James was surprised was surprised when he was saved by a girl, and nodded. He quickly picked up his half-assembled rifle and it's parts, then ran to the back of the cafe. He quickly put the last parts together, and lined up shots to fire at the creatures, and let rip with bullets. However, the bullets only made the creatures stagger; they couldn't get through the creature's hide. A few creatures leaped at Ramo, and he swiftly cut them down. A lot more demons turned around, and leaped at Ramo. This was too many demons for Ramo to slice down, so he quickly brought his hand up and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a giant gust of water erupted from his hand, gushing straight at the demons. The water burst straight through their bodies, and they fell to the ground, dead. Ramo smiled. "This is fun." He looked around, and spotted a young woman in distress. He quickly dashed toward her, and sliced down a few demons on his way. He spotted a portal opening up in front of her, grabbed, her shoulder and pulled her back. He quickly sliced the demon that popped out of the portal, and turned to the woman. "Quick, get to the cafe!" He said to her, pointing in the direction of the building.