[indent]Li couldn't help but match King Stag's jovial mood as a smile graced his face and he gave a light laugh, [color=ff664d]"Wow..."[/color] he breathed, [color=ff664d]"That's...actually a lot cooler than just having a command over bugs..."[/color] it was the first non-professional thing he'd said, and he regretted it the moment it came out, but, well, it was out, and there wasn't really much he could do to change it. Refocusing, he glanced back at his notes and looked for the next question he had originally planned, [color=ff664d]"What uh... What are your biggest challenges as a hero?"[/color] he asked, then added as an after thought, [color=ff664d]"E-Especially an official, League of Conduct hero employed by the DNCC? Is it anything you were able to do as a freelance vigilante that you can't do now with the LoC?"[/color] That last bit...definitely wasn't planned. Of course it wasn't planned. It was a direct attack at not just the most famous, [i]officially sanctioned[/i], Heroes League in the [i]entire country[/i], let alone their little county of Washtenaw, but also an attack at the [i]DNCC itself[/i]. He...really shouldn't be letting on how he felt about an [i]entire government body[/i], but uh...too late![/indent]