Elijah did not entirely disagree. A reset would fix a lot of problems. But there would be no way to reset the world without dooming half of humanity in the process. It was not a risk he was willing to take. What was the point of justice if, in the process, those you’re fighting for are harmed? [color=#9d9751]”Yeah. Well… hey, it’s a nice thought at least. Thank you for uhm… walking with me. It was nice.”[/color] It was. This strange little man was absolutely fascinating. He stopped outside of Taco Bell and looked his companion up and down. Maybe… would it be weird to offer to hang out later? As bros of course. Nothing weird. No pressure. Of course. [color=#9d9751]”Do uh,.. Do you want my number? I’d gladly take you up on that offer for a meal later.”[/color] Okay. Okay, that was a totally fine and normal way to approach that question. Everything is fine. Elijah hoped that the bugs were not triggered by his sudden jolt of anxiety. They often got more squirmy when he was anxious. He just had to hope there were not too many of them on him.