[center][h1][color=BB33FF]Mandy Mason[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wRkePSP.png[/img] [color=BB33FF]Location[/color]: Pet Smart [color=BB33FF]Skills[/color]: N/A [/center] Mandy smiled and shook her head at the checkout person. She mouthed thank you. She didn't like her voice. Hearing people commented about it a lot so she avoided using it as much as possible. She gathered her bags of cat-related items and headed back to her car. After loading everything she responded to her parents' text. [color=BB33FF]"That sounds nice. We should be careful though. I don't know what to think about this sickness that's going around now. It seems scary."[/color] Once she had sent that off she drove back home.