Astrid, Raiden and The Twins. as Astrid and Raiden received their orders they both went to investigate their side of the cave Astrid her sound manipulation as a sonar kind of like a bat to search her side of the cave quickly and effectively while Raiden used his DNA manipulation to give himself the ability to see in the dark as well as an super enhanced sense of smell to help him search he also used his psychic ability's to scan the area for hostile thoughts or emotions as well as linking all the search team together telepathically the twins however where both dazed and confused after landing on their heads after getting thrown by Astrid braking the ice on their heads they didn't have any idea of what had happened or what they where superpose to be doing they just had major headache and where pretty dishy Dagur Dagur had just set sail from berk heading for a nearby island where his full armada was stationed ready to attack berk at a moments notice but instead of giving the word to attack he ordered them to follow him back to their island to investigate what had happened they all set sail immediately heading for the berseker island