[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/49e43850-6b94-4e43-94d0-440214371bfb.png[/img] [@The World][@Nakushita][@TaintedMushroom][@FamishedPants] Maybe it was her tone of voice, maybe they were too occupied with each other, but no one engaged Mika when she asked what everyone wanted to do. Save for Himiko, who walked up to her and started teasing her like an old friend. [color=tomato]"Soh-vern is your name!"[/color] Mika growled before shaking out of Himiko’s embrace. [color=tomato]"I can’t help that you chose something that’s hard to say!"[/color] Mika didn’t bother saying anything else. Even when Himiko went on to play dress up with her, she simply contained her thinly veiled frustration as Himiko continued to blab. [color=ff3838][b]"Oh wow! That hat looks cute on you, Nails!"[/b][/color] Angel giggled. But they wouldn’t be able to screw around for long.While no one came to greet the freelancers at the front door, [i]someone[/i] had heard them knock and [i]they[/i] were already on the move. One of the side doors in the entryway swung open with violent force. It was as if someone had kicked it, but there was no one to be seen. Not with everyone out of the room at least. Then a tail of gray smoke flew out of the doorway and crashed into the ground. [i]*Woof*[/i] The entryway was filled with rolling smoke. It was thick and dense, and smelled like a well used ashtray. The boarded up windows burst open. Pieces of finely sliced timber rained down on the freelancer’s below. What stood in front of the open windows was eight men armed with military grade machine guns.They were dressed like blue collar workers. Overalls, fluorescent jackets, jeans, hardhats. They were construction workers. But there was something off about the glasses they were wearing. They were long and tubular, but didn’t seem like they’d offer an edge in combat. Yet at the same time, this felt familiar to Marrie. Has she seen something like this before? It didn’t matter. They were leveling their guns at the freelancers. But there was someone else among their numbers. There was a girl dressed up as a nun with bunny ears. And while that would have been enough to clearly mark her as an esper, she was also smoking a cigar and dual wielding a [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c1b4c6f8-6a9f-44ed-8b17-90f25690f544.jpg]flamethrower and mace[/url]. [b]"How’s this for a fiery entrance, [i]bitch[/i]?!"[/b] The nun started to spray napalm as the gunman took turns shooting. Fire and brass rained above the freelancers, and cover was limited. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/40b268e9-9477-4d81-97d6-81ce4b87c2d3.png[/img] [color=tomato]"Mom! Estelle! … Ashley… Angelie…"[/color] [color=888888]— Mika Fang[/color][/center] Himiko, Angelie, and Mika were on the other side of the smoke wall. While they couldn’t see what was happening, they could hear it. [color=ff3838][b]"Okay Mika!"[/b][/color] Angelie pointed her gun into the smoke. [color=ff3838][b]”Just stay here, I’ve got a-."[/b][/color] I a flash of black light, Angelie had been replaced by a familiar figure. At least, one that the Gemini agents had been told about. [color=tomato]"Lenore…"[/color] [b]"The Sister of Sacrilege."[/b] The [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bbeaa699-9978-40e3-ba59-b9f1c718be1f.jpg]one-eyed nun[/url] finished with a grin. She twirled her blade before pointing it at Himiko. [b]"So I understand Oros wanted you to bring this little bird all the way here."[/b] She shrugged her shoulders. [b]"Seems to me like you did your job. She’s here in one piece."[/b] She tipped her head. [b]"Since you’re done with that, how would you like to help me out? I assure you, my employer can pay far better than they can."[/b] As if to demonstrate this, Lenore pulled a stack of hundred dollar bills out of her cleavage for Himiko to see. [b]"All you need to do is help me capture Cerberus."[/b] Mika’s eyes turned towards the wall of smoke, as something had tumbled out of it. It was roughly the size of a basketball, but it was covered in smoke. The cat girl jumped backwards out of instinct. It could very easily be a melody. But as the smoke rose off the object, it turned out to be something far worse than a melody. [color=tomato]"...Angel?"[/color] It was her decapitated head, with fresh smoke rising out of her neck. Her eyes darted between Lenore and Himiko.