[center][h1][color=92278f][b]Dead Head[/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XrIa9Ub.png[/img] [h3][color=92278f][u]Doing it wrong[/u][/color][/h3][/center] [hr] As the door flew open, sending burnt timber flying, Asher let out a slight whoop as he pumped his arm in excitement.[color=92278f] "See that!"[/color] he exclaimed loudly to no one in particular. Judging by the reactions of the two girls on the other side, they had. The first one had momentarily pointed her gun at him, assuming him to potentially be a threat. The second gave him a disinterested and almost bored look before asking what the door had done to earn his ire. Judging by positioning and their reactions Asher assumed the smaller one in the back was who they were contracted to protect. Good thing no miscellaneous door parts had flown her way. [color=92278f]"As a matter of fact it did look at me funny, I don't take kindly to funny looks or the things it said about my mother either."[/color] he said, throwing who he assumed to be Cerberus a sarcastic smirk. [color=92278f]"Can't help it, I've got a need for fiery entrances that just needs fillin, now who's gonna fill me in on why we're meeting in the creepy run down church?"[/color] Asher asked, casually strolling on deeper past Cerberus and the other girl as he began taking in the church in all it's aged grandeur. Before Asher could circle back with more questions Sovereign strolled up to Cerberus and at first Asher thought that perhaps she was upset judging by her tone. This was quickly debunked when she suddenly embraced the other girl. Asher made a mental note to keep an eye on Sovereign, hopefully he wouldn't have to explain his aversion to being touched but wouldn't be a bad idea to keep on his toes. With nothing else to do but wait Asher crossed his arms and looked towards the first two occupants of the room expectantly.