[hider=Location] Perth, Western Australia, Australia When the world came to an end, Australia was noticeably hit harder by changing environmental forces than most. Western Australia, already rather inhospitable and home to a number of industrial practices that further degraded the environment such as coal mining, found itself outright abandoned by human life as they either fled for most habitable areas or died out due to resource isolation. However, as is the nature of life and the environment, nature abhors a vacuum. A new breed of wildlife and plant life that either endured the collapse or evolved in the conditions afterwards has sprung up and are reclaiming the state at a slow but steady pace. While the ruined buildings of humanity remain in the city of Perth, covered in fresh plant life, stories speak of new inhabitants. [/hider] [hider=Creatures/Faction] Theorised to be the descendants of the octopus family of creatures, the octopi are an amphibious species of humanoid that have very recently started to emerge from the waters of Western Australia around the city of Perth. The species seems to possess the ability to ‘shape shift’ to an incredible degree, maintaining a more traditional octopus like body which they primarily use to swim around, but also able to change their shape into a more human like base structure… through there are notable differences. For starters, the texture of the octopi’s skin is ‘rubbery’ and closer to that of their primary octopus like bodies than human flesh. They are also able to change the coloration and patterns along their flesh at will, likely an evolved form of their original ability to camouflage themselves… through it seems like they prefer bright, inhuman colours: if this is a sign of them being poisonous or venomous or simply them preferring bright colours for cultural reasons is unknown to outsiders at this time. When in their humanoid form, they lack hair. Instead, growths akin to their tentacles seem to grow from their heads in a hairlike manner. They have one thumb and three fingers on each hand. Regardless of form they are in, their octopus like pupils remain the same. At this time, the Octopi species appears to be in a late tribal, early city state point of societal development. [/hider]