What if the story is about when the slashers and cryptids are "off-duty" and it's a behind-the-scenes look at their daily lives when they aren't killing, maiming, and scaring the bejeezus out of people? Heck! Maybe it's a mockumentary-style story where we get to see glimpses of their lives while they're "on duty" and they talk about how their day has been going and whatnot, so we still get those slasher and horror scenes, and they can interact with each other as classic mockumentary friends: pranking each other, talking shit on each other, and overall just being awful to each other in the funniest and most meme-able ways And what if off-duty Slenderman is a fucking dork? [img]https://i0.wp.com/www.ksiglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/slender1.gif?resize=490%2C360[/img]