[@rexgn] Thought for the seven: The knights were tricked into this slumber, told that their power was needed to seal away a dark force, and by the time they realized what the council was doing, it was too late as the ritual was nearly complete. But the ritual the council used was pulled from a dark text, and with it came exactly the kind of dark force the knights thought they were defending against. This dark force was sealed with the knights "thankfully" but in being sealed with the knights in their prison slumber, it was able to infest them, drowning them in its darkness and twisting their thoughts. The council betrayed them. The people they had protected cast them out without a care. What they stood for was meaningless. They were worthless, for they couldn't even protect themselves against the dark force that the council had so foolishly used to seal them away. Maybe take a bit from Hollow Knight here and say that the figure who comes and releases them is a vessel meant to hold this dark force. The purpose of the vessel is to trap the dark force. Overcome it and blot it out of existence. But the vessel fails, and the dark force takes control. The vessel had no intention of releasing the knights, but the dark force isn't complaining, after all...the knights belong to [i]it[/i] now.