Lucy walked over slowly "ill never understand why you still hold onto the girl Vlad. She probably dead or planning assault against humanity " she scowled but jumps back as Vlad got pissed at her saying that. Lucy unlike Luner was more gentle of a soul and hated fighting. She wore blue dress like most girls "what you can't handle the truth Vlad that our last general was a demon? " she spat. Her eyes narrowed deeply. Nejia slithered through the castle and slowly slithers into the room and hissed darkly at Lucy and the girl ran off screaming. Nejia slithered over to Vlad happily and dropped a blue clear ball on the bed and coils around it. A glow came into the room and Vlad would see Luner a hologram but it was here. She hadn't changed a bit. The girl smiles" Vlad how are you?" She asked smiling as she stood in the room smiling "nejia will be staying with you consider her a present she also wanted to see you" She smiles gently before her form started to shimmer and smiles gently and eyes glow "i will be back soon" she promised. Two years Later The kingdom threw a celebration in the honor of the best general they had to keep her memory alive, Luner . Lucy smiles gently as she was dancing with Vlad trying to get him to smile but saw he was still sad and huffed slightly "come on Vlad" she grumbled. Warriors that where older tild new apprentices stories, elders told of adventures. The kingdom was glowing with life that night, the bon fire they had glows brightly as the warriors danced and the girls chatted with one another. It was anice night, it was breezy and all but suddenly the fire glows pure green and the warriors stopped dancing. They stare at the green flames that flew out around everyone and the clothing changed, to amazing colorful clothing, A fox and a black lion lunged from the flames and danced around the green flames happily. Lunging from the fire came a large winged snake it hissed and spun around the flames and then it was gone. The fire went back to the color orange. The fox and black lion looked at Vlad and then the lion shoved him suddenly away from the girl and right into where the water was. The warriors whirled around hearing someone they couldn't forget, Luner walked across the water dancing and singing with two other demons that sang happily. She touched the beach smiling and looked back as the two demons laughed and shifted and turned into a black cat and one a river that that fell back into the water happily. She smiles walking toward Vlad smiling her clothing was a stunning red dress with blue flames around it. She managed to walk five whole steps before she was tackled by Vlad and fell backwards and laughed gently and looked at him . She kissed him happily smiling "Hello Vlad" She smiles happily and gets up with Vlad's help smiling and hugged him happily, till Lucy came storming over darkly, Luner looked at the girl and pulls back slightly as the girl shoved her back. "look I don't know who the hell you are girl but I don't care either" she snapped "You can't have Vlad" she snapped darkly eyes narrowed. Luner looked at the girl eyes turned snake like for a momment and said gently a smile coils her lips back. "I'm Luner who might you be young one?" muses gently and the girl snarled slightly. "I'm Lucy the girl he is to marry so get out. I don't care if your the general this kingdom doesn't need you around anymore" she spat. She blinked as she noticed the warriors where now kneeling. She narrowed her eyes deeply at Luner. Luner kept her cool easily.''I don't care much for arranged marriges, I belive someone should marry who they love thank you for the comment" she said and walked back to vlad and stood there. Lucy blew up and snapped "OH yeah, Then where you been ? He's been heart broken for two years you witch. Your a demon besides being queen you should get back to your duty. SO LEAVE because he isn't going to marry you" she snapped"besides how could he love a monster" she said. Luner face dropped completely as those words sunk in deep and blinked back tears. "She isn't a monster" a warrior said standing up going over and stood beside Luner smiling, Luner blinked at the warrior and smiles gently as many more warriors got themselves up and stood beside Vlad and Luner. Lucy fummed and then stormed off. Luner blinked and watches the girl storm off. She went after her for a while no one really knew why but she came back smiling as Lucy walked off more calmly. The warriors howled happily with cheers and Luner smiles gently looking at Vlad.