Kuro Kuro watched as the dragons began to go wild when Blade pulled out his sword, although that was quickly dealt with by Astrid. He turned to the dragon's in a confident manner and walked up to the Deadly Natter. He grabbed some fish out of the barrel which they used to draw the dragons in the cage and handed it to her. As she ate he gently placed his hand on the dragon's head and stroked her, giving her a nice scratch. He then went and grabbed Astrid's arm and moved her hand towards it, placing her hand on the Deadly Natter, letting it earn her trust as it ate. He did this the same to all the dragons, paring Riden with a Gronkel and the twins with the Hideous Zippleback. After they were all paired up, he waited for Twin Blade to unfreeze and paired him up with the Monstrous Nightmare. He stood back and watched them, hoping they would all follow their instincts from there.