Vladimir blushed whenever he heard Luner say he was handsome it was the first time she had ever referred to him as handsome or anything like that, that could be considered flirtacious. Though soon they were being led into the actual castle where Darkmeth was and he looked up hearing her say dad. Being the first mortal to gaze upon King Darkmeth in over three hundred years and with good reasonings to the man was quite large and honestly a little intimidating but he would fight for the death to keep Luner protected. That was when eight massive wolves began showing him everything he feared in life and it temporarily paralyzed him having him completely shaken in fear until he heard Neija yelp in pain and so he stood up fighting his fears to get to the young woman who was actually a snake holding onto her protectively until Luner could come over "Yes I'm ready when you are general" he said pulling his sword out ready to fight if need be. That was when everyone was transported to the dungeons and Vladimir looked around he walked over to the box where a beautiful older lady sat in a cage "Miss, miss are you alright" he asked having not yet realized this was Luner's mother until she came over trying to break the chainrs with no luck. "We must save her" Vladimir said going crazy on the chains hitting them repeatedly with his sword of the angels trying his best to help Luner's mom out of the prison she was imprisoned in.