[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240505/063a2ddbef82d683188ace9ac45b16be.png[/img][/center] [Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240505/c899081fa02413edffaaf3efaab2933b.png[/img][/center] Welcome to the Land of Mountains, home to countless ancient ruins, one large town, towering peaks, and Pokemon. Located in the middle of the Void Sea, the Land of Mountains is entirely surrounded by an inky, black ocean. It is a collection of large islands, each boasting their own mountain range and a town or two. Three of the main five islands, all connected by mountains that dip into the Void Sea, boast their own Adventuring Guilds. These guilds are connected by their owners: the greatest adventuring team of all time, Team Cinderwave. There are three main reasons Pokemon are in the Land of Mountains: They were born there, they are there to hunt treasure, or they are there to join Rescue Teams. Because of the natural resources found in the Land of Mountains, Pokemon have brought their families for mining, farming, and even exploration. Treasure hunters come from all over to explore the ancient ruins that dot the mountainscapes, as well as the myriad of tunnels that lie underneath. Some treasure hunters are there simply for the money they can make. Others are there to study the ruins and learn more of the ancient pokemon that lived there. Some believe that the answer to the mystery of how to stop the dungeons lies within those depths. Dungeons… The monstrous places that have been a problem for as long as any pokemon can remember. They open up under two conditions: 1, a disastrous event happens in an area, or 2, a powerful pokemon is angered or dies. Each dungeon is a labyrinthian disaster zone, with extreme conditions, dangerous pokemon, treasure, and powerful relics. When they open up, it usually comes in the form of a crack in the ground or an opening to a cavern or even the entrance to a previously non-existent forest. Innocent pokemon fall into them and rescue teams often get lost inside. Many pokemon are, therefore, real pokemon driven blood thirsty and desperate by the power of the dungeons. Many more are illusions, created by the dungeon. Most theorize that this is a protective measure to keep Pokemon from reaching the last layer of the dungeon. However, if one can get to the end of the dungeon and stop what started it in the first place (e.g. Stopping the hurt/raging pokemon, quelling the disaster, etc.) then one can make the dungeon disappear. It is for this reason that Rescue and Treasure Hunting teams have formed. The end of dungeons usually has a powerful artifact created by what started the dungeon. On top of that, the ultimate form of rescue is to end the danger. It is these teams that are accepted by the Adventurers Guild, and paid handsomely to take on missions that are anything from saving specific pokemon to bringing in criminals to finding relics to study. The most dangerous jobs are the most well paid: Putting an end to dungeons. However, only S rank or above adventurers are ever allowed to do so by the guild. [hr] [b]What is this RP?[/b] As a man absolutely obsessed with the Pokemon series, especially Mystery Dungeon, I wanted to create an rp for it. I intend to respond to this particular rp about 1-2 times a week, as it is the second rp I am leading and I want to be able to give both enough attention to be good. Faster responses are likely to happen, especially during dialogue. I do not typically have a response order, as I feel it limits natural conversation. However, I will always wait for everyone to respond (or give the go ahead) before I push the story forward. It will be on the angsty-er side, with maybe a little body horror/gore? I don’t intend to make it a focus, but I probably won’t make my battles sanitized. It will be 18+, simply because I do not feel comfortable RPing many of the subjects I like to RP with people who are minors. There will be no blatant NSFW. This RP is a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP set in a place mostly disconnected from the cannon lore. There will be no mention of humans. There will be four characters who make up the main team, myself included. They will start at the lowest rank of the guild and slowly work their way up to compete with Team Cinderwave. The party (4 player characters) will explore the Land of Mountains, especially the depths of the caverns underneath. Players will be expected to have characters who: Want to help other Pokemon. Have some sort of desire or reason for joining a rescue team. Are willing to go into combat (though they may not necessarily want to) Are pokemon that have at least one evolution. (There can be exceptions to this but I am personally a big fan of evolution being used as an important character growth story moment. Any Pokemon that isn’t a non-evolving pokemon will work.) I will probably be more picky with this one. As it stands, I don’t know if I want to make it for a general level or advanced level. I probably want replies to be at least two paragraphs in length, but they don’t have to be much more than that. It entirely depends on where interests lie. The RP will be first approved, first served. If you’re interested in the RP, let me know! As long as this picks up traction, I will be adding more lore. I have a lot of ideas, but I don’t want to write them up if this does not have any sort of interest. I will give a full character sheet if this gets a full RP post. As it stands, here are some things I will be looking for in initial character approvals: Pokemon: Name: Preferred Pronouns: Reason for wanting to join a rescue team: Brief Summary (or more) of backstory: Thank you for reading! I’ll be keeping a close eye on this RP. I have been craving a pokemon rp for a while. Below is lore I have added since first creating this post. [Hider=The Main Island: Ancient Pillars] The largest island of the Land of Mountains is known as the Ancient Pillars due to how it is made entirely of three massive mountains and the bowl of land that rests in the center of them. The region is frigid with cold most times of year, with a climate equal to the northern part of canada. While the mountains protect from constant blizzards, they do not protect from the cold that settles over this area. Ancient Pillars is home to the largest of the three adventuring guildhalls, which rests at the very center of the “bowl” between the mountains. Surrounding this hall is a massive town made up of miners, adventurers, and a rather impressive school. The town, named Deeproot Town, is mostly populated by ice, fire, water, and steel type pokemon, though there are many rock types here as well. Other pokemon are welcome, but most cannot stand the mostly frigid territory and rarely leave the town. Deeproot town is surrounded by a thick, coniferous forest. There are several paths that branch out from the town, though there are two main ones. Firstly, there is the path down to the ocean, where trade is often conducted in a little place called Void Harbor. The second one leads into the mountains, where mining and adventuring is often done in the ruins and tunnels of the Ancient Pillars. The school, known as Silver University, in Deeproot is known as the premier place to study the ancient civilization. In fact, most of the things studied there stem from that study. They also work in tandem with the guild to teach Pokemon self defense and fighting skills. The school is funded by Salazzle, one of the leaders of Team Cinderwave.[/hider]