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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Welcome to the Royal Hunter's Guild

The sun was almost at it's highest point in the sky over the city of Rothenburg. The streets were filled with peasants and noblemen going about their daily lives. The marketplace was packed with those buying and selling goods, yelling atop each other, trying to make their voices heard. The cobblestone ground provided a tough surface for people to walk upon as they went about their days. To these commonfolk, it was just an ordinary day.

Inside one of the larger buildings near the guard barracks, heavily armored and armed men and women gathered. Some spoke amongst themselves while others sat quietly, waiting for someone to address the crowd. The building itself was one of the nicer ones, close enough to the richest manors in the kingdom and near the guards, it was often used as a place of gathering for the noblemen. It had tall enough ceilings that the many voices echoed about, making the room feel even larger. Tables had been set up with many seats, more than enough for those who had gathered. At the front of the room was a slightly raised platform which was not yet occupied.

Flaggins of ale were being passed around by servants as the last of the group filed in. This wasn't any ordinary swill, it was a fine ale, brought straight from the cellars underneath the castle itself. This type of generosity was not often seen by the commonfolk. The King and his council clearly took this very seriously.

As the last of the guests took their seats, a group of well armored guards made their way to the front platform. They took their places, swords in sheaths, standing up at attention. A hush began to fall over the crowd as one lone figure made his way to the stand. Brown strands of hair fell about his face, only some of it pulled back into a loose ponytail. His build suggested he was a quick yet strong warrior, strengthened by the longsword sheathed on his belt. He wore some leather armor, though not a full suit. His bracers were freshly cleaned, looking almost new. His clothing was of a higher value than peasants, but was not ornamented like those of the kingdom's nobles.

As he took his spot in the center of the guards, he turned to face the audience. His face matched his warrior appearance, rugged and scarred. His lips were down-turned and his eyes were stern. He stood, silent, for some time before finally opening his mouth to speak. "You all know why you're here, he began, his voice gruff but loud. "The many threats against our city and our kingdom has risen. The King and his council have decided to take action. Gathered here in this great hall are some of the finest men and women of Belvoir. Your strength and prowess are required this day for the good of our King and our Kingdom." He paused, letting his words sink in.

"King Gustavo does not take this matter lightly, I assure you. Many have died and many more will follow. He has called upon you all to be apart of the new Hunter's Guild. It is our task to seek and destroy the monsters that threaten our city and it's people. There will be great danger in this task, but also great reward. King Gustavo has set aside a large sum of coin for the brave souls who can help rid us of this mounting evil. If you have the strength, bravery and fortitude to destroy this evil, you will become rich men."

He lifted his head slightly, arms behind his back and, once again, addressed the crowd. "For those that don't know me, I am Drystan Haalard. I have spent over ten years in the city guard. I will be your Captain, if you choose to stay. If you have any fear in your hearts, I would advise you to leave now. As the Royal Hunters, we will be walking headlong into the mouth of the beast. If you falter, even momentarily, that may mean the death of your brethren or even yourself.

Drystan paused in his speech as a handlefull of people slowly got to their feet and left the building. He quietly grunted to himself, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a rolled up parchment with the royal seal. "Our first assignment comes from the King himself. Many of you are familiar with the isle just outside the docks in Trieste Sea. Many of you also know that word has spread of a monster recently appearing on that island. King Gustavo has asked that we gather a band of Hunter's together, take a ship out to the island, and slay the creature."

At this point, he began to pace, taking long strides across the platform all the while still watching the audience. "Now we are not entirely familiar of what kind of creature we are dealing with. It is said to be humanoid in appearance, but much larger. The fishermen who have encountered it and survived report that it is a creature of extreme strength. This monster seems to be more comfortable in water than on land.
No one who has attempted to slay the beast has returned."
He stopped his pacing and turned to face the crowd once again. "Hunters! If you think you have the skills needed to take down this creature, please come forward. We will be putting a team together based on skills needed for this particular job. If you feel you are at a disadvantage here, do not fret. We have plenty more jobs waiting after this one is finished."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*The night before the Guild opening*

The docks of Rothenburg were kept lit in the night by the glow of taverns and whore-houses still bustling with life, as sailors staying in the city over night filled the bars and beds of taverns up and down the dock. The beach under the docks expanded into the retreat of the waves. The Trieste sea a black abyss in the midnight sky, blended into the nights horizon. A woman emerged from "The Wigglin Wendigo" one of the many establishments scattered across the docks. As she stumbled out into the darkness, the wine in her stomach sloshing around, she felt vomit build up in the back of her throat. She managed to make it to the edge of the boardwalk, just sticking her head over the edge in time before she unleashed an unholy barrage of hot human sewage on the beach below. Taking a moment to recover, she wiped her chin and fixed her hair, when out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement down on the beach.
"Hel..." she began to speak but was cut off by another round of vomit.

In the shadows of the boardwalk, it watched her, its long snake like tongue flickering in excitement. The creature had learned to associate the wretched smell of alcohol and bile with an easy prey. It crept underneath the docks, camoflogued by sand and shadows, and making sure to keep itself hidden from the moonlight. As it approached closer it watched its prey spew the contents of it's stomach out, landing only inches from its the creatures face now.

The young woman wiped her chin again and stood straight. She began to tie her long blonde hair up into a bun when something grabbed her ankles and pulled her feet out from underneath her. Falling backwards and slamming into the ground, she felt the warm trickle of blood down the back of her head, her hair unable to absorb it all as it poured from the gaping wound. Barely conscious she let out a faint scream and began to struggle against her scaly captor. She bit down hard into the creature's flesh, tasting a mix of salt and blood she scream again, this time only to be cut off by a quick blow to the head, knocking her unconscious.

Grabbing its prey by the ankles and quickly pulling her feet out from underneath her, causing her head to slam into the wooden walk way with a viscous thump. The creature became excited by the smell of her blood as it poured from the wound, leaving a trail as the creature pulled her body off of the boarwalk. Tossing the smooth skinned prey over its shoulder, the creature became angered when it felt the sting of the it's captive biting into its back. The creature quickly struck her head in the already open wound. The creature felt it's food go limp and began making its way down the beach, heading back for the water.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Davos put his ear to the boardwalk with the quiet grace of a mountain lion preparing for the pounce. If the merfolk creature was a moving shadow then Davos was the darkness itself. The slithering creatures fins brushed the boards and logs its passed with barely a whisper but he still caught it.
The woman whod throw up over the railings onto the beach was easy kill. If he had to guess the tactic in play here, this beast was associating alcohol to weakness and striking out at the lone individuals.

Grab them from below as they stumbled loudy over the boards and along the road, minimalize the distance needed to get back to water. Did it have lungs capable of indefinite periods on dry land or was the reason for its sea bound escape becaude its skin was susceptible to drying out..

Or maybe it had family to feed.

The entire day had been painstakingly spent viewing everything around the port city, investigating where the biggest groups of people would be gathering and finding which of those areas crossed the docks..
A solid part of the early morning had been spent digging in the sand where the tide wouldnt spoil the surprise.

Meticulous anticipation and a tiny bit of luck had put the monster right where Davos had expected it. Where he wanted it. Closer to 30 foot traps had been set up in the sands, coveres with some thin sticks and a piece of cloth before having sand coat the top. There was a small handful of rocks piled up on top to mark where each one was.


the woman was down, scaled arm reaching over, and Davos was off in a sprint down the board walk at a blistering pace to catch up. In the darkness he could just make the creature out against the backdrop of the sea. Moonlight illuminated very little but the hunters eyes had adjusted to the dark well enough to keep him in fighting form.

Up and over the rail in a single smooth practiced motion had him on the beach below in a crouch.
The fish man swiveled its neck to view its new meal and gave what passed for a predatory smile, lips curling away to reveal rows of sharp serrated fangs. A snakelike tongue tasted the air in anticipation as Davos assumed it was.. thinking.

"Beautiful creature. You can see it can't you?"

It took a threatening step forward, the many fins on its back and arms twitching as it let out a low hiss.

"You can see I don't fear you. Won't run from you. But you can tell, through whatever passes for intelligence in your species, that you're stronger."

Davos' eyes were wide with excitement, looking the creature up and down as it stalked the sands just a few short feet ahead. There was no way it could ever understand human dialect, seeing humans as food, but Davos was certain that it understood praise. Tones could be recoginized by any creature..
So he had always hoped.
The beast bellowed suddenly, lutching forward as its toothy maw spread wide to audibly show it was not pleased. Or confused.. or hungry. Interpretation wasn't easy on first meetings for Davos, but he recognized its legs twitch before it barreled forward with one arm stretched high into the sky.
Down came the clawed hand as it hissed its watery dissaproval, the appendage raking through the air and into the sands with tremendous force, throwing up the sands aroun it. To the right Davos leapt, rolling on the sand and up in a crouch with a grin.

He'd been standing on a bundle of rocks..

Scales were quite effective at turning a sword and this being was certainly well armored in that regard. Its hand had crashed down straight into the hole and bent a few of the steel bars he had angled within but from the sound of it howling he had done the trick.

It its outrage the merfolk shrugged off the female and brought its free hand down into the sands as it struggled to escape the simple but effective placement of painful pointy sticks, cleaving through the sands until it graspedsomething hard and began to pull, trying to pry the metal bars out of the deep sands.
Had this been proper soil Davos would have been confident it could not accomplish the task quickly but this was still just sand. It would succeed in freeing itself shortly.

Davos had the option of striking for a telling blow or grabbing the woman, a part of him burned with the urge to strike. Bleed the creature and see if it was truly strong, but refused to get in close. He didn't see a way to get in close with just a dagger and strike a telling blow before such a massive creature could free itself and rip him to shreds.

"Another time, pretty fish." He whispered into the cold air as he sprited forward and grabbed the injured woman by the leg and draggingher limp form away from her would be killer as it tried to turn, swingingits clawed appendage in a futile attempt to lamd a telling blow on the victim only to come short by mere inches as its claws glided harmlessly over the ladies face.

Screaming into the nights sky the beast tore into the sands with new found fervor as lights among the docks began to grow, concerned townsfolk grabbing torches and weapons as they came to the railing from the taverns to see what was happening.
With one final tug it ripped iys bleeding appendage out from the ground, turning its murderous gaze squarely on Davos. Shouts from above, bright lights and glasses rained down on it the moment it was spotted. A bellowing roat of outrage issued from its throat as it growled one more time at the crimson robed spoiler of its meal before it sprinted back to the safety of the waters, splashing noisily down into the depths.

"OI! Are ye fine down there lad?!" Called one gray bearded sailor, others rushed down the stairways nearby to back up the hunter with their cutlasses out and ready despite their breaths stinking of booze.

"Fine.. see to the girl and watch your steps! Avoid the piled rocks or you'll lose a damn limb."

If the merman had looked angry then Davos looked absolutely furious. Both hands clenched at his sides as he glared out at the rippling waves picturing the bleeding thing staring back with hatred.

Long after everyone else had fled the docks and back into the bars or their homes, Davos paced the walkways restlessly. Every thought focused on the creatuees appearance, mannerisms, and those gleaming eyes.
His hand idly traced the line across his chest. The leather had been cut cleanly from shoulder to hip during his last moment dodge of the claws, yet had it not been for the light metal pieces places across his armor he might well have been killed.

Next time I'll be sure to study you properly. he swore silently, gazing out at the waves and the sunrise.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jericho sat in a tavern, playing a simple song on his lute. The crowd was...mediocre at best. Sure, the drunk bastards were giving him coin, and the drinks were on the house, which made the experience tolerable. But still, not exactly how he pictured his first act as a bard.

Then again, he pictured playing for a crowd of beautiful gypsy women, so anything else was going to be a let down.

After he finished the song, he walked to the bar, taking a drink of rum. “That hits the spot.” He muttered. It reminded him of the good days, on a ship, fishing the days away as the crew rushed about doing their jobs. Gods above, he needed to get his own ship and crew.

That’s when he say a flyer, asking for people to join a guild. Dangerous, working for people of high standing, and most importantly, great pay. He folded the flyer up and stuffed it into his pocket. He knew where he was heading next.


Jericho was listening to the desperation of the creature. He twirled a coin between his fingers, lost in thought.

Drowner? Rogue mermaid? Maybe some odd frog-man-thing. The possibilities were endless with the little info they were given. This would make a great story, and would let him get back on the ocean, something he had horrible missed these past couple of years. When he heard them ask for anyone useful to step-up, that was his signal. He put the coin away and walked up, looking at Haalard.

“Looking for someone who calls to the sea lad? I’ve got salt in my blood and gills on my neck.” He smiled and chuckled. “I’m Jericho, the Seaward Bard. Like the beast your hunting, I’m more comfortable in the water than I am on land.” He told him.

“So, I’ve had a couple of theories when it comes to this beast.” He started. “Right now, my mind instantly goes to a Drowner. Big, ugly, strong as an ox with the brains to match.” He said, shaking his head. “But, it could also be a mermaid of some kind. Possibly a siren.” He continued. “Again, those are just theories.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anastasia and her troop were one of the last groups to enter the noble building, riding to the entrance on majestic black horses, each ride garbed in ornamental shrouds that bore white silk lined symbols of the Ballanger family crest and the Church. Behind her two large carriages carrying huge wooden crates followed and parked near the entrance, to everyone's confusion. Crowds of commoners had fallen in around her and around the building, clamoring for the pious lady's attention and peeking a glance through the windows, joining whatever other curious onlookers had already gathered. She gave them a soft smile and a wave before she entered, nodding to her hunters to take up positions near the windows where the peasents most gathered. Guards which had attempted to shoo away the peasents were discouraged with a few whispers, and convinced to allow the people to look and listen to the proceedings.

Inside, she sat at the back, full opposite of the raised platform, crossing her legs and listening with a faint smile to Drystan's dry speech, eyeing the few folk who left when he made his grim warning. As he called forth for volunteers already, she stood up and raised a hand. A member of her guard stopped the few deserters from leaving and turned their attention to her.

"Captain, a fine speech, but, if I may, a word to all the gathered here before we go ahead."

Without waiting for an approval, or, more likely, disapproval, she turned to the others. With a nod of her head, her guard opened the windows so that her words would carry to streets. A significant minority among the more novice hunters turned apptly to her, fingering lockets of religious superstition, while the more older and the more experienced rolled their eyes and groaned, muttering among themselves about the "attention whore". The crowd of commoners she had brought with her perked their ears.

Clearing her throat, her voice, magnified by the large room, boomed across to the masses, stopping some in the streets. She spoke with authority, yet eloquence, clear and fast, urgent, yet proud.

"My fellow hunters, my comrades, and my fellow citizens, Captain Halaard here was right when he called you the finest of Belvoir. For today is a momentus occassion, for it marks a turn in the tide of darkness that has come to assault our great kingdom.

Rumors have spread through the streets that the rise of monstrosities is an ill omen, a sign of some great corruption or sin inherent in our country, that we have fallen from Godly ways to wickedness and this is our punishment.

A divide has come between the people, those below accusing those above of depravity and greed, those above accusing those below of debauchery and lazyness. I tell you, this is the farthest from the truth.

The tide of darkness that has crawled within our very streets is not a sign of our decay, but of our glory!

Our kingdom stands at the height of a golden age, seen as a jewel across the land, a country of industry, innovation, and prosperity.

The discipline and fury of our warriors is renowned, our alchemists unparalleled, our inventors and artists beacons of mankind's best. The skill of our tradesmen is without match.

Look at the Belvoirian commoner, hard working and God fearing. Look at the Belvoirian noble, fair leaders and shred businessmen. To be a Belvoirian is to be proud!

And no where do I see that more than in this hall. Here, people from all parts fof Belvoir, stand as the finest of our kingdom."

Anastasia grinned and turned towards the crowds gathered near the entrance, her hunters opening the doors wide as the previous cowardly hunters began to walk back, as well as other hesitant fighters who had hovered outside, keeping the doors open to the common masses as she thrust a hand out to them.

"People of Belvoir! The doors of the Royal Hunter Guild are open, not only to those of the hunting trade, but to all those who would stand in the light as not only our kingdom's best, but the finest of mankind!

To anyone and everyone who would stand as a member of a God-blessed and royally sanctioned vanguard, who would skewer and scatter the vermin that have come to feast on the scraps from our table!

These "monsters", these demons, who dare to assault us and frighten us at our height of glory, are not to be feared but pitied! They squirm through the streets and sewers WE built, feast upon OUR food, OUR livestock, steal OUR weapons and tools. They covet OUR homes! OUR noble vitality!

These are not predators, these are pathetic parasites! And togather, we shall drive them from our home with righteous fury and godly vengence!

To all those with pride and faith in their family, their neighbor, in King and God, you who call yourselves the people of Belvoir, who step forward now, I will persoanlly welcome you to the Blessed Ballanger Guard, and ye shall recieve all equipment, compensation, and honors expected of such a station!

I ask you.

Beneath the gaze of God.


The crowds outside, which had grown measurably with the speech, burst into a set of riotous, booming cheers, noblemen and commoner standing shoulder to shoulder, people of all classes in the market, screaming over the mass wave of protests from hunters all over the hall as more people began to join.

The wooden crates that had been brought in outside were broken open, revealing polished, painted sets of chain mail and leather armor, shields, maces, swords, crossbows, and polearms. Attendants who rode the carriages distributed the equipment to volunteers, a crowd of forty men and women, even a few nobles, joining the ranks, gathering around Anastasia, wearing simple black vests over their armor, brandishing the crest of the Ballanger Family.

Groups of merchants and nobles also wandered inside, inquiring how they could donate to the cause.

Anastsia shivered with delight within, smiling warmly on the outside and welcoming the new members of her troop with firm handshakes, turning sharpely to Drystan as the crowds finally settled. Saluting him, and giving him a sly wink, she proclaimed,

"The Blessed Ballanger Guard are at your command, Captain!"


Many among the hunters looked at her in stunned shock and wondered just what the fuck she thought she was doing, bringing in complete novices into the fold, and the cowardly back.

In her mind, she had many good reasons. The Royal Hunter Guild served as a prime opportunity. With it, she could finally track the hunters who had always been a thorn in her underground operations, and redirect them to other threats. Socially, perhaps even legally, pressure them to finally tow the line and keep their reckless behaviour in check, as many of them were little better than brigands and sellswords.

With it, she could expand the public opinion of not only the generosity and virtue of the Ballanger Family through her hunters, but her own heroic image.

And, with this performance, she could finally deal with three concerns of late.

Studying the new plague of monsters without putting her or her primary troop in unknown danger, expanding her personal organisation, and finding a way to get rid of some unwanted equipment.

A group of brigands she had personally hired and supplied to harress unruly property owners had broken her instructions and needed to be dealt with. Easily they were, yet their beat up equipment could be traced back to craftsmen tied to the family.

Beside that, she knew Dromeus would not easily part with new funding for her troop. Her publicity stunts had already strained her funding.

Here was a perfect solution, supplying the new cannon fodder with the old equipment, repainted, and barely able to truly protect them. With this, she could weed out most of them in the initial fighting, and keep the potentials.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Small Council

The small council chamber doubles as the king’s study and war council room. The dome like chamber is lined with shelves and chests, containing maps, battle plans, history books, trade ledgers, letters from far aways kings, and much more. In the center of the circular room sat a massive stone roundtable, etched with a map of the kingdom engraved in the tabletop. The table is on a round platform with a small set of steps wrapping around. Candles sit on table and on bookcases, keeping the room well. The chamber is located in the north tower of the main castle, with one window facing each direction, letting in natural light and fresh air.
The three high lords in the room are accompanied each with 2 of their own personal guard, filling the left side of the room, where Lords Ballanger & Filtiarn, & Lady Weyenburg sit. On the left side of the table Sat prince Hugo, Matilda Thackery, and commander Grux, along with 6 royal guard standing behind them on the right side of the room. King Gustavo sits at the center of the group, flanked by his brother and Dromeus. There is a light layer of smoke in the air as both Lucian and Grux are both smoking pipes.
“First, I would like to congratulate my brother and Lord Filtiarn’s lovely daughter Elaine on their beautiful wedding. I hope you two find all the happiness in the world!” the king proclaimed, thrusting his mug in to the center of the table, met with six more mugs and a collective “Here, here!!” from the group.
"And soon they will be joined by my dear Veltsa and Lancelin. I hope your son ages better than you have, Dromeus." Gustov let out a roaring laugh, clearly finding himself much more funny than Dromeus, who only flashed the faintest of smiles.
"Yes, the wedding planning is already underway," Dromeus continued, shuffling some parchments. "I imagine there will be quite the expense on both of our parts."
Gustov once again let out a hearty laugh. "Aye, Dromeus. I wish for my daughter to have all of the best for her wedding day. I will spare good coin for the event as long as you are willing to pay your part, too. But that is not what we came here to talk about."
Sitting back in his chair, Gustavo turned his attention to Lady Rosaline, who sat in her father’s chair. “My lady, do you have any idea when your father will grace us with his presence again?” the king spat at her, the obvious disdain for being stood up.
“My apologies my king” she bowed her head “He mean’s no disrespect by not appearing here himself, he is just incapable leaving the house right now. He has a violent…” she was cut off.
“What is it this time, a stomach ache? The measles? It seems to me your father has been sick about… four or five months now. Are we even sure he’s alive?” Grux barked at the small lady.
“Stand down Grux. We shall not blame the lady for her father’s poor health.” the king said, reigning in his dog. Looking back to Rosaline, who was sitting rigid in her chair, the king spoke much more softly.
“Please do tell your father that his king wishes to see him. I did put him on my small council after all, the least he could is show up to a meeting, is it not.” the king asked kindly. Rosaline only nodded in agreement. the knot in her throat was keeping her from speaking.
“Moving on then.” the King continued, his voice and demeanor quickly changing over to a more regal commanding tone.
“The guild is opening today, and is expected to bring the head of the monster that has been terrorizing our waters and killing our sailors.” the king explained, the disdain in voice apparent.
“There is still the problem of the Lycan infestation.” Dromeus sounded off, “They may not be affecting our trade, but they are killing our people in the streets and on our roads.” he spoke pointing to the main roads entering and leaving the city on the table map in front of him.
“What good is trade if there is no one to buy the product?” Dromeus asked, trying to make his point.
“There’s also the blood suckers running a muck and causing havoc. People don’t even go outside after dark for fear becoming a nocturnal blood fiend.” Lucian said, now packing more tobacco into his pipe. “I agree with you that the Lycan problem is in fact a problem, but need I remind you there is more than one monster lurking in the shadows.” the old gruff lord said through a cloud of smoke.
"Aye aye we have plenty of threats to take care of. Let us discuss each in turn, starting with the closest threat: the creature on Trieste Island. I have already informed Captain Drystan of my desire to have it taken care of immediately. It will prove a good test for the new hunters to show their prowess. I have full faith in my Captain that he will take care of it." Gustov nodded, glancing up at the table members.
"And after that, what should we set our hunters after? We have an abundant amount of monsters to take care of," Matilda replied. "There's the aforementioned lycans, vampires, wendigos, and we have received increasing reports of the necromancer tribe to the south."
Gustov let out a guttural grunt, nodding his head thoughtfully. "Aye, we've many threats. Let us begin with the sea creature and we will work on contracts for the others."

4 Hours Later

Lucian took a long drag from his pipe, staring through the the faint cloud lingering around his head, directly into Dromeus’ dark dead eyes.
“What are you planning Ballanger?” Lucian asked with mix of venom and curiosity. Dromeus had risen with the others as they had left the room, and now stood opposite of the old gruff lord, the only two men left in the room.
“I’ve stared at your ugly mug for enough years to know when the gears in that bat sized brain of yours are turning.” Lucian said with just the right amount of sarcasm and disdain to be infuriating.
“I’ve got no idea what your talking about old man. Perhaps your age is beginning to take your mind?” Dromeus replied, an equal level of venom in his voice.
“Careful how tread dear old friend, you know what happens when an old dog goes rabid.” Dromeus said through a sly grin. Lucian stroked his beard, feeling the warmth in his face build as he struggled to contain his temper.
“Hows your wife?” Lucian asked with an icy tone.
The room went silent as the two men stared at each other with immeasurably intensity.
“Alive and well.” Dromeus replied, obviously shaken by the comment.
“Wish I could say the same for yours.” he spat at the old man.
Lucian slammed his fist onto the table as he rose to his feet, the mugs left by the rest of the council shaking violently, spilling wine and ale onto the table-map. The two men were now eye to eye, both ready to jump the table and go to blows. Luckily a knock at the door broke the tension. Young Lancelin stood in the doorway requesting his father’s presence elsewhere. Dromeus did not break his gaze from Lucian as he quickly shooed his son away with the wave of a hand.
“That’s a nice boy you got there Ballanger. A real standout citizen, he’ll be a great leader one day. It’s just astonishing how far the apple can fall from the tree, is it not?” Lucian asked still standing nearly nose to nose with his longtime rival.
“Yes, he is, and his children will carry on our great legacy. What about Luther’s future kin?” Dromeus asked, breaking away from the staredown.
“What do you think your son will do when he finds out he is in a marriage destined for failure and heartbreak?” Dromeus asked, as he strode to the door. He stood in the doorway, he turned back to his bitter old rival and let out one last remark, “Essenia would be so disappointed, you should be glad she’s dead so….” He did not finish as he quickly slammed the door to block the incoming mug launched by Lucian. Dromeus only chuckled as he made his way down the hallway, his son still waiting for him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Captain Drystan

As Drystan moved himself over to an empty table near the far wall of the hall, he had to pause, interrupted by a charismatic woman dressed in house garb. He stared at her, looking rather unamused by her addition to his own speech. He pursed his lips, glancing over at one of the guards standing to his side. They exchanged a look that could only be described as the physical manifestation of an eye roll. He continued on his way to the table and took a seat, pulling out the parchment order from King Gustav. He unrolled the parchment and flattened it out, leaning his arm on it.

Taking a relaxed stance, he waited for the maiden to finish her speech. What her true motives were, he couldn't say. He also couldn't decide how he felt about the whole situation. He wasn't about to interrupt her, as she had gathered quite the crowd, but he also wasn't particularly fond of the idea of having a bunch of ill-trained commoners fumbling over their swords only to get themselves killed. Then again, the city was getting a bit crowded...

He was pulled out of his thoughts as she finally finished her crowd-gathering speech. People began approaching, interested in going after this sea creature. His interest turned to a bard approaching him, bringing up an interesting point. "The Seaward Bard?" he repeated. "I take it you know your way around a ship? We need someone like that for this mission." He leaned forward, grabbing a quill and jotting a few things down. "Do you have any experience fighting? I don't often see bards out swinging swords."

He slammed the quill down on the table and got to his feet. "Alright. Information is out there. I'm going to the docks now. Anyone who wants to fight, meet us there." He glanced around the large room before signaling to the guards standing near him. He made his way through the crowd, keeping one hand on the hilt of his sword.

His boots clapped on the cobblestone once he got outside. He ignored the commoners that had gathered as if they were nothing. He walked with a purpose, his long strides swiftly guiding him through the streets. A gloved hand slowly reached towards his belt, finding a small glass bottle. He plucked it off his belt, the greenish liquid inside sloshing around. He popped the cork out of the opening and brought it to his lips. He downed it in one gulp and tossed the now empty bottle aside.

It was a relatively long walk to the docks, almost the full length of the city. It was still bustling once he arrived, fishermen, ship captains and plenty of dock workers going about their daily business. Drystan stopped at the water's edge, listening to the waves lap at the wooden beams. He gazed out across the waters at the small island out in the distance. It was there that the creature was said to live. He had arranged for a medium-sized boat and it's captain to meet them at the dock. Sure enough, the ship captain was just stepping off onto the docks. He was a grizzled old man with a long, unkempt beard. A strong smell of salt wafted over towards Drystan as he approached.

"Oye! Hello there, sir. There she is: The Rancid Eel. She may not be the prettiest girl, but she will get the job done. I'm trusting you with her now, boy. I'll be heartbroken if she goes down."

With an audible grunt, Drystan nodded slightly, staring out at the sea. "I'm paying you good money either way."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Donnel had been doing his best to lay low. Though he was here on behalf of royal business, he was still a wanted man. His armor helped make most rank-and-file not notice him, but he was all too familiar with the captains and Sargent who would recognize him simply by his equipment. It was something of a signature; a battleaxe strapped to his back and a grappling hook. The hook was easy enough to hide since he just stuffed that into a back, but his back-strapped axe was somewhat familiar since most would have it hung on their belts. Donnel liked it back strapped since he was fairly quick on the draw, and the act of drawing his axe would give him the momentum for a heavy cleaving blow. And he was certain that many of grieving widows and crying orphans would have told the guards Donnel's killer technique and, if these city guards weren't complete idiots, would already have guessed how he pulls this move off.

And thus Donnel moved through the back alleys and side roads. It worked out perfectly; he needed to familiarize himself to these paths anyways, more so if there are flesh eaters and other creatures of the night stalking these streets. Last thing he needed was to fail a hunt because he got lost. While he was used to a less urban forest, Donnel was quick to learn these routes too. And not just foot paths either; Donnel made sure to test himself climbing walls, clearing fences, and getting an idea of every nook and cranny he walked through. Not only just in case he needs to evade guards, but also chase after monsters. They'd sure be in for a surprise when they'd see someone like him, as heavily armed and armored as he was, pursuing them with the swiftness of a wolf.

Eventually by following these paths Donnel reached the Hunter's Guildhall. He had to admit, it was impressive. However he was also concerned that perhaps a public declaration of this gathering wasn't a good idea. Not because he doesn't want to fight monsters (With all the benefits that come with it) but if any of those monsters had any sense, they probably have sent spies or saboteurs here to ensure the eventual destruction of the guild. It may have seemed far-fetched, but Donnel had seen a gang he joined fall apart for this exact same reason; the fool of a chief made it publicly known that he was looking for new recruits. And lo and behold, nearly half of the recruits were actually guards and bounty hunters plotting to bring the chief in. Donnel left before that happened and wasn't surprised when he saw the chief hang. In any case, Donnel would just have to stay on his toes, as he always has.

Donnel helped himself to some wine and food as the captain of the guild spoke. He only somewhat heard his name, Drystan or something like that, and gave everyone a small speech about who they were and what they were fighting for. Donnel didn't care though. He just wanted to know what they were going to hunt down. Fortunately Drystan got to that point shortly after. "Some sorta fish monster eh? Sounds easy enough." Truth be told Donnel actually wanted to sit this one out. He didn't know how to swim and didn't like the idea of fighting a monster who was great at swimming. But he wasn't going to miss out on the first job due to cowardice. Besides, the sooner he got a reputation for hunting on behalf of the guild, the sooner he may be pardoned for his former life of crime. "Where do we sign up?"

It was around that time some strange woman started to advertise for her own group. Her words fell on Donnel's deaf ears however. Her speech of unity and homeland meant nothing to Donnel and he knew that she was merely looking for fodder to throw at her enemies. Donnel was once like the fools that flocked to her, deluded by the idea that perhaps he would be one of the lucky few to achieve some sort of greatness through their sacrifice. He quickly learned to stop believing that. He was more interested in what Drystan had to say since he was actually leading this hunt or at least knew where it was taking place at. Sure enough the captain had taken out a map, wrote some things down, and made it clear he was heading out to the hunt. Donnel didn't bother to read the map since he couldn't read anyways and just followed the captain. With any luck this guy wasn't a complete idiot.

Tagging along just a few feet behind the captain's posse Donnel noticed a few things. Firstly he noted the captain drinking some mysterious vial. Donnel couldn't discern much details aside that it was a green liquid; the only liquid he knew that was ever green was sludge, and he doubts that the captain had just poisoned himself. Perhaps it was a drug meant to calm his nerves? Donnel was familiar with that. His last gang in fact earned much of their reputation thanks to hallucinogenic mushrooms that made them go into a frenzied rage, where even a hundred arrows wouldn't take one of their warriors down. Donnel didn't have the pleasure to try one of those mushrooms out seeing the after effects, but he was certain that the guild could refine it into a more potent, less dangerous concoction. The second thing he recognized was the captain's attitude. Cocky, powerful, above the rabble. The exact sort of thing that Donnel hated, and why he used his considerable talent for banditry instead of joining a militia. He hoped that this man wasn't as bad as most lords he met, but he wasn't going to hold his breath. Nobility was a joke anyways.

Finally at the docks, Donnel moved to introduce himself properly. No doubt the captain may have already recognized him if he truly was part of the city guard. If nothing else, he should at least be aware of bounties and other criminals who have earned them. Even if Donnel was wearing a new mask, his axe and now revealed hook ought to make it clear enough who he was. And if Drystan didn't know, Donnel wasn't going to inform him. "Name's Marauder. Not my real name obviously but I ain't got no more family to my name and I doubt you want to get too chummy with others in our line of work. With any luck though you'll be seeing a lot more of me. I'm not fisherman, but I know how to hook and reel em in." Donnel patted his grappling hook and chuckled darkly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Of the many cloaked and hooded figures that stood in the guild hall, Iza blended in with all the other strangers in the crowd. She had listened to both Drystan and Anastasia give their speech. The captain was a professional sort, getting straight to the point and expecting everyone else to follow and understand. Anastasia seemed more of a people person, using her force of personality to convince the townsfolk to take up arms. But Iva wondered how many were truly dedicated to the cause and who just wanted to pretend to have obtained glory. Or just want free items.

Still, there was something to be admired even if this woman was a charlatan. The people who flocked to her were initial fearful folk, this much Iva could’ve tell. If so much as a dead monster showed up the crowd would be sent screaming. But she somehow convinced them to come and fight, ignorant of the dangers they’re signing themselves up for. Perhaps it was for the best. Ignorance was bliss after all and Iva wasn’t going to waste a good thing.

More importantly however was the coming hunt. Captain Drystan had marked the target’s location in a map and already went ahead to its hunting grounds. Iva wasted no time here and followed after. She made sure I avoid all and anyone she could, weaving through people like a breeze. Once she reached the boat she didn’t even bother with introductions, merely boarding the ship while still covered from head to toe on her thick fur coat. In preparation of the coming hunt Iva took out ten arrows, carefully applying Addle poison to each one. They should last for a day before they become impotent.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“A sword?” Jericho asked, shaking his head. “No, I’m not much of a “close-up” fighter.” He said. “I like to use my pistols, and if need be, I have a trident to help keep things away.” He said, smiling.

“And yes, I know my way around a ship. Worked on one since I was sixteen. Up until I started training to become a bard.” He told the captain. After the introduction, he nodded at the orders to head out to the boat. He went to his room, gathering his things. He picked up his trident and smiled at it. “Well sweetheart, ready for the sea?” He asked, grabbing his bag and leaving.

The second he stepped onto the ship, a huge smile appeared on his face. He walked around and started doing the normal little things, like checking the knots to make sure everything was tied down, seeing what kind of inventory they were dealing with, and finally, he stepped behind the wheel, giving it a few turns. “Well, she floats.” He said with a smile. “That’s always a good first sign.” He said, pulling his pipe out of a pocket and lighting it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Meanwhile on the island

Approaching the wet rocky entrance to its cave hideout/nest, the creature emerged from the murky water, entering the dark tunnel, wounded and enraged. Feeling the sharp pain in its arm again, the scaly monster put it's webbed fingers to the damaged fin. The pressure from the creatures hand caused another jolt of shooting pain, causing it screech loudly, the horrific noise echoed down the cave, causing dozens of bats to fly out the entrance.

The small cave entrance lies on the the eastern side of the island, facing the sea from its craggy entrance way. The cave radiates a foul smell drifting its way down the beach, it can be smelled from quite a distance.. Ankle high water travels through the rocks down into the cave from the sea just yards away., The cave itself is only 4 and half feet tall in its opening. Going further into the cave, just as the light becomes a small opening seemingly miles away in the darkness, the path narrows into a steep rocky drop about twenty feet until it opens into a much larger cavern, with three more small tunnel entry ways, all smaller than the original, all presumably leading back out to the island or deeper underground. The small stream from the entry way trickles all the way down to the cavern where it has begun to indent a pond into the floor of the cavern from erosion. The cavern is a round rocky, moist room, strewn the blood and bones, wreaking of death. Bodies and feces lie scattered as rats skitter across the floor and spiders build nests in the remains of what once was a sailor.

The creature entered its nest, littered with the leftover remains of its previous victims, the intoxicating smell of rot and death only made the creature crave flesh more. The creature sat down in the small pond building at the entryway, a dark murky color from the blood and dirt mixed in. The creature picked up a handful of the bloody mud, and shoved it into its wound to stop the bleeding. It howled again in pain, scratching the rocky floor with its free hand, digging its claws into the stone trying to alleviate some of the pain. Adjusting to the throbbing pain in its arm, the creature reached its head over to one of the many carcasses on the ground and began to feast on the rotting flesh, trying to satiate it’s hunger.

In some of the more intact, lesser decomposed bodies, small blue crystal like eggs have begun growing in the tissue of the cadavers. The creature’s spawn have taken root in the bodies of its victims, using the nutrients of the fresh corpses to jump-start its growth process, many of them are now mango sized, some even bigger than a watermelon. After having its fill with its victim, the creature uses the bodies as natural incubators. Many of the egg’s are close to hatching, though it is likely these are not the first eggs to be laid, as many cracked open shells lay within some of the corpses.

As it lay in the filth and rot of its cold wet nest, the creature began to dream about it’s life before, or at least what it could remember. In the creatures mind it could see the faces of small human children, their smiles began to stir more memories. The creature began to remember it's life before, the man it was before, the life he had had. Suddenly overwhelmed by it's emotions, the creature dug at its own face with its claws, the horrible memories of it’s transformation playing in it’s mind, it could almost feel the terrible process a second time. Eventually the memories faded, and the creature settled once more, but one image remained ingrained in its mind, the face of the horrid Witch who had made the man into monster.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Davos slept for a very short time as the creature failed to make a reappearance. The two of them, man and monster, shared a moment of clarity as they both seemed to realize that here and now was not ideal for a drawn out fight. The hunter lacked the strength to beat such a foe without the use of stronger weaponry to pin the beast, and the beast lacked the will to fight against a foe that did not fear it over something as simple as a meal.

Would they both dwell on this moment and move on or would it consume their thoughts. The trapper could not speak for what the monster saw or felt any more than he could for the wind wafting over the docks, but the answer for himself was clear.

Every inch of that creature had burned its way into the deepest parts of his obsession driven mind, detailing everything from the way it had moved in the sands up to the woman from before up to the final moments when it had locked eyes with its would-be trapper. Idly he traced the line cut in the leathers across his chest and wondered how much more damage it could have done had the creature landed a proper blow.
His musings had lasted from the moment the sea monster had vanished up until exhaustion had forced him to settle down to sleep atop the roof of a nearby bar, if only to ignore the sailors and captains commenting about how they envied him facing the fearsome creature head on. 'So brave!', 'A man of no fear', nothing ever about the monster these people ever said was pleasant. Did they not marvel its physical strength? The intelligence in its eyes?

Morning came just a few short hours after Davos had closed his eyes and with it came news of the newly established hunters guild entering the island town. Overheard from the hungover sailors milling about the docksides as they prepared for their time aboard ship, they spoke loudly of the captain and how 'the island would be free of the beast!'. Would that the beast had taken the throats of some of these loud mouthed meat sacks.
Still, it was his job to hunt down such majestic creatures and protect the soft willed folk of the villages. Mum and Dad would not suffer such a monster to claim their home on the mountains, and in their child they had fostered that same level of urgency to protect home and kin above all.

Swinging his legs over the side of the roofs edge he heaved himself off, landing on the boardwalk with a hefty THUD that splintered the tough but weathered wood below his feet. The jolt of pain in his legs was the kind of tingle his body needed to get back to work! New members meant a proper hunt.. Though Davos did lament that he would be ineffective at laying a trap if the creature nested in the unexplored cavern systems dotting the islands.
But that was a problem for later.


Instructions had been given to a captain and her crew to prepare for the guilds arrival and ferry them to a predetermined destination, though Davos had skipped ahead of the group to catch the monster outside its home. Thanks to his impatience at guild procedure and the subsequent meetings he had missed that little tidbit.
Once again the loudmouth drunks and sailors dotting this place were ample with details outside their boring lives and happily pointed to big man to his destination. The captain was easy enough to spot, standing at the ready looking out over the sea as he talked to what Davos just assumed was the captain of the ship.

Unconcerned with such things as introductions, manners, respect, he simply moved in to speak with the captain. Not recognizing Davos as a hunter of the guilds initial party a few sailors politely tried to stop the towns 'hero' from joining in on the conversation. Something of a snarl escaped the muffled lips of the trapper as he grabbed the two by the face and bodily flung them to either side, never breaking his brisk pace to the hunter captain.
Stopping about a foot away, Davos offered what passed for a salute of some kind between himself and a man labeled 'superior' in terms of authority before speaking.

"Captain Drystan I will presume. Davos Gilreath at your disposal." The man did not extend his hand to shake, keeping it clenched at his side. "I caught the thing you're all here to kill, but it broke out after mangling its hand up a bit. Tellin' you this now, it isn't stupid."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anastasia watched the procession of hunters follow the captain out, noting his pragmatic manner as he briskly manuevered through the crowd of roaring commoners and merchants and noblemen. She was quite satisfied with the results of her speech and took note of her new troops. Many were young, man and women of various hygene and outfit.

She questioned them of previous combat experience and profession as she moved outside, her hunters falling in behind. Suprisingly, about half, 15, were of either some previous military or mercenary experience, some even city guardsmen, off duty, who would file in their resignation to their previous careers at the earliest. The rest were young, anxious apprentices of various crafts and trades seeking a more exciting life, some manual laborers, even one noblemen, who had come with his own suit of armor and weapons, though no combat experience.

She thought for a moment.

Although she would like to weed out the useless rabble first, it wouldn't look good for their first excursion if most of her troop was slaughtered immediatly, certainly hampering reputation and future recruiting. No, she decided she would take the combat ready first.

She turned to her personal hunters, calling out, "Alosha! Alina! Take these other initiates back to the base with the carriages and horses and begin training immediatly."

The two slim, young black garbed hunters whined behind their masks, looking over the rookies with contempt, muttering in foreign tongues, "Ah nyw shtoa! Pachimu nas? Blein, davi Derik sdelayit eto. Oywn nashi molodoy! My tak dolga ne videli deystviya!" (WHat?! Why us? Damn, let Darik do it. He's our youngest! We haven't seen action in so long!)

"Vi shtoa, deti?! Zaknis and sdeli shtoa ya schazal!" (You're what, children!? Shut up and do what I said!") She spited back at them, pointing sharply to the carriages.

They groaned and moved to the reserve intiates, calling out to follow. The group cheerfully talked among themselves, excited for their new position, walking in a disorganised rabble, their cheer shut down as Alina screamed sharply, "THIS IS NOT A FUCKING VACATION! YOU ARE IN THE BALLANGER GUARD NOW. SHOW SOME DIGNITY, FALL IN, MARCH OUT, AND SHUT UP!" The initiates tried to gather into a two coloumn formation and march under instruction, tripping over each other and failing miserably, cussed out by the two newly appointed drill instructors as they walked in the opposite direction.

Anastasia sighed and pressed her nose, shaking her head. She turned to the combat initiates, whom had already formed into proper ranks and stood at attention on her sight. She smiled, nodded, and took a stance herself with her polearm, "Alright! Listen here my brothers and sisters in arms! For those unaware, our first mission will be a raiding party on a remote island off the docks, believed to be the home of some sea monsters harressing the docks of late. We will march to the docks, board what transport has been proved, assuming it has, and, after an information brief has been made by our Captain, you will begin immediate training. No rest shall be given, potions to maintain vigor and stamina shall be provided as needed.

You are of the Blessed Ballanger Guard, but you have still to prove yourselves. You serve as a holy vanguard and you will act your station, you will give your all and more! You will be pushed beyond your limits and you will break them!"


"Oh, and one final item. We are marching straight into the mouth of darkness, casting light on horrors beyond imagining. But be that so, ye are blessed and appointed under divine and royal sight. Open your hearts to God and let faith and courage put your heart to the sticking place! Attack with pride! All who perform with valor will be praised throughout the land!

And all those who fall in combat will be forgiven of all past sins and guaranteed placement in the seats of Paradise, their names honored in stone, their families given due proper respect and care!

But, and I will only make this warning once, any, AND I MEAN ANY, who dare forsake their duty and retreat in the moment of combat will be branded right there and then not only a coward, but a traitor and heretic, a man who has spit in the face of the Ballanger Family, in the face of the King, and in the face of God, and upon mine, and will be judged and executed on the spot as such without mercy or hesitation."

Initially the volunteers beamed at her words and even marvelled at her generosity, but upon her warning a grimness fell upon them and some begin to share looks and even mutter softly among themselves.

Anastasia frowned and slammed her armored boot upon the stone walk with such fierceness that a tiny crack formed beneath her heel, the initiates almost stumbling away, "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"



She marched them out behind the mass of the procession, taking note of the ragtag gang of brigands, criminals, and freaks who made up the ranks of the guild, trying to pick out the common thug from the genuine hunter.

She took note of the strange lithe girl shrouded in fur coat, weaving through the crowds like a ghost. She eyed the hook and axed equiped mercenary, his movements and mannerisms speaking of caution and experience. Something about him seemed different from the common brigands beside.

As they reached the docks, she eyed the medium ship, giving it a curt node of satisfaction at it's decent design. She nodded for her troop to begin immediate boarding and assessment training, her hunters breaking the 15 initiates into smaller groups, testing their skills, their strength, their endurance, any novice who was cocky enough to challenge the small, slim foreign hunters in a match of strength of endurance quickly and easily humiliated, the hunters soloumnly beating men twice their size and kicking them back into line.

She approached Captain Drystan and the crowd of fellow hunters questioning him, standing casually at attention,

"Sir, my Guard have boarded and begun preparations. Will there be a mission brief or is this a blind raid? Have we any information on the this 'sea monster'?"

SHe turned her head to watch Davos as he flung two sailors out of his brisk path, approaching the Captain bluntly.

At first she almost sneered at his brutish behaviour, but then his strange attire caught her eye, and her vampiric senses took note of him. A gut feeling. Something... animal about him, yet not as a sign of a brute, but of something graceful and ... dangerous. And she hasn't had that feeling in a while.

She didn't smile. She grinned.

"Oh? You have faced this beast? My commandations! Do tell, noble hunter! We need all the information we can acquire."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Parry, riposte, and thrust!"

Libe took her blade with both her hands and deflected a blow inches away from her face. Sliding her steel down the length of her opponent's sword she poised the blade to the underside of their chin, away from their armor and thrust thus into the skull. With a florish she decapitated her target. "Hmph. I don't see why you keep wanting to practice sister. A sword is of little use in the training fields."[/color] Libe's sister tossed away with straw practice dummy on her arm as she sheathed her own blade. Libe looked down at the wooden manikin trying to imagine it being a once living human, but had no imagine her her mind to make that look real. Libe looked at her sister and sheathed her own sword. "Practice makes perfect sister. I have to keep my skills sharp no matter what." Libe joined her sister at the balcony of their family home overlooking the city of Rothenburg. The sun was about to set and people were going about their business, either closing their shops for the night or even opening their doors for late-night business. Despite the prosperity and wealth of the city there was an air of dread palatable even here in the noble district.

"Practice makes you predictable. You've already learned all I can teach you. If you get too accustomed to that, you'll never stand a chance when your opponent fights differently from me."

"If my enemy can't fight like you, they aren't much of a threat."

"Libe, the monsters you hunt aren't knights or even human. Trying to fight them like a man will only end in your death. We don't hunt beasts with our swords you know."

"But they'll die all the same. Man, beast, or monster, if it bleeds I can kill it. It's really not that complicated."

Libe spoke with confidence as she watched the servants of the house shuffle through the courtyard. Among them were a few of her sisters and "mothers", though none of them related to her by blood. They had only stopped by to visit as Libe and her elder sister had finally come home after a quest to deal with a potential revolt in a distant town. But in the end it was just religious fanatics trying to stir up the people into rebellion, their words falling onto death ears as they were executed for heresy. Libe was no strange to seeing an execution, though she still didn't quite have the stomach for death. She had to force herself to watch and become accustomed to the act of killing.

"I still don't believe you're ready for this, my little sister."

"A bird will never fly if it never leaves the nest, my eldest sister."

The two looked at each other, their eyes meeting one another. Libe was darker skinned than her sister, who had a fair complexion. Their features were notably different enough that one could not tell they were siblings at a glance. Only their piercing red eyes spoke of any shared connection between the two. The La'Spada's family signature. As the two started, Libe cracked a smile. Her sister started to giggle. Eventually the two broke down into a laughing fit as their serious facade broke down and the two engaged in lighthearted roughhousing. A light tap here, a noogie there, they played like they were little boys instead of the noble women they were. Soon the two stopped after they had their fun and leaned against the stonework.

"I'll admit I'm nervous. This would be the first time I've actually done something myself. No servants, no family, just me and my honor." When Libe spoke about her honor she lifted her enchanted blade. The magic imbue into her sword was not complex; it simply ensured that her blade would forever remain sharp, and even should it be damaged or shattered it can repair itself almost instantly. The La'Spada family rarely wasted resources on anything but practical when it comes to their equipment. Even their home lacked the usual flair that most nobility tried to flaunt, being more akin to a fortress than a home. But it also made it a castle of it's own, and practically impenetrable to assault or invasion. It was possibly the safest place in the city next to the royal palace itself. Very important in these dark times.

"As you should be. I think I've spoiled you too much by never letting you fight a battle alongside me. It pains me to say this, but I do not want you to go to this Hunting Guild. Even if the king himself endorses this organization, I don't want my precious little sister to throw herself into danger. However... I also won't keep her chained to me forever. All I ask is that you be safe, Libeccio. Listen to others, work with them, and survive. Do that for me, and you'll bring honor to our house."

Libe thought about her sister's words as she put the family mansion behind her. She had with her a few things she felt would be needed for the hunt; her weapons, her clothing, armor, and a few healing potions. Not only did Libe have her enchanted sword slung across her back but she had a few daggers hidden up her sleeve as well. They were thin, small blades, not strong enough to withstand even a glancing blow, but she can draw them quickly and stab them into her enemy's vitals before they could even realize she was armed. She could also fling them in a flash if they thought they could beat her simply by staying out of her sword's reach. Her armor was a very light chainshirt designed for all women of the La'Spada home. Made by master smiths, despite the light weight the armor was tough enough to absorb even an arrow fired from a crossbow, ensuring that the ladies of the house was always protected. The fact that it was so lightweight and comfortable was also a mark of true craftsmanship. And lastly some healing potions that Libe had carried throughout her career as a squire. Her sister often got bruised up during battles and these potions alleviated the worse of the injuries. Even more dangerous wounds like broken bones or punctured lungs could be healed with these potions. Libe only had two, so she had to make them count.

Eventually Libe would arrive to the guildhall just in time to see many of them leave. At the head she could recognize none other than Captain Drystan. Live made sure to familiarize herself with the Royal Guards, as only the best were allowed to personally protect the king himself. Libe's own sister could've been a Royal Guard but she didn't like the idea of just sitting around the castle all day waiting for danger to happen. Drystan was followed by a mishmash of other hunters so Libe guessed that he was heading to the first mark. She didn't want to miss out so she followed him onto the boat and got a briefing about what they were hunting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Captain Drystan

Standing at the edge of the dock, Drystan watched and listened to the myriad of people wanting to join in on the hunt. Most were rather unimpressive, looking like the average sellsword, but there were a few that stood out. There was one man who wore an axe on his back in a distinctive manor, and he was pretty sure was a wanted man. Drystan was not the Captain of the peace keepers of the bounty hunters, though, so he really did not care what was in this man's past. He nodded at his words, glad to have someone who seemed comfortable in open waters. It wasn't likely that their fight would take place on the sea itself, but it never hurt to have someone with such experience.

Now this other man who came barreling through the crowd, he definitely left an impression. Just the fact that he had no qualms shoving his way through other men opening carrying weapons, clearly ready for a fight said a lot about his character. Drystan looked him up and down briefly, standing stock still. He always seemed tense, rigid, especially now before a new voyage. It wasn't that he was nervous, though, it was just his demeanor.

Drystan nodded at Davos who had introduced himself. His inside knowledge of the creature would prove very helpful in this situation. "I would be very interested to hear of your experience with the creature," he replied. "Step onto the ship and we'll talk on our way. I'll admit I have little experience with this thing. I'm sure it will help some of the other less experienced hunters to hear a bit about the creature." With that, Drystan turned and walked aboard the Rancid Eel.

He himself was a very confident man, some might even say cocky. He didn't often boast of his talents or skills, but he showed his confidence in other ways. The way he walked, the serious look in his eyes, and his lack of planning. As he hadn't much knowledge of the creature he was planning to fight, he hadn't spent much time planning tactics. He knew his own strength and felt there was little risk and, therefore, little to worry about. He knew other's didn't feel the same, however, and that they would find some solace in any information that would help them plan out their own attacks. If it would keep the other hunters from panicking mid-battle, Drystan welcomed the information.

Once aboard the ship, Drystan turned back towards the docks. "We will be embarking to the island!" His voice bellowed, rising above the chatter that was going on around them. "If you wish to fight, come aboard. If not, be prepared to receive us when we return, victorious." With that, he turned and signaled the captain of the ship, who immediately began untying the large ropes that kept the ship in place.

Their voyage was not a long one: the isle only a couple of knots away from the docks themselves. The saltwater sprayed up against the ship as it cut it's way through the waves. Drystan stood, silently, staring ahead at the island as it slowly seemed to grow larger and larger.

They made port on the south end of the island. There was no dock to tie the ship to, so the captain and a small grew had to stay aboard to receive the remaining party when they returned. There was a small beach that they landed on, sand giving way to thick grass which quickly turned to rocky ridges. It was rough terrain, useless for farming or housing. It had always been a rather uninhabited island: anyone who tried quickly gave up due to the rocky landscape and lack of resources.

"I will begin scouting the shoreline here. You may join me or you may go off on your own. Either way, this island is not very large. We are bound to find the creature's hiding space soon enough."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Once Iva landed she immediately set about searching for the beast's location. It wasn't difficult for her to discern a few pieces of key information from what little she learned on the ship: The beast was injured, it eats the flesh of men, and he would be resting in a cave connecting to the ocean. From what Iva overheard Dravos had already injured the creature which hopefully would hobble some of it's strength. And no doubt since it eats humans, and it has killed many, there were bound to be some bloated corpses around the island. And with Iva's sharp senses and hunter's instincts, she could easily sniff out rotten cadavers from a hundred yards off. And the last bit of info Iva simply deduced herself; the creature couldn't obviously live on top of this barren, rocky island, so there must have been some sort of underwater cave of some sort nearby where it makes it's nest.

With this information in mind Iva set out to look for the creature. Iva barely went further than a hundred feet when the wretched scent of corpses struck her nose. She turned her head towards the east and deduced that the monster kept it's food over there. And assuming this creature had at least a beast level of intellect, it probably slept and shit in the same place it eats. Now that she knew where it was she just needed to scout the area.

Iva approached the cave cautiously and from stealth. The powerful scent of dead bodies and feces certainly told Iva that this cave was its home, but she couldn’t tell if the Beast was there or not. For all she knew it could be prowling the waters having already noticed the ship and it’s hunters and was merely waiting to spring it’s own ambush. And while the others described it as a fish man, Iva did not put the idea that the monster could be hidden among the stones. She knew some ocean fish who disguise themselves as sea rocks to hide and ambush prey. This creature could do the same. So Iva vanished as she analyzed the area.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anastasia watched her troops train on the voyage and took note of their varying ability. Some were veterans of combat and handled themselves well, others were merely simple thugs. Either way, they all seemed capable of keeping some semblance of discipline. She sighed softly, staring out at the approaching island, arms crossed as she leaned against a railing.

The mission brief she found was far too short and to the point. WHile she initially assessed the Captain to be a pragmatist, this was downright bullish. The brief didn't even have everyone informed nor have a plan set togather. Simply... go forth and conquer. He didn't even arrange tactics or genuine parties once the shore was reached. This set her hairs on edge. While she was no stranger to the blind, improvised tactics of brigands, to see a royal guardsmen act as such forbade a level of disaster that she simply wouldn't tolerate.

There was simply no way having a horde of unorganised mercenaries blindly looking for a monster on their lonesome was not going to end in panic and chaos, jepordizing the mission. As much as she would like to agree to the simple tactic of brute force for it's supposed quick efficiency, what little she overheard of Davos' account indicated a greater cunning in the creature that should not be underestimated.

Once they had made landfall and the Captain bluntly went forth on his own, she blew a sharp whistle to catch everyone's attention. Most groaned once they saw it was her and waved her off, walking away in their own random directions, many simple brigands boasting loudly. Seeing as this rabble had practically given their position away anyway, she made a flat frown and pulled out a metal whistle and gave it a quick blow, producing a sharp, annoying ring in everyone's ears.

"Fer fuck sakes, wa'dya ya wan' ya naggy bitch!?"

She sighed softly and waved off her men as they bristled at a random thug's flat insult, jumping onto a crate and overlooking the crowd.

"Yes, yes, I am fully aware of everyone's opinion here of my... "theatrics". This is no speech and neither is it an order. I know I have no authority over any of you and so I suggest to you, as equals, for -OUR MUTUAL BENEFIT-, that we organise a plan firsthand, rather than running off here and there and likely startling the creature or putting each other in danger with our random tactics. I know very well not everyone here attended the mission brief."

She gave a look at Davos (@Zelosse) and Donnel (@Lucius Cypher) and the fur-coated girl who had run off immediatly (@Norschtalen). She pressed the bridge of her nose and sighed sharply, "And, yes, I can see that many of you don't play with others well, that said, I'm sure you would find it in your best interest to not have a crowd of stumbling sellswords with no hunting experience giving away your position or ruining your "hunt"."

"Let's be honest, not all here are professionals. Many of you, hell, myself included, have only experience hunting other men or vampires at best, let alone great beasts or monsters. We need a plan."

The crowd of hunters mumured, some waving her off and going away anyway, though a good portion begrudgingly agreed with her.

"As I said, I am not commending you, nor am I presuming leadership. This is a meeting of equals. With that, I propose that those who have any possible information on the beast come up and present your findings and suggestions. Afterwards, we should organise into parties, plan our routes, and establish a plan of contact upon sighting either the monster or the lair. As much as you would like to take personal glory, this beast will not be taken down on it's lonesome."

She looked to Davos (@Zelosse) and the sailor Jericho (@SirSqueakalot91), waving them over, if they hadn't left already, "So far, I know some who already presented some information and suggestions. Come! Come and aid your fellow hunters."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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"Ye sure do like to gab on do ya, lassie?" Donnel yawned as he walked off the ship having taken a nap to restore his stamina. Also because he didn't like being on boats over big bodies of water while still conscious. He had already heard Anastasia's rally in the guildhall and her spiel prior to boarding the ship, and now here she was wanting to make a plan on the island. Not that having a plan was a bad idea per say, but with these many obviously untrained and questionably courageous people she was commanding, Donnel doubts their plan will work as well as she'd hope. If these were the type of people who expect their sheer numbers to be enough to defeat the beast, they were going to die horribly. Even Donnel knew better than to rely on outnumbering an enemy who would show no fear. Learn that one the hard way last time a gang he ran tried to take on a knight captain. Donnel still had the scar for that one.

"If it's a plan yer looking for, here's a thought: Find a buddy, keep an eye out, and if you find the monster come find us. If it finds you, run away screaming. That way we'll know where you're at and come get ya. If you think you got what it takes to take on this beast yourself, then congrats! I'm sure y'all do us proud. If you can't, then stay on the ship and try not to be fish bait."

Donnel had no interest in trying to Shepard a flock of wayward sellswords and cowards. Donnel was going to face this beast with or without help. Ideally with help, but only with people he could trust. And frankly he didn't trust anyone here. Still as Donnel walked around the beach he spotted that mysterious hooded girl run off to the east. Either she was reckless or she may have found the beast. Either way if she was going to die, Donnel would do well to see what they're really up against. Donnel made sure to stay away from the water as he headed eastward as well, trying to find where the girl when. She seemed to have vanished as soon as went over the hill. But the stench of corpses made it easy for Donnel to figure out where she and his target might be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Captain Drystan

Drystan paused on the beach, briefly listening to the second speech given by Anastasia. He had to admit to himself, he admired her tenacity. She definitely wasn't afraid of making a scene. He didn't envy her, however. As much was obvious at this point, he wasn't the biggest people person. He did all he could to avoid crowds, part of the reason he was so quick to separate himself from the other hunters. It wasn't the best idea for the captain of the hunter's guild, but he always did get results.

He turned from the crowd and began making his way down the shoreline, the sandy beach quickly turning into uneven, rocky terrain. As he stepped over the rocks, he could feel his body tensing. His muscles were pulsing, almost visibly, as he began to clench his fists. His pupils were pinpoints and a bead of sweat was beginning to form on his brow. His breathing quickened and he felt strength pulsing through his veins. As he got farther away from the original shoreline, he gripped a small tree spurting out between the rocks. It's trunk was about the width of his wrist and tapered slightly the taller it got. His fingers wrapped around it and squeezed. With a loud crack, the top half of the tree split from the bottom. He grabbed the top and swung it around in his hand. As he walked, he absentmindedly broke pieces off and let them fall to the ground.

He crested a slight hill that overlooked the sea below and he contemplated the group behind him. He knew leaving them wasn't a very captain-like behavior, but he had his reasons. He knew that a royal notice promising riches would attract a number of different types of people: many of whom would know next to nothing about fighting. They would be a danger to themselves and those around them. This first job was a test of sorts. It would weed out the weaklings, the inexperienced and the cowardly. And he hated cowards. Groups were strong, stable. If they were to split up, the cowardly would be easier to spot. Plus, the coin would be more abundant the fewer hunters they had. But he wasn't particularly worried about coin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Dra gged underwater by some big fishman. Diffic ult to write with ch A RCOAL stick but I try. POTIONS LOST - food an d water gone.--- driEd everyth ing else up on the beach. Just packed. I think fishy has go ne back to mainland.

Smells like d eath here but im ok. My nose hurts fr o m the seawater thouGH. I see a boat. Wont be long.

Abigail sighed, binding the buckled pages of the book shut and tucking the burnt twig behind her ear. She was no stranger to hardships; physical exertion and sleeping rough were part of the job description when it came to becoming a huntress, and before that she had her own taste of what the world really had to offer. She watched the silhouette of the ship on the horizon as it slowly drifted towards the desert island and, with a smile, she scooped up her backpack from the floor and climbed a tree.

Captain Drystan found it first; the dusty ash in a circle of rocks, the embers still warm to the touch...scuff marks in the sand and the dirt, footprints scattered haphazardly about. There was no doubt that it was a campsite and a recently abandoned one at that...but the tracks lead to a point in the undergrowth and simply vanished as the trees became thicker. The camp was set up just on the shore, where the grass met the sand dunes - far enough from the gloom of the trees and the inky depths of the sea. There were smiley faces scratched into the dirt.


Abigail scrawled it quickly into her diary and rummaged around her backpack as the bedraggled men and women spilt over the beaches. She pulled something from its depths and left it to hang in the branches by tying the straps to the tapering boughs. Tree climbing, for a rural girl who got lost in one of the largest and arguably dangerous forests in the land, was a piece of cake. It required three simple skills; an understanding of how much one weighs, a good judgement, and enough body strength to carry one's weight. In most situations, climbing was the best form of hiding. You were out of your opponents imminent line of sight and, provided you were light footed and slow enough, there were few reasons to look up. There were exceptions to the rule but it was obvious that these...pirates, were seeking to find the monster Abigail had affectionately named 'Mr. Fishy’, slaughter it, and acquire all of its treasure. The monster was unlikely to start trying to leap into opponents from above, so Abigail took the safest route and scooted along the oaks and Aspens.

Abigail spotted Donnel first, a few leagues away from her position and intent on finding something - presumably the aforementioned monster. All she really did was stop, stare, and let the pirate pass before circling around him and eventually overtaking him. She was high enough in the canopy to manage it without making too much noise and far enough to avoid suspicion. The rest of her trip took her across the island, creeping over the heads of several simpler pirates and spending a great deal of time squished against the trunk of a tree. Compared to one seamonster, an island swarming with pirates seemed like the greater of two evils. There was another problem too - she was running out of trees.

The smell of rot was pungent enough to make Abigail gag as she reluctantly slid down from her vantage point and his in between the algae-slick rocks near the cave. She was hidden in a crescent shaped alcove that opened to face the cliffs instead of the sea; a crack eroded by waves long ago. It was a tight fit, even for a little runt like Abigail, but it was the best way to take a good look at who comes in and out of the beast's front door. It also banked on the assumption that at this distance the pirates would be wholly focused on actually getting into the cave itself and certainly did not account for Iva, who was more focused on everything around the cave.

If Iva could track the monster on smell alone then she was more than capable of seeing Abigail. What Iva saw was a girl - barely out of her teens, with a physique that brought to mind a blonde stick insect. She had lengthy straight blonde hair tied back, tight fitting clothes with patches on them, and was traversing the rocks in a pair of knitted socks with leather soles stitched on. She looked like a civilian but moved like a natural, almost (but not quite) as good as Iva. Even from such a distance Iva could see the girl consider her route, crouch down and traverse the inhospitable landscape without so much as losing her footing. She could easily see where the girl went to hide and once she had wiggled inside the crevasse, Iva could see her no more.
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