[center][color=b35959][h1]Omiku[/h1][/color][/center] Omiku considered the woman's question, but she was not sure what to answer. Her kind is a rare breed nowadays and unless the group is familiar with exotic legends they would be unfamiliar with the concept of what she is. Some called her a vampire, an inaccurate assumption as besides some bloodlust and a queer sensitivity to sunlight she shares little with those lesser things. Some considered her to be some sort of living shadow, which has merit but it would be closer to say she is more like a mix of umbra and blood rather than how others might consider themselves to be 'flesh and blood'. Others guessed her kind to be some sort of demon and they had good reason, but that was... history even more ancient than her. Whatever Omiku would say, she surmised she should not lie, even if not speaking the whole truth. Trust will be a rare commodity with this group and it would not help if she gives them reason to doubt her. But before she could formulate what to say a horde of nomads came upon them. She could just catch that the savages were afraid of something before chaos broke out with an uncomfortably piercing screech that broke into their ranks. And from that point a lot of former men quickly became corpses as the rest of the group joined in. Something was said about Sulfreyans riding on wyrms but she could care little about that at the moment. She was more concerned with all the blood dotting the land around them. All the perfectly good blood now without owners. It has not been long since she last fed. Three days, maybe four? She was not feeling hungry but... maybe it is the sheer quantity of sustenance around her, maybe it was the unease and frustration she felt around that pyromaniac. But she felt eager to take up this free meal as she reached out from the shadow of her...host with umbral pseudopods, snaking around the carnage. One, two, three, seven, even more shadows projected from that of the ogre as Omiku pulled the crimson fluid towards her. The blood slowly beaded at first before forming streams flowing both on the ground and in the air, twisting and turning towards her shadowy form to be absorbed as she allowed herself to feast greedily for the first time in quite a while. At the same time, her shadowy tendrils reached towards the shadows of the fallen as she stole even the shade they casted, though that would probably be hard to notice with everything else going on. Once she had more than her fill, and as that fiery fool antagonized her with the intense and bright flames, she retreated back into the shadows. Becoming indistinguishable. If she is to act on the Sulfreyans, she would prefer to do it with surprise.