Luner looks at Vlad smiling and looked at the parents and nodded “one day yes I will come over” she grinned and walked off with Vlad to go dance. She smiles dancing with him smiling dancing softly with him smiling easily keeping up smiling at him “so been any trouble lately?” she muses as she looked at him with her blue eyes that shone brightly though the darkness of the night. She watches the warriors dance as well and smiles at Vlad once more and grinned softly dancing with him smiling. She watches as her snake was stealing some food and clicked her tongue and a bubble came over Neija and lifted her off the ground and kept her stuck inside of it “No bad” she teased the snake sulked as she was trapped in the bubble. The party lasted for a few more hours before it started to rain and the people cleaned up and Luner helps with that as well. The rain was pouring by the time everyone had gone home and Luner flopped on the couch in her room soaking wet and smirking gently. “well that was fun” she grinned at Vlad and sat up and streached and walks over to him smiling wrapping her arms from behind him head on his shoulder. Closed her eyes listening to the rain beat down on the roof smiling gently, watching the rain fall off the roof. She grinned gently and yawning slightly and smiles asd Neija slithered in and shook herself out. She smiles and kissed Vlad cheek then looked at the snake that coils up near the door wet still and gets a towel. The snake lunged for the towel and laughing fell over and started drying off the large snake and Neija hissed happily and then yawned gently and looking around softly and slithered off to catch a meal from a rat in the castle she had been fallowing. Luner laughed and smiles relxed.