Davina came busting into the lab where Tony and Nathaniel were finishing up the virus so he could go back in time before it was too late. Tony turned to her and asked, [color=FF4500]"Kid, what're you doing here? There's a battle outside."[/color] [color=ccccff]"That's why I'm here and you should be up there. I can help Nathan. This is your time to make up for your past. I remember how you were before we finally had hope. Today changes everything. Show Ultron that the Iron Knight isn't dead."[/color] She genuinely felt this way and knew that he'd be able to handle himself, but the main reason that she wanted him to go was so Nathan could go through with his plan uninterrupted. Tony paused and thought for a second. This was all his fault. His and Hank's, but it was his idea and he was the one left alive. For the longest he suffered with survivor's guilt. Unable to look at himself or the world that he caused. He was so glad that there was now a chance to right his wrongs from that day. Would he really be able to see Pepper again? He nodded and headed for the exit. It was time for the Iron Man to suit up again. [color=FF4500]"You know what to do. Thank you."[/color] When he left Nathan and Davina ran to and embraced each other.. They know they didn't have much time, but they needed this. This was it. This was goodbye. They stopped hugging and went back over to the computer to begin what they needed to do. Nathan copied the virus and adjusted the second one while Davina prepared the time pad for his time and destination. Both were silent and focused, fearing that any words shared before they were done would cause them to cry and waste time. It was already a struggle for her to hold it in the entire way here. [color=669999]"Alright. That's it."[/color] Nathan said as he created another flash drive from his suit before plugging it into the computer under the other one. He copied both viruses to their respective flash drives and pulled them out. He didn't have time to safely remove them. Everything would be where it was supposed to be. [color=ccccff]"Everything's all good on my end. It's... it's time for you to go."[/color] She could barely muster the last word. Nathan placed his hand on her cheek to turn her towards him. The tears were already pouring. The nanotech armor reverted to its watch form on his wrist. He wiped her tears. [color=669999]"You can't cry. I'll cry and then I'll end up not wanting to go. I can't leave you like this."[/color] [color=ccccff]"I can't help it. You're leaving me. I know it's selfish. You're saving us or another timeline. It doesn't matter, you're being a hero and I can't even be strong for you, for our family."[/color] [color=669999]"Hey, hey. None of that. It's not selfish. You're the one who risked your life to help us get what we need. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have this virus."[/color] [color=ccccff]"If it wasn't for me our home wouldn't be in danger. You wouldn't be even more worried about us now."[/color] [color=669999]"You can't blame yourself. Ultron likely already knew where we were. We knocked out their communications and destroyed the bot's head. He just knows we're making a move and he's scared. Funny, I never thought he could feel fear. Maybe I can use that against him in the past."[/color] [color=ccccff]"Look at you. Even when going to the past you're always planning for the future."[/color] She helped him wipe the remainder of her tears. [color=ccccff]"Then, I can too. We're going to see each other again. So this isn't a goodbye kiss. This is a see you later kiss."[/color] She leaned in to kiss him one more time. Their story wasn't over. She refused to believe it. When the kiss ended Nathan reluctantly reactivated his armor without the helmet and went to the Time Pad where he'd say goodbye to Davina and this timeline. No. Like she said. This was a see you later. He watched as she initiated the time travel sequence. Just as she did an explosion rocked the bunker and debris started to fall in the lab. It avoided the computer and Time Pad, but fell right between the two. [color=ccccff]"Nathan!"[/color] Davina said beginning to move the debris out of the way. [color=669999]"Davina!"[/color] Nathan said trying to leave the Time Pad to help her, but it was too late. He was transported to the past. [hr] [center][h1][b]June 9th, New York City, Present Day[/b][/h1][/center] [color=669999]"DAVINA!!!"[/color] Nathan said as he flashed into existence on what appeared to be a random rooftop. Except it wasn't so random. [color=ffec80]"Who's Davina?"[/color] A blonde teenage girl asked. [color=ffec80]"She sounds cute."[/color] [color=00a99d]"More importantly, who the hell are you, you Iron Man rip-off?"[/color] A blonde teenage boy asked. [color=cc99ff]"Cloak, I thought you were supposed to take us to our friends. Who is this?"[/color] A dark haired teenage girl asked. [color=666699]"I don't know, but I'll find out."[/color] A teenager in a dark cloak responded before placing his on Nathan's forehead to see the fears of his past and their future. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHxgUvaWMAAoQpE.jpg[/img] When he was done Cloak stepped back in fear of what he saw. His partner, a bleached blonde teenage girl, went to comfort him. [color=ccffff]"Cloak, are you okay? I've never seen you react like that."[/color] [color=666699]"I'm fine. We really need to find your friends."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Yeah, that's what we're supposed to be doing. To stop our parents."[/color] Chase responded. [color=666699]"No. To save the world."[/color] Cloak answered having fully regained composure. [color=orange]"From the Gibborim?"[/color] Alex asked. Nathan was starting to recognize them all one by one now. [color=666699]"From[/color] [color=669999]Ultron."[/color] Cloak and Nathan answered in unison. [color=1aff8c]"What's an Ultron?"[/color] Gert asked. [color=ff3399]"And is it something I can punch?"[/color] Molly asked, finally finding something of interest in this conversation. [color=669999]"Ultron is a super intelligent, super powerful robot who kills the Avengers and plunges the world in fear and darkness. A-Wild, Sister Grimm, Lucy in the Sky, Arsenic, Talkback, Princess Powerful, Cloak, and Dagger. I'm not born yet, but twenty years in the future I'm known as Nathaniel Richards, the Iron Lad. I grew up with you all as a family to me. I need your help to stop Ultron and save the world."[/color] [color=ff3399]"I trust him. He called me Princess Powerful."[/color] Molly said, convinced. [color=orange]"Convinced or not, we can barely handle our parents. What can we do against something that killed the Avengers?"[/color] Alex asked. [color=669999]"The Avengers were outnumbered. Tomorrow New York is Ground Zero of the Attack, but because New York was left without the Spider-Twins, it was overrun and the Avengers were killed. The Spider-Twins weren't in New York because---"[/color] [color=ffec80]"They were in LA helping us."[/color] Karolina said kind of sad that they and their parents were technically responsible for ending the world. [color=669999]"Yes,"[/color] Nathan continued. [color=669999]"But I have a way to stop Ultron and Pride. The world won't end tomorrow."[/color] [color=E137E3]"I hope not."[/color] A familiar voice said swinging onto the scene. A hooded figured landed in the darkness of the roof and stepped out of the shadows to reveal Spider-Woman's costume. [color=E137E3]"It's my birthday."[/color] She said removing her hood and mask. [color=E137E3]"I guess it's no point hiding it anymore. You came all this way specifically for us."[/color]