[COLOR=TAN][hr][sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XkgVbMq.jpeg[/img][/center][b][center][color=1C1C1C] H A V E N[/color] [color=D2B48C]H A V E N[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Southern Plateau [/I] - [I]PRCU[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Welcome Home #1.063:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I][b]... Gets the worm?[/b][/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Rory [@Webboysurf] [/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Early Bird[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/INDENT][/COLOR] [indent] Haven had noticed Rory's exit from the Mintoaur. His usual plucky demeanor had hers lifting, her smile broadening as she watched him take a tent towards the edge of the camp. [i]What's he planning?[/i] She turned to check that her final tent had righted itself properly, in time to hear Rory's tease from across the site. An unexpected laugh erupted from her throat, but she quickly covered it with a cough. It was funny that they'd gotten together in a similar manner, years ago. Still, Haven didn't feeling comfortable thinking about what they got up to in their tent. She regained her composure at that thought, turning in time to see Rory sauntering over to her. The grin she gave him was almost scolding, her eyebrows raising at him, but the gleam in her eyes revealed the amusement behind it. She reached for the water bottle, her smile softening at the gesture. Yet the moment he looked towards the tent she'd chosen, she felt her heart begin to thump in her chest. She kept the water bottle in her hands, not daring to take a drink of it until he finished the thought he was working on. She didn't want a repeat of yesterday. It was clear when he made up his mind, his confidence shining on his features like the midday sun. She held her breath, seconds seeming to stretch into minutes as she waited for him to speak. [Color=04cf3a]"So, Barnes... you want to sleep together tonight?"[/color] Haven's brows twitched in shock. Her body instantly heated. Her PT shirt and shorts suddenly felt too tight, like she was wearing way too many clothes. Her back muscles tensed, but she held them in place should her wings decide to fluff up again. [i]He's not this forward, right?[/i] Hell, she didn't mind it if he was. Haven suddenly wanted it. He could have it right now, if they weren't expected to meet with Tad and Robert soon. Gil had choked on thin air by the Minotaurs. [color=FCE205]"Smooth."[/color] [color=FCE205]"We should really go and help bail him out. One of us, at least."[/color] [color=FCE205]"No no. He needs to learn. Besides, it's more entertaining this way...and probably a better gauge if Haven actually reciprocates."[/color] [i]At least a third of Gil is thoughtful.[/i] Her mouth opened, as if to answer, but she held her tongue. Gil's words repeated in her mind, and she realized he'd hinted at the beach incident. Finally, thank the heavens, Haven realized what he really meant. Her heart still beat fast, but Haven was confident as she took a step towards Rory. She smiled up at him, and her head tilted to the side ever so slightly. [color=tan]"Sure thing, Rory."[/color] Her voice was low and as smooth as velvet. Quiet enough that the others would have had to strain to hear it. Even if Rory wasn't thinking about it that way. Even if Haven didn't expect it to happen at all, surrounded by their teammates on the plateau. She didn't want to squash any hope that it could happen in the future. Not when her skin still felt so hot just thinking about it. Maybe later one of their teammates would talk to him about the way he'd asked her. Maybe he would then realize that she had agreed to both scenarios. The idea was exciting, but Haven didn't put any bets on it. If she wanted it to happen, she'd have to get it for herself. Just like she had with plenty of others. [/indent] [COLOR=TAN][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q9J9PIr.jpeg[/img][/CENTER]