ba07703011daef8c49498a9.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ddaaa8b5-a087-4bb3-abdb-b3f65f5ccd73/d9mx6vr-817ff143-8197-4112-a0c3-53b2d15a2439.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RkYWFhOGI1LWEwODctNGJiMy1hYmRiLWIzZjY1ZjVjY2Q3M1wvZDlteDZ2ci04MTdmZjE0My04MTk3LTQxMTItYTBjMy01M2IyZDE1YTI0MzkuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.U5dzG625fvDGRZAQyQ9dZ4ifZqG6JPvaOouf79QXfRY[/img][/center] [center][color=840A0A][h3]"I eat good meals, I have good friends, and I have a great sister. I am feeling ecstatic!"[/h3][/color][/center] [center]Mingfan. When Xiang Min asks her if she’s doing fine[/center] [color=840A0A][h2][center]Age:[/center][/h2][/color] [center]33[/center] [color=840A0A][h2][center]Appearance:[/center][/h2][/color] [center]Mingfan is the less-known member of the Purnama family. And dresses like someone who just wants to blend in. She prefers to wear hooded jackets, with black and red motifs. Her body is also significantly more lithe than her sister's, although she tries her best to maintain a fit body should things turn ugly. Her rather subdued style of fashion is quite deliberate, as the last thing she wants is undue attention on her private life, especially after all that has happened to her. Typically sporting a red jacket with a black skirt and short combination, with thigh-high socks and a scarf. If her outfit can be summarized in one sentence, it is ‘I don’t want to be in the spotlight.’[/center] [color=840A0A][center][h2]Faction:[/h2][/center][/color] [center]Heirs[/center] [color=840A0A][center][h2]Background:[/h2][/center][/color] Mingfan Purnama is the younger sister of Xiang Min Purnama. Born 4 years after Xiang Min. Mingfan also had a similar childhood to Xiang Min, born into wealth unimaginable to the majority of people living in the Megacity. But while Xiang Min slowly learned about philosophy and politics and had an existential crisis about what she would do with this information. Mingfan had a different crisis altogether, she had the crisis of not knowing what she wanted to be. True, she was taught in pretty much the same way Xiang Min was taught, she learned similar skills to Xiang Min, and she studied and focused on her work diligently. But she never found a passionate calling for… well, anything. She spent most of her childhood in what she would describe as a ‘haze’. Just phasing into one another as she passively accepted information and knowledge from her teachers, her parents, and her sister. Never finding a spark that lighted her interest. It was just a passing period she thought, surely she would find something that she was interested in. Well, just days before her 17th birthday, the Purnama estate fire broke out. Leaving both Xiang Min and Mingfan by themselves. While both of them were distraught by the situation. Mingfan, as the ashes of the Purnama estate fire were quelled by incoming firefighters, finally managed to find something that stoked her fire. Finding whoever started this fire, and making sure they would never walk this earth alive ever again. She has tailored all her efforts to realizing that goal. Supporting her sister’s larger goal is just a good bonus that she agrees with. She has trained her body just as intensely as Xiang Min’s focusing more on speed rather than raw strength, and has developed a unique fighting style all on her own as well. as co-CEO of Stalwart Defense and Security. Mingfan has proved herself to be a capable and worthy compliment to Xiang Min. While the blonde-haired sister of hers could be generally described as the Brawn and the Heart of the company. Mingfan is much more the brain of it, managing who gets recruited, who gets the bonuses, managing payroll, and most importantly, striking out people she discovered to be disloyal. However, she has left the job of cleaning up that mess to Xiang Min. She has been the one person with less incentive to think about the ethics of culling disloyal employees of SDS. She just hoped that, if the time came, she would be able to find the person who killed her mother and father and make them pay for every bit of pain and suffering. This is the one thing she has vowed her life on. [center][color=840A0A][h2]Cybernetics:[/h2][/color][/center] 1) Warpath 14 Neural Enhancer: A very, very intensive piece of cybernetic hardware. Essentially boosting your brain activity to such a point that you can react much, much faster than an average human. Pretty much the same Warpath Neural Enhancer Xiang Min uses. 2) Vayu Mk.5 Composite Legs: A cybernetic augment installed at the leg of the individual, essentially replacing both legs of the individual with an artificial leg. Going up to the thigh, the hardware allows the user to jump great distances without any form of aid, or in Mingfan’s case, able to run incredibly fast, incredibly quickly, allowing her to sneak around enemies and then attack them without them noticing. 3) Gaia Model 15 Health Optimizer: This is a special type of implant, only activated when the user is close to dying. If activated, temporary nanobots will try to close wounds, heal internal wounds and make sure any bodily reserve of fat is reprocessed in order to make sure more blood is being made. Essentially repairing you when you are at the edge of death, this is a sort of ‘second chance of life’ implant that she uses in case she ever gets into a combat situation. [center][color=840A0A][h2]Weapons/Tools:[/h2][/color][/center] [url=https://www.deviantart.com/ka-pow96/art/Tsunami-Rasetsu-987738664]Perdition[/url]: One of the few confirmed weapons made by Mak0, although this weapon has a history of its own. Discovered by Mingfan in a series of unfortunate circumstances that nearly led to her death, the weapon is rumoured to be [url=https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cyberpunk-2077-tsunami-ashura-sniper-rifle-menu.jpg]abandoned[/url] by Mak0 themself before Mingfan accidentally discovered it hiding in some dumpster after a nightly drive nearly went fatal for her. Extensively modified and retrofitted so that it becomes a capable and reliable weapon. Perdition fires pure white particle beams at 90% the speed of light, capable of eviscerating opponents and blowing holes through walls, with the particles still retaining energy to hit someone from quite a distance. She uses it as her primary weapon, and has attached a bayonet hold to hold her knifes in should things get too close for comfort. The rifle itself needs specialized energy canisters to fire its particle beams, and SDS is busy trying to replicate the weapon for eventual mass production, with little success so far. Her clothes: Just like Xiang Min, all clothing she wears is lined with a protective material that prevents her from being killed instantly by a bullet or sucker punched into unconsciousness. It's still pretty painful if she gets hit. Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/9f/0d/979f0ddcfbf1403b8229f9409a35b7ad.jpg]motorcycle[/url]: She has a small electric bike that can whizz around the city rapidly. Unlike Xiang Min, Mingfan only has 2 cars and 1 bike, and none are really heavily armed. Her bike is also gyro-stabilized so that she can just leave the bike without a stand. Her knifes: She possesses two Kabar-style knifes that can be used in close quarters if the situation warrants it. She is proficient in it but not necessarily masterful in its use. Both knifes could be attached to the edge of her rifle as Bayonets. [color=840A0A][h2][center]Likes:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- Her bike! It goes fast and it’s cool! - Stalwart Defense and Security. It pays the bills right? - Her new house. It’s designed exactly like her old house and it’s super comfy! - Sleeping. On the weekends she likes sleeping both at night at the evening. Really rejuvenates your body. [/center] [color=840A0A][h2][center]Dislikes:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- Her parents’ killer, whoever they are. - Sexists and ageists. She is perfectly capable of running this company regardless of her age and gender. - Her clingy sister. Make no mistake, she loves her sister to death, but her clingyness can be tiring sometimes. [/center] [color=840A0A][h2][center]Quirks:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- Her voice still cracks sometimes when she’s particularly angry. Xiang Min and her other colleagues admit that it is cute, much to her frustration. - Both Xiang Min and Mingfan prefer tea over coffee. They think coffee is too heavy for them to start the day. - Both women are also unmarried, sparking speculation as to who their suitors might be, and… scandalous speculation that they might be in love with each other, it’s something both Mingfan and Xiang Min shake their heads once asked. [/center] [color=840A0A][h2][center]Places of Interest:[/center][/h2][/color][center]- A Japanese restaurant in the spire that serves Sushi. Mingfan goes there with Xiang Min to celebrate major occasions like a successful acquisition or a very profitable year. Their Chutoros are DIVINE - The local park at the Spire. She often goes there with her sister to hang out, it’s a good place to talk about the day and how they’re both doing. - Alese’s workshop, she goes there occasionally to have her bike worked on. Tries her best to keep a low profile and make sure Alese doesn’t know any better as to who she truly is.[/center] [/hider]