[center][h1][color=BB33FF]Mandy Mason[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wRkePSP.png[/img] [color=BB33FF]Location[/color]: Pet Smart [color=BB33FF]Skills[/color]: N/A [/center] Mandy jumped a little when the kid came rushing into her vision and reached into her personal space. She knew hearing people expected you to know where they were by the sound of their footsteps or some other magical way of just knowing. It was annoying though because hearing people assumed everyone could do it. However, she knew kids had even less experience. She glanced around trying to find an adult that went with the kid. She pulled out her phone and opened the note pad, she had a standard "I'm deaf" card that she would use and then expand from there. She wasn't even going to try to talk to the kid. Her voice was hard for people to understand. But there was no adult. Could the kid read? She did kneel down so it would be easier for him to pet the cat, as long as the cat seemed okay with the kid. Part of her attention was on the body language of the kitten and if its purring stopped, which she could feel through her fingers.