Luner smiles gently and closed her eyes gently and smiles as the lion and fox stare at them before trotting to the fire and lunged into it happily, and was gone. Luner smiles at the parents of Vlad and nodded her head slowly “Well I have seen your son and I know he is a good general and fighter” smiles gently eyes closed gently. Luner opened her eyes and smiles gently. She leaned on Vlad smiling happily as she watched the warriors yelled happily with cheering. Luner grinned and kissed his cheek smiling “so how is General Vlad doing?” asked slowly a smile curled on her lips smiling. Her snake lunged from the shadows and coils around her and Vlad hugging them close and licked Luner’s face. Luner laughed and hugged her snake grinning gently “hey Nejia” grinned and the snake hissed a hello and coils around them tighter. Luner smiles as she watched the Party kept going and leaned back against Vlad smiling before hearing dance music coming on and rolled her eyes smiling “so want to dance Vlad?” she smiles holding out her hand slowly to her smiling softly. Her golden red dress shines gently in the night fire light. She grinned gently and looks at Vlad waiting for a response. The snake slithered around gently the party coiling around the river dragon watching.