[COLOR=GRAY][INDENT][INDENT][i][color=darkgray][color=#fe650d][sub]“Aurora!”[/sub][/color] [color=#fe650d]“Aurora!”[/color] Lorcán called again through the darkness as moved his burning hand slowly across the horizon. An impromptu torch, he had created a ball of fire around his hand to cut through the night having been in too much of a panic to secure a proper flashlight. Continuing forward, he could hear the waves of the ocean now, as he stumbled closer to the beach. Sand began to mingle with his toes and pad the sole of his flip-flops. It had to have been another nightmare, Aurora didn’t go missing in the middle of the night for no reason. The island might have been the safest place in the entire world for Hyperhumans, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t without its dangers. There was still wildlife on the island and while Aurora definitely had the best ability for a quick exit, Lorcán wasn’t a fan of her going through the forest during the witching hours. Beside him, Rothschild kept pace, the dog’s keen noise touching the ground every couple of paces and adjusting their course. Lorcán didn’t know whether Aurora had run or teleported, but whichever, there seemed to be enough of a scent for Rothschild to track her still. [color=#fe650d]“Aurora, it’s me, dude!” [/color]Lorcán yelled towards the open ocean. [color=#fe650d]“It’s just Lorcán, well Lorcán and Rothschild. We want to make sure you’re all good lady dude!”[/color] Turning slowly, the light of the fire suddenly refracted off of copper-toned hair as Lorcán spotted a familiar shape sitting down the beach with her knees tucked to her chest. Slowing down to a walk, Lorcán sat down beside Aurora. The girl was shivering, her arms tightly wrapped around her chest, a hoodie thrown quickly over pajamas. Closing his eyes for a second, Lorcán concentrated, feeling the ambient HZEs around them as he slowly created a bubble of warmth, watching Aurora’s body language relax as the chill of the night was erased. [color=#fe650d]“Hey,” [/color]He started, placing a warm arm around her, “[color=#fe650d]Just breathe, and when you’re ready, I’m here to listen.”[/color][/color][/i][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=#AC0D01][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5504477][img]https://i.imgur.com/ALMqRuL.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=#E64C09][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Mess Hall[/I] - [I]Pacific Royal Campus[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#E64C09][b]Welcome Home #1.052:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Not Myself Today[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=#AC0D01][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=#E64C09][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I][@Rockette] - Amma Cahors[sup][Flashback][/sup], [@Melissa] - Aurora Mitchell[/i][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#E64C09][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Trapped[/I][/right][/SUP] [indent]Bursting out of the stadium, Lorcán stripped off his blazer before breaking open several buttons on his shirt, frantically doing anything he could to breathe freely. Pacing back and forth along the grass behind the stadium, he began to slap his right thumb against his belt by his hip. Rotating his forearm at the elbow as he began to find a rhythm. The fingers on his left hand began to tap on an invisible fretboard while Lorcán tried to center himself. Finding his rhythm, the melody soon followed and Lorcán found himself humming an old song from his Dad’s music collection. [indent][indent][i][color=#fe650d]♫ She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak ♫[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] This wasn’t like him, he wasn’t the one to get upset. Everyone looked to Lorcán to be the one to bring the vibe. He was chill, happy, content. But each and every one of those feelings was fleeting at the moment. Never before had he felt so overwhelmed. The blood pounded in his ears, his chest tightened and his hands became unsteady, shaking off beat. [center][i][color=#fe650d]♫ I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks ♫[/color][/i][/center] Looking towards the treeline of the forest that bordered the campus, Lorcán had every impulse to run. [right][indent][indent][i][color=#fe650d]♫ I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap ♫[/color][/i][/indent][/indent][/right] [i][color=darkgray]Jim approached the group, beside him was a slim, raven-haired girl who to Lorcán appeared to be covered head to toe in tattoos. He smiled, looking towards his right arm and picturing how it might look with tattoos of his own. [color=#ffffff]“Listen up y’all, we’ve got a live one here. I’d like you all to meet our new transfer, Amma Cahors. She’s a little late for the Trials this year, so we’ve gone ahead and did our own evaluation and Amma will be joining House Gulo.”[/color] Jim explained to the gathered Team Blackjack. [color=#ffffff]“She brings our numbers back up to a solid twelve, so make sure y’all give her not only a warm Pacific Royal welcome, but also some of that Blackjack charm.”[/color] He paused, turning towards Banjo. [color=#ffffff]“And I do mean, charm.”[/color] As the team collectively issued their welcomes, Lorcán hung back, watching Amma. He had seen tattoos before, but never so many. It was absolutely entrancing watching the way she carried herself. Most new students had a timid composure, closed off but while Amma was guarded, she held her chin high. Like an empress walking among the common folk. [color=#fe650d]“Dude,”[/color] Lorcán smiled, approaching Amma as the rest returned to their previous activities. [color=#fe650d]“Your tats are totally rad, did they hurt?”[/color] Amma lifted her icy blue eyes towards Lorcán. He felt a slight tingle run down his spine as she looked not at him, but through him. It was as though she was evaluating Lorcán, surveying him for any sign of a threat before responding. [color=#b4a7d6]"Did they hurt?"[/color] She laughs. "[color=#b4a7d6]What do you think? Of course they hurt, every-"[/color] She steps closer. [color=#b4a7d6]"Single."[/color] Amma drops her voice in pitch. [color=#b4a7d6]"[b]One.[/b]"[/color] Her face was hovering close enough to Lorcán now that their noses were practically touching. The spiced aroma of the forest after a fresh rainfall danced and teased Lorcán’s olfactory sense. It was distinctly different from the sweet florals he was accustomed to from Aurora. [color=#fe650d]“Dude,”[/color] Lorcán spoke, a smile slowly spreading across his face. [color=#fe650d]“You’re like, totally intense.” [/color] He held her gaze, not moving before asking another question. [color=#fe650d]“But, did you like the pain?”[/color] A playful smirk danced in the corner of his mouth. Surprise flickers there in her depths of blue - sparkling. A challenge. [color=#b4a7d6]"Of course I did. It's how one feels [b]alive[/b]."[/color][/color][/i] [center][i][color=#fe650d]♫ I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black ♫[/color][/i][/center] [color=#8ecdb7]“Lorcán,”[/color] A hand touched his shoulder bringing Lorcán out of the memory before it suddenly recoiled at the temperature of his skin. He quickly turned towards the source of the hand, his eyes going wide as he realized it was Aurora. Grabbing her hand, Lorcán gave it a gentle squeeze before turning it over and inspecting for burns. [color=#fe650d]“Dude, I’m sorry, if I had known you were behind me-”[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Hey, hey, breathe, talk to me.”[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I-”[/color] He started, [color=#fe650d]“I don’t even know where my head is at dude, I just can’t help but feel it’s no coincidence that Amma was so spot on last night. I don’t like feelin’ trapped, that ain’t my vibe, y’know. I thought we had one more year and then we were out, free to pursue our lives.”[/color] He took a breath, still holding Aurora’s hand, not realizing just how comforting he found it before now. [color=#fe650d]“Don’t get me wrong, working for H.E.L.P. and on an Albatross would be sweet, sick even but like, if the Foundation takes the school, how much longer until the Foundation takes over H.E.L.P. entirely and wipes it out.”[/color] Lorcán gave Aurora’s hand a quick squeeze before releasing it. [color=#fe650d]“I’m glad I didn’t hurt you, I don’t think I could have forgiven myself if I had.”[/color] He added solemnly. [color=#fe650d]“I just hate the idea that we’re all being used as pawns in someone else’s game. I know to most people Jonas is a villain, but I knew the real dude and he was like the grandpa I never had. Neither of my ‘rents’ parents wanted anything to do with them, let alone me. Jonas always had time for me, even when, or if he had been Hyperion along the way.”[/color] Lorcán crinkled his nose, taking a moment to swallow before continuing. [color=#fe650d]“Five years ago, everything went crazy. The worst part is, I don’t hate him for what he was trying to accomplish, I hate him for leaving us in the state we are now-”[/color] He looked back towards the stadium before speaking again. [color=#fe650d]“Vulnerable.”[/color] Letting out a heavy sigh, Lorcán looked into Aurora’s eyes, her concern and kindness bringing a smile back to his face. [color=#fe650d]“Sometimes, I hate my abilities, dude. I feel like they’re just meant for destruction and harm. But your abilities just seem so… freeing. Anytime you want to be somewhere else, you can be there. You’re as free as the sea.”[/color] He mused, looking beyond Aurora. [color=#fe650d]“Gone, in an instant.”[/color] He tone softened before reaching out and brushing a strand of Aurora’s hair behind her ear. [color=#fe650d]“Yet you’re probably the best constant in my life. You’re always here when I need you, lady dude.”[/color] He smiled. Wrapping his arms around here, Lorcán hugged Aurora tightly, his body becoming just a little bit warmer as he did before he released her. [color=#fe650d]“Thanks for checking on me, I guess I really did just need to talk.”[/color] [color=#8aaceb]“Roth!”[/color] A male voice yelled as a blonde haired teen emerged around the corner wearing a Canis Blazer. Behind him was a younger brown-haired girl wearing the standard P.R.C.U. crest. [color=#8aaceb]“I saw you beeline out of the ceremony, I assume you’re taking the news pretty hard,”[/color] The male stated, before waving to Aurora. [color=#8aaceb]“Ah, glad you got to him first, Aurora,”[/color] He added with a small smile before turning to the girl behind him, [color=#8aaceb]“Have you had a chance to meet my sister, Ripley yet?”[/color] [color=#ffe599]“You’r-”[/color] Ripley stuttered suddenly looking Aurora up and down. [color=#ffe599]“You’re gorgeous, Lorcán never said- [i]OW![/i] Cass!”[/color] She shrieked as the male gave her a quick jab in the ribs. Across from his cousins’ Lorcán’s cheeks had flushed almost as red as Aurora’s hair. [color=#8aaceb]“Don’t you have to get back to the administrative building? Reunite with your team?” [/color]Cassander teased, mussing Ripley’s hair. [color=#ffe599]“Hey!” [/color]She protested, [color=#ffe599]“Don’t you three have to get your butts to the plateau and build the trial thing?”[/color] [color=#8aaceb]“She does have a point,”[/color] Cass conceded with a small smile, “[color=#8aaceb]I’m going to catch up with Firebird and I’ll see you two with the rest of Blackjack at the construction site. Don’t hesitate to join us for s’mores later! We can talk more then”[/color] He called back before shooing Ripley off and running towards the familiar faces belonging to Alyssa Townsend, RJ Scott and Lucille Calder. [color=#fe650d]“I guess they have a point, dude.”[/color] Lorcán reluctantly stated, [color=#fe650d]“Do you want to ‘port us there, or shall we take the scenic route?”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]