[center][h1]Justice[/h1][/center] [b]"Robots."[/b] Justice had replied with the obvious to the princess without an ounce of further thought. Their escape wouldn't be smooth. It never would be. Just her luck, huh? The princess, the robots, and now an unidentified enemy airship. An airship that haunted the air with shrieks and groans as if an otherworldly beast. As if an empty void of mist--a cold and brutal absence of feeling above them. Really, for a soldier who specialized in detection and melee, there wasn't much she could do besides firing a few rounds from her emergency gun. But that gun was for emergencies. Instead, she just held on to both the truck and the princess. At the very least, she could prevent the princess from flying out of the truck or slamming her skull against the bed. Kalina's driving would do that to someone, especially a princess who was unprepared. Especially when the vehicle was being pushed even further by Val. She didn't have much faith in Morden's shotgun, though. There were only so many rounds. He was already aiming at their eyes, so there wasn't much she could direct him to do instead. Silje's magic could do a little more, maybe. But she'd have to wait and see if it would really do more. In an emergency, she'd try to deflect a round with one of her barriers. Though, the prospect of even deflecting a round from gunfire support wasn't something Justice had any faith in doing. The difference between small arms and a gunnery was like the difference between a squirrel and an elephant. [b]"So,"[/b] Justice said in the middle of the blitz with little emotion, [b]"would it be safe to assume that all of this shit is a third party to this war?"[/b]