Astrid As soon as the twins went attack Night Shade, it looked like the formation was going to fall apart when Blade jumped in the hall and slashed at Night Shade but unfortunately one fool can't fill up a hole left by two idiots. The two dragons then generated a gust of wind and knocked everyone back. As Night Shade flew off, Kuro turned back into himself but by this point it already became obvious that the two were linked. Although there was no reason for a human to be linked with a dragon and it made no sense. She figured it must of been a part of Kuro's power and he created the link the moment he turned into Night Shade. As Night Shade flew away with Kuro on his back, Astrid slashed Night Shade's back leg cutting him slightly she then looked to Kuro seeing his leg was not cut, she knew she was right. She smiled as she looked to the others. "This changes nothing. They are only linked when they are both dragons. Let's go." With that she flew off after Night Shade. Raiden Raiden just watched as the twins, Blade and the two dragons had their little fight resulting in the dragons getting away. After watching everything he came to the same conclusion as Astrid and as she cut the Nigt Furry's leg, she proved them right. Raiden flew off after the Night Furry with Astrid. The Twins. Ruffnut and Tuffnut both smiled when they heard the two dragons were linked thinking it would be easier to kill them both. Then it turned out that they were no longer linked. Anyone could see the look of disappointment on their face but they both cheered up when they realized they could still kill Night Shade. The two then flew off after Astrid and Raiden. Astrid Raiden and the Twins. As the four approached Night Shade and Kuro, Raiden used the Thunderdrum roar while Astrid amplified it and focused it on Night Shade sending Night Shade flying back away from Kuro. Astrid then shot a small ice beam at Kuro, freezing the wound. It would not help in the healing process but at least it would stop the bleeding and save his life for now. Raiden told Astrid and the twins to focus on Night Shade while he went over to Kuro. He knelt down beside him and placed his hand on him, he manipulated his DNA and gave him the DNA of a lizard to enhance his regeneration. "Look, I know you consider that dragon your friend but remember I can read minds. So I know that the dragon thinks you saved his life, not realizing you're the one who put him in danger in the first place. Now that dragon trusts you because you fed it and treated it's wound. There is no guarantee that it won't put the other viking in the village in danger if we let you keep it as a pet. The best option for us at the moment is to capture it and and cage it up in the dragon arena. There we can study it, determine it's strengths and weaknesses and may even be able to train it not to attack the other vikings or the village. Then maybe we will be able to let it out of it's cage but that is for your mother to decide." He then got up and went to join Astrid and the twins. This time the twins took the lead, Tuffnut created an large earth wall around Night Shade preventing it from running back or flying. The only exit was blocked by Tuffnut and Ruffnut. Ruffnut then created a thunderstorm directly above the wall as well as severe winds that could cut through a dragon's wing. Making it impossible to fly through. As lightning struck down on the earth wall setting it on fire but not weakening it. The two then ran at Night Shade. Ruffnut covered her sword in Lightning, increases it's sharpness and more deadly. She then went to stab Night Shade as Tuffnut dug under the ground and came up underneath Night Shade covered in bones in bones spikes. He went to grab Night Shade to hold him down for Ruffnut to stab him, if successful the spikes that were all over his body would cause multiple minor wounds. Raiden and Astrid decided to let the twins go first knowing that they would never follow any of their plans and knowing they have great instincts for battle and work really well together when they are not trying to kill each other. Astrid created a blizzard inside the wall knowing that Dragons are called blooded and are susceptible to sudden temperature changes. This blizzard would make Night Shade really cold making it harder for him to move while Raiden shot fire blasts aiming for his wings to take away his ability to fly and to even make gusts of wind.