Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"With the last will of billionaire Bruce Wayne becomes public upon his request, we are all left guessing who will be the one to inherit the Wayne Manor, and the fortune that comes with it."


"Today we have our guest, Mister Lucious Fox, CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Mister Fox, what can we expect for the future of your company with not only the death of Mister Wayne, but with the main explosion that occurred in the headquarters?"

"We'll Miss Vale, you and i both knew what Bruce stood for, and as he stood down from CEO he still had a lot of input and faith in our company. He was always one step ahead, preparing for possible problems, and successes, and the future of the company that struggles to help people. So I'm not worried, although it was a tragic loss. I am certain the incident would have been much worse if batman wasn't there to stop it."

"And do you know who is going to inherit The Wayne fortune?"

"I don't think I'm paid enough to know that." Lucius said with a laugh, shaking his head. "I'm not sure who it is, but I've met a lot of Bruce's friends lately, and I know that whoever the person is, he will be trustworthy, respectful and a good person. Bruce was a good judge of character."


Dick Grayson had the television on as he was in the Wayne manor personal gym. He wore an athletic tank top, some sweatpants, and holding his weapons of choice: his Escrima sticks. He was practicing on a dummy, and the dummy was not looking too good after Dick's session. His black hair was a bit wet with sweat, he had his hands out in defensive mode, admiring his work.

Soon enough people will know that Dick Grayson was the owner of Bruce's fortune. The boy he adopted as his ward, trained to be a badass crime fighter, split from Gotham for years, and came back to make sure his city was safe. He owed it to the man that raised him.

"Master Grayson." Alfred, the Wayne's butler and the man who raised not only Bruce, but Dick as well. "You told me to get you when the sun was setting. Are you ready for this?" He asked.

Dick smiled, grabbing a towel and walking towards Alfred, patting him on the back. "I'm always ready, Alfred. Let's show Gotham it's new protector."


Before Dick went out to introduce himself to the world, he might as well show the criminal world that Nightwing was here, and he was here for good. He was ready to protect this city just like Batman would... But with more finesse. Nightwing stood on a rooftop, throwing a Escrima stick in the air and catching it, listening in to the police records, or anything associated with Harvey Dent.

Doing some pre-research, he found out that Harvey has been making money by a company that was a cab service. He was surprised, and imprssed. He would have never guessed that from the psychotic ex lawyer... But now dick knew. And if he saw anyone driving his cab service, he would be sure to stop and say hello to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

“Good evening dad.” A young woman’s voice said in her flat in the downtown area of Gotham. Brushing some blonde hair from her face she moved through her flat rustling through a few articles of clothing throwing them over her shoulder and onto the bed, debating what to wear tonight. “How’s work going?”

“It’s going well kiddo,” Her father’s voice rang through her phone and caused her to smile. “Work’s been rather busy though. Did you hear the news?” It wasn’t very often that her father took time for work to call her, but she enjoyed hearing from her dad. He was a hard worker and they rarely got to spend time together, but that never stopped them from talking. “Wayne industries finally have an heir…”, “Really?”, “Yes, the announcement is supposed to be made tomorrow but I’d imagine they’ve already moved into Wayne estates. It might be nice if you were to drop by and welcome them to the city tomorrow.”

“I was thinking the same thing!” She said with excitement in her voice, “I’m always up for looking for new friend! Can I… still throw that party tomorrow night? I reserved the Iceberg Lounge for the night, and I think it’s going to be the best location. I’m going to send out the invites tomorrow if that’s still okay…”

“Of course it is sweetheart.” Her father said with a grin on the other side. “Just put it on the family card and have a good time. But I think inviting the new person at Wayne Industries would be a great idea.”

“Sure I will dad; coming to a new city can be hard. Who better to show him around then me?”, “No one precious, I’ve got to go.”, “I love you dad I’ll talk to you later.” With that Abigail Dent turned off her phone and grabbed a blue dress and slipped it on.

The night took hold of Gotham City and the blonde ran out to the limbo waiting for her. Her father bought a cab company in town with about 18 service cars and 7 limos. Today Jared was driving her around, “Hello Jared!” The blonde said with a skip in her step as she shut the gate to the elevator and went to the car. “Thank you! A little bar hopping tonight.” With that and a grin she climbed inside.

Towards the end of the night, around 3am, the limbo picked Abbie up at her final bar. Stumbling out of the bar tipsy after a good night and had passed out many invites to the party. Lots of people jumped onboard to attend; she couldn’t wait to meet more people at the party and get to know more individuals. Climbing into the back of the limbo, she fought back some giggles as she sat in the back seat stretched out in the blue dress and played with her purchase; she was glad she wasn’t too drunk but being tipsy was fun. And it was a good night!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

With the news of Batman's death... There was going to be crime. The major villains wouldn't attack just yet. Like many people, they believed that the Batman wasn't dead. And if they tried anything, he would be there to ruin their day. But the little thugs had no problem trying to test their lucky. Unfortunately for them, they didn't know that Nighwing was going to give them hell.

"Shit, everything's so easy now that the Bat is gone!"

"Shut up! We still got cops, idiot!"

A group of three were trying to break in to a car. The night brought a light rain--as usual in Gotham. The three obviously weren't afraid of anything at the moment, so they were reckless. As they were trying to get the door open they heard a loud rev of an engine. A sleek motorcycle turned the corner with a drift, and came racing down the road towards them. The thugs were cautious, holding on to their weapons as they tried to act casual, and the motorcycle sped on by. A few seconds of looking at where the bike turned, and they went back at it... Only to be interrupted by the motorcycle taking a second lap, its headlights shining right at them.

The man known as Nighwing climbed off, walking towards the men. "Evening, boys." He said, reaching his hands behind his back for his escrima sticks. "What the hell? You aren't the Bat." One of them said.

"You're right, I'm not." Nightwing said simply, twirling a stick in the air to prepare for the fight.

"Who are you?" Another asked.

"I'll give you three tries to figure that out." He replied with a smile, still making his way towards the thugs. "Just a super hero wanna-be." One commented. Nightwing struck the sticks together, a large blue spark flying out of them, the tips now having a blue light wrapped around them. "Try again."

"What the hell are those things? You the electrocutioner?" Another yelped, backing away from the masked hero. "Seriously?d One more guess." The hero sounded a bit offended at this point. "Wait... You're... You're the guy from Bludhaven! Batman's prodigy!" The first one finally exclaimed. Nightwing gave a shrug. "I prefer to go by 'Nightwing'"

And with that, Nightwing threw a escrima stick at one of them, a bolt of lightning going through him. Night wing rushed forward, jumping up and tilting to his side to grab the man's neck with his legs, and in mid air made the man flip backwards hard on the ground. He picked up his other stick as he rolled backwards from the two other's attacks, jumping on his feet, then backflipping away. He looked at the two, putting out both of his hands, doing the "Bring it on" hand motions with both hands as the sticks balanced in the palms, and then he grasped them again as the two other thugs rushed for him. Nightwing spun away from a charge, pushing the man away as he did so, and swinging his stick upward to hit the second man's elbow.

The second man yelped in pain, and swung his other hand towards the back of Nightwing's head. He ducked the swing, connecting the two sticks together, and pulling them apart near the man's stomach, sending a spark of electricity in to his torso, sending him back. Nightwing turned just to see the other man running towards him, about to swing a bat downward on him, but he did a high kick, stopping the bat with his foot. The second man managed to get up, and with his leg still up, Nightwing blocked a crowbar with his sticks, disarmed the man, and swung a stick right across his cheek. He was out cold.

Leg still up, the thug shocked, Nightwing gave a small smile. "Still think I'm a wanna-be?" He asked simply, and with a fluid motion, jumped up, swinging his other leg hard in to the man's face. He also fell to the ground.

Satisfied with his work, Nightwing put away his escrima sticks on his back, and started to drag the unconscious bodies to the sidewalk, cuffing them all to the street post.

"Master Grayson." Alfred's voice appeared in Nightwing's ear. "go ahead, Alfred." Nightwing said, walking back to the Night Cycle. "I have done more research on Harvey Dent's cab service. It appears that he not only had cabs, but limos as well... And one has been seen with the cab service's logo on it traveling to a few bars throughout the night."

"Great. Wonder if he's driving around anyone important. Thanks, Alfred. Send me the last known coordinates."


Abigail Dent's Limo came to a halt at a red light. The limo driver sighing a bit, looking at his watch. he didn't get paid enough to drive around this late at night. He sighed, tapping his thumb against the wheel lightly waiting for the light to change... until he got a knock on his window. The driver jumped a bit, looking over to see a man on a motorcycle waving at him to roll his window down. "Geez..." The driver muttered, doing as the man requested, and as soon as he did... He took a little trip out the window.

The driver hit the ground hard, and then he felt a boot on his head. "Your boss. Who owns the cab company. Who is he?" Nightwing asked. The driver tried to look up at him, clearly terrified. "Wh-What?"

"The man who owns the limos! Who is he?" Nightwing said louder, pressing his foot down harder. "I don't know! I don't know! I go to my office, talk to my manager who gives me the schedule, and then I go! I swear that's it!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

When going out to pubs around Gotham, there is one other thing women do aside from drinking and that’s dancing; and Abbie was no exception. She was tipsy, enjoying herself and danced the night away. Her hair was a mess; nearly frizzy and almost sticking straight out while her makeup was smudged around her face and her lipstick was smeared across her lips. Even in her state she knew how horrible she looked from drenching herself in sweat by busting a move to the music the night had provided for her.

Pull her compact mirror out of her purse she looked at herself and laughed. “Oh my god I look like I’m wearing a horribly painted mask!” She said with a laugh, talking to herself since the window connecting her to the driver was rolled up. She laughed hard at her little joke, almost too hard to be exact. She felt herself snort a bit at her own joke and slapped her hand over her mouth, her caramel eyes wide in surprise as her face flushed red. Shaking her head, she put the compact back into her purse and settled back into the seat. Tonight was a good night. She couldn’t complain…

Reaching up, she rolled down the suppurating window to ask Jared how his wife and kids were doing, only to catch the end of his feet being drug out the window. “What the--?” The young woman placed her bag down on the seat next to her and pressed her face up against the window. A man in a black outfit was pushing his boot into the head of the driver. That wasn’t something Batman could do, who was this punk!?

Flinging the door open she climbed out of the back seat and before she could stop herself from any actions or speech she reacted. Closing the distance in the short limbo she spun and brought up her leg. With a rather unexpected grace and balance for someone who’s rather tipsy she made contact with the side of her shoe covered foot into the man’s chest; giving just enough momentum from her kick to force him back a bit. “Whoa buddy!” She said catching herself as she planted her foot back on the ground and held up her hands. “Why don’t you back the fuck off and take a hike. Attacking an innocent driver, what the hell’s wrong with you?”

That was until she looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow she focused back on his face. “You look like some wanna-be Batman; just an fyi pal, Batman doesn’t attack innocent people. Leave that to the villains alright?” With that she backed up to Jared and, without taking her eyes off of the masked weirdo, reached down and began to help the poor and rather shocked middle aged driver to his feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nightwing wasn't expecting the drunk girl to come out of the limo, and he really wasn't expecting to be kicked in the chest by the blonde. She obviously had enough to drink to make herself a bit tipsy--and mouthy. Nightwing backed up a bit, tilting his head, and when said that he looked like a wanna-be Batman, he flew his hands up in defeat. "Why does everyone keep saying that? Look, Miss. First of all: I'm pretty well known. Nightwing...? Savior of Bludhaven...?" He gave another defeated sigh. "forget it. I leave the city for a few years, and everyone forgets my name..." He muttered, walking over to the back of the limo, memorizing the license plate, then the logo on the side. It was definitely the ones that supposedly belonged to Two-Face.

"I don't go attacking innocent people either, by the way. Just when you get a tip that this limo belongs to a very evil man, you tend to use the fear tactic to get people talking. Speaking of which..." He made his way back towards the cab driver, he yelped in fear as he backed away, but he simply moved past the woman and went straight for him. He wasn't going to lose his lead on Two-Face because of a woman who had one too many to drink. "You never met the big boss? Which garage do you work in? What's your manager's name." He then turned to the woman. "You seem to know Jared." Before she could ask how he knew his name, he pointed to the limo. "There was a sign that read 'Hi! I'm Jared!' in the car... He has no criminal record? do you know his manager? or his Higher up?" He had a lot of questions for both of them. He was willing to spend all night talking about this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A smirk moved across her face when he asked why everyone keeps saying he looked like a wanna-be Batman. Well it was true! Running around in that cheesy outfit and with some dorky name of a city she’s never heard of. Couldn’t be that important of a city if the name doesn’t cross her mind, “Big city dude, lots of people leave and lots of people come back. Don’t expect everyone to know your name Mister ‘Nightwing’.” She said his name with a great amount of sarcasm as she did air quotes as she spoke. Obviously she wasn’t buying his whole get-up and let’s face it, she wasn’t going to buy his stating that the business belonged to a evil man. As far as she was concerned, this Nightwing guy was more of a bad man than her father could ever try to be.

“Aw…” She said as Jared got to his feet and was again bombarded by questions from the man in a cheesy costume, “Looks like someone wants to play detective.” She said in a cooing voice before looking back at Jared, her eyes filled with pity as he coward in fear. Abbie on the other hand, had no intention on cowering. Did it have to do with her tipsiness… well that was probably help, but it wasn’t all. Abbie’s been rather fearless her whole life; it takes a lot to get this young woman scared; but don’t you dare break her nail, she will break your face.

When he turned to her and began to ask her questions, she stepped between the masked man and the driver in an attempt to make it clear that this guy wasn’t going to get anywhere near the driver. “Listen buddy, hop on your little bike there and head on home. I do know Jared because sometimes it’s the driver that gets sent from the dispatcher and no, I don’t know the dispatchers last name nor where the dispatcher is located and I’m obviously not in a state to remember the first name so don’t ask. But I will ask you a question Mister ‘Nightwing’, do I need to call the cops or are you going to get your ass back on the bike and leave? Those are your options at this point because I will not allow you to harass a man who’s just trying to do his job!” With that she reached into her bra and pulled out her phone (yeah, it’s kind of normal for girls to do) and unlocked it with a single hand; like most girls her age, she was phone skilled and dialing 9-1-1 was not something that goes untaught to young women in the big city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"You might want to be more careful with my name. It's gonna be big again..." He was kinda upset that she didn't know who he was. Why was he letting it get to him? She started to threaten him by calling the police, but little did she know, she actually knew the Commissioner rather well. "And I said before." He pulled out a device from his belt, aiming it towards her phone, pressing a button, and the phone went dead. "I'm not a wanna-be." The phone wasn't permanently destroyed, it simply drained all of its battery in a matter of seconds.

The first night in Gotham could be going better, but it was clear that he didn't have this woman's vote on "world's best hero!"

"I'm not saying you're bad. I'm just claiming that the people you work for, like it or not, isn't that great of a guy..." There was no real evidence on the limo tonight, but he was sure that with the information he had with him, he could figure out a few more things about Two-Face's business. He looked at the woman again, then the driver. "Take her home, drop this ride off, and I would try to find another job pretty soon." He nodded towards both of them, and examined the limo, and very smoothly while standing back up, he placed a very small tracking device on the car. He then walked over to his motor cycle, and with a rev of his engine, he was off.


"Master Grayson.... Master Grayson. Please wake up."

A large groan escaped from the mess of blankets and pillows in the guest bedroom of Wayne Manor. "You have a big day today... And you have some visitors." Alfred said as he walked over to the curtains, opening them to let in sunlight. Dick rolled out of bed, and trudging for the bathroom. He was right. Everyone was going to know him sooner than later.

After a shower, Dick walked down the stairs in to the entertainment room where a small group was sitting. He wore a dark blue collared shirt with a black vest and matching tie. His hair was attempted at getting gelled, but it wasn't that easy to tame. He looked sleek, a gentleman, handsome. He fit the part of Bruce Wayne's heir. In the room sitting on the couch was the red head Barbara gordon, AKA Batgirl. She stood when she saw Dick, walking over to give him a hug. Both of them knew each other from a young age. Both trained under Bruce as students, and so they had a special bond. "How're you feeling?" she asked gently with a smile.

"Like my whole life is quickly going to be in the spot light." Dick responded jokingly. "Man we are going to have so many cool bachelor parties here, I can feel it!" Tim Drake said, walking over to the two with a smile. Tim was the current Boy Wonder, and Dick had a strong brotherly relationship with him. After he found out that Bruce took in another Robin and he died by the Joker, he was more protective of Tim, and he saw his potential of how great of a crime fighter he could be. Dick laughed, bringing him in for a hug. "Not on school nights... you're still in high school, right?" He asked jokingly.

"My father said that he could provide protection for you when the truth comes out." Barbara said with a smile. "But I told him you could handle it." Dick gave a nod. "Tell him I said I appreciate it."

"Sir, they are about to announce it on the news." Alfred said, turning up the television volume.

"...All my inheritance, all of my work, and all that my family has worked hard for goes to Richard Grayson. The boy I took in as a ward when his family passed on so many years ago..." was on the screen, with a headline of "Who is Richard Grayson?" A picture of him was on the screen as well, and another picture of him performing as a Flying Grayson so long ago. The secret was out, and he was sure there were a lot of people dying for an interview.

"We've already got news cars dying to see you, Master Grayson. Luckily Commissioner Gordan has cleared the residence." With that they all looked at Barbara with a smile. "I knew he couldn't resist." Barbara muttered with a smirk. Dick sighed, and shrugged. "So this is what it feels to be a billionaire. I thought I would immediately appear with a top hat and a few thousand bucks in my pocket..."

The group spent a few minutes talking. Not only was Dick on the news, but his alter ego was too. All the criminals that were taken in to custody claimed that Nightwing was back. A few of the reporters remembered him, and the city of Bludhaven definitely had good things to say about him. Everything was cheerful until they all heard the doorbell go off in the mansion.

Everyone was confused when they heard it, but Dick simply shrugged. "I'll get it." He said, making his way out of the room, though the main hall, and for the door, opening it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

It was natural for Abbie to feel protective over people. It was only ironic that she had to feel that way around someone who looked like they were trying to be a superhero and yet, here they were picking on a poor limo driver off of a hunch he got. His methods weren’t exactly normal or nice; then again neither was Batman’s but at least Batman had the decency not to go after the citizens of Gotham. She watched him pull out the device and before she could do anything, her phone’s screen went black. Her mouth dropped open as she looked down at her phone then back to him. Though her phone was disconnected, she kept herself between the man and her driver; she wasn’t going to let something happen to poor Jared, he had done nothing wrong.

Glaring at him as he walked back to the bike and climbed on; this guy was a jerk. Hopefully Batman would catch him soon and put him in his place. Turning back to Jared she made sure he was alright and even offered to drive the limo back to her house before he took it back to the shop. Agreeing he was fine, she climbed back into the backseat and placed her head in her hands. What a night…


Abbie was up early the next morning despite being out so late. Her long awaited moment to knock on the new billionaire’s door was today and she wasn’t going to let anything stop her. The beautiful sunny day brought her pep in her step as she slipped into an orange sundress and matching high heeled sandals. Typically she was okay with being short but let’s face it, five foot five inches isn’t exactly the tallest for women. So a good two in heel always made her feel better; at least, she liked to think that.

Plucking one of her last invites from her dining room table, she picked up a pin and wrote in a special little note, I look forward to getting to know you. If you want someone to show you around Gotham let me know, I love meeting new people. Best Wishes, Abbie She didn’t bother writing her last name considering it was on the invitation already. Her handwriting was loopy and bubbly much like her personality and her signature was graceful and beautiful. Nodding to her work she slipped the card into an envelope after attaching her cell phone number and started out the door.

The drive to the Wayne Manor was a beautiful one. She had never been up there before but if you lived in Gotham you’d know exactly where it was. Her purple Lamborghini sports car was something she had grown to love, for the time being; mainly because it was her favorite color and it looked sleek and drove like a very fast dream! The car zipped through the back roads of Gotham before driving a respectable pace onto the estates grounds. Her radio was on, consistently interrupted by news reports of the new person taking over Wayne Enterprises. Richard Grayson, soon to be one of the biggest names in town; this was far from surprising and an invitation to a party where a lot of well-known people would be wouldn’t be a bad starter for him. Mingling is the key to success and it’s all about the people you know in this town and Abbie knew quite a bit of them.

Climbing out of the car, the blonde ran her fingers through her hair and checked her makeup in the reflection of the clean car. “Clean, presentable, a little sundress to brighten the day, white smile and perky attitude.” She said to herself in the reflection. “You got this---go gettum tiger.” She said giving herself a playful wink. Pep-talks were never a bad thing before going to do something you were completely nervous about.

Her walk to the main section of the house was a peaceful one. The flowers were fresh and blooming, birds were singing and the sun was out at this beautiful 10am time. She didn’t really expect much when she knocked on the door, she expected a butler or a maid when she would just hand off the invitation and be gone; but that didn’t stop her from dressing nicely in fitting sleek light weight dress. So lost in the scenery she actually had her back to the door. The view from the front door alone overlooked Gotham city in all of its glory. Today the buildings were buzzing, businesses were bouncing and people were mingling, but that didn’t stop the sight of the city to be breathtaking. She found herself wondering what the view looked like a night as she brushed some straight blonde hair back from her face; it took her a moment to realize that the door opened behind her and when she snapped back into reality, she turned with a sense of grace.

“Excuse me, I got lost in the view; it’s spectacular.” She said innocently before realizing that the view in front of her was just as shocking and breathtaking. Holy hell where can she hire a butler who looks like this?! “Is the Master of the estate available?” She asked politely with a charming smile across her full lips as she tucked some blonde hair behind her right ear. “I won’t take up too much of his time if he has any to spare.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

He would have never guessed that the woman who called him a Batman Wanna-Be would be standing in front of his door right now. He also wasn't expecting her to be so polite and respectful to him, and he also wasn't expecting to be called the butler.... He was obviously surprised about a lot of this. This girl was full of surprises, and she had no idea that he was the asshole from last night. She looked a lot better than she did last night. He already had a bad impression of her, but that really wasn't her fault. She had no idea that Two-Face owned the limo, all she knew was that a masked guy pulled her driver out of a car after a long night of drinking, and Gotham isn't really the friendliest place... And he could have acted nicer, but when it came to Harvey Dent, he had very little tolerance.

"Ah, yes. The master of the estate... I think he has some time to spare, hold on, let me get him." He said, politely closing the door for a second before opening it again. "Sorry, lame joke. But I'm the owner of the estate as of this morning." Dick Grayson said with a shrug, holding out his hand. "I'm Richard Grayson. How may I help you?" He asked politely. He's been practicing this kind of stuff for a while now, and with the help of Alfred, he can keep a small conversation without being too much of a smartass... But he guessed he let a little slip out with the bad joke when just meeting her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

God, what company was his from and how much was it to have him work for you? Wow! She did her best to hold back a shocked look and covered it with a sweet and bright smile. Upon hearing that he would go get the master of the estate, she found herself looking around and admiring the gardening work and the flowers. Man, this place was gorgeous. Maybe she should talk to her dad about purchasing a place out in the country outside of town. Wow, just wow.

Her head turned back to the door to see that it opened to reveal the same man in the doorway. His cheesy joke caught her by surprise and her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. "I feel like I walked into that one." She admitted, another peo-talk would be nice right now. "Sorry about that." Her voice was filled with admitted embarrassment before she brought her hands from behind her back, in her left hand was the envelope and the right extended to him. "I'm Abigail Dent, but please call me Abbie." She then brought up the envelope that said "You're invited" on the front. "I'm having a party tonight and I wanted to personally invite you. If you have the time and want to meet some of the local people you're more than welcome to attend."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dick couldn't help but smirk a bit at her embarrassment. It was nice to see that she was the one that was flushed red than him last night. Red looked a lot better on her, not him. When she said her name, he kept the smile on his face, but his mind went crazy. Dent? How common was that name here in Gotham? Did Two-Face have a kid? Was this some sort of trap? Did they know his secret identity? you're being Paranoid, Grayson. Odds are, she just coincidentally had the same last name. Although she did have a mouth, she was obviously not evil... But it really couldn't hurt to check it out.

He gently took the envelope from her, letting go of her hand, and then nodding. "A party? My first few minutes as a billionaire and I'm already popular... This isn't a political party, right? I'm not going to show up in a dark room, the lights turn on and I'm surrounded by paparazzi asking a million questions?"

"I'll definitely think about it, Miss Dent. Thank you so much for the invitation... And nice ride. I like the color." He said, nodding over to her car. They said their goodbyes, and Dick closed the door. Alfred was already next to him. "So I'm assuming you're going to this party tonight, sir?" He asked rather slyly. Dick nodded. Half of him wanted to go to see if his suspicions were right about her. If she was the daughter to Two-Face and had evil intentions... The other half was tempted to go because it would be the first time he would be at a billionaire party without Bruce judging him from the corner.

"Give this to Barb. See if she can find anything about Abigail Dent..."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Alfred asked, eyebrow raised as he took the invitation.

"I'm not sure... But she was the woman I met last night while on the Two-Face case... You can never be too careful."


"Mister Grayson! Mister Grayson! How close were you and Bruce Wayne? Why are we just hearing about you now?"

"Mister Grayson! When was the last time you visited Gotham?"

"Is there a certain girl in your life?"

"Are you going to take over Wayne Enterprises?"

Dick Grayson was being questioned at high speeds. He was standing outside of city hall, his bright blue eyes dazed by the camera flashes. He wore a nice fitted suit over his dark blue shirt and black vest, and he was trying hard to find the words to say and not get himself in trouble. "I...er... Bruce and I were very close, but like a bird you gotta leave the nest some day. I never thought of him as a father figure, and that isn't a bad thing. He cared for me and I cared for him, and he knew that I already had a father. He didn't want to take his place.... Its been a while since I've visited Gotham. I guess that's the traveler in me. You lose track of time and forget where home is... Mister Fox is doing perfectly at Wayne Enterprises, and I'm very far from a businessman... And as for women, I got Gotham right now. that's all I need... But I assure you, I am not going to take Bruce's sacrifices and hard work for granted. I will do my very best to help Gotham in my own way, respecting what he did for all of us for so long... Thank you."

The interviews were boring, and he had to constantly check himself so he didn't do anything wrong... So far, so good. What he was really interested in was the party for later tonight, hinting that he will definitely be out on the streets tonight enjoying his first day in Gotham.


Dick Grayson pulled up to the curve in his car, and stepping out to immediately hear gasps about him being here. It was weird hearing his name being murmured. It was usually Bruce. He looked up at the building. The Iceberg Lounge. He remembered fighting Penguin in this very place as Robin so long ago... But now its been quiet. No need to destroy a perfectly good lounge. Dick made sure his clothes were neat and clean, and walked in to the building, music immediately blasting as he stepped in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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When their hands broke apart, she put them behind her back and laced her fingers together. His comment about it being a policial party she couldn't help but laugh. Her voice ranging through the garden sounding of bells and happiness before she shot him a bright charming smile. "If it was a policial party I was attempting to drag you to, I'd be a lot more inconspicuous about it. And I hate policits so there's no need to fear of that from me. As a matter of fact I'd probably drive a good escape car if it's ever needed."

Looking over her shoulder at her car, she looked back at him with an expression of amazement. "Why thank you Mister Greyson, most people like to give me guff about the color. You're too kind, don't lose that. It's a rare trait in this city lately." Nodding she took a few steps back, "Good bye Mister Greyson, hopefully I'll see you around. And please, call me Abbie." With that and a grin she turned and started back to her car. Now time to fall into the group of people she really didn't like... The press.


Abbie was dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and dark blue jeans, her hair tied together into a long blonde braid with a large flower in the back and oversize glasses on the bridge of her noise. Her assignment was to work with one of the other reporters who was attending the first press meeting with the new Wayne Industries billionaire. Little did anyone know, the dorky looking blonde had already speak to him in the morning.

She clicked her camera in the front row, she typically didn't have to worry about the press bothering her. Most of them didn't know why she had money so they never really cared or paid attention to her when she was around. Even the people at work knew her name but never put two and two together; with the few other 'Dent's in the city no one really knew; and they probably didn't care.

Mister Greyson seemed to stumble over his words and she couldn't help but grin as she pulled the camera up to her face and went back to snapping photos. He wasn't used to this life; and this was his first time that he had to make a public speech to be an important person. It was cute, almost like a new born horse learning how to walk. He knew what to say he just wasn't sure exactly how to say it. She had to remember whenever she'd talk to a large group to breathe and it seemed like he was reminding himself of it as well. How cute.


Night fall draped over Gotham like a thick blanket and the Iceberg Lounge was bouncing with loud music and even louder people. Laughter and chatter rang through the open lounge area. People wondered the floor and ways between the iced themed tables and chairs carrying trays. About forty or fifty people in the large building talking and laughing.

The blonde moved through the crowd, greeted by everyone she passed. She informed them that everything, food and drinks, were covered but encouraged tipping if someone was going a good job. Abbie had arrived before everyone else to make sure that things were in order and the club did, indeed, deliver on a beautiful set up and great food!

Even though she had no intention on getting drunk she chose to use the limo company to get her there and most likely take her home... So long as some masked moron doesn't stop her car again... Don't stress about it, she reminded herself, it's over and done with. Just some weird guy in a costume and Jared wasn't hurt so, whatever. She mentally shrugged before she was pulled into more hugs of hellos and friendly conversations that just caused her to laugh.

Tonight she had chosen another blue dress to match the scenery. The icy blue floor length halter top dressed hugged her form beautifully and her white high heels matched her white necklace and bracelet; she had a fashion sense and liked to show it. Stepping away from the last person that grabbed her to talk she saw the doors open and a handsome familiar man walk in. Getting through the crowd to him was a bit of a challenge but she made it. "Hello Mister Greyson, the press is in the back in a dark room locked with a padlock. They won't bother you tonight. Just don't get mad if some photographers take photos; I hired some people so I could make a collection of people wanted it." She said with a nod. Her caramel eyes twinkling as much as the glitter around her eyes. "Do you want a drink? The bartenders are incredibly talented." She said with a grin before offering him her arm. Tonight should be a fun night!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dick glanced around the room. A lot of people in this large room. The lounge itself gave off a bit of nostalgia... Not that good of one, though. The last time he was here he took out a couple of Penguin's thugs and then he watched Batman give Penguin himself a good sucker punch to the face... On second thought, It was a good thought. His attention turned to the woman who went in front of him, beating a couple trying to do walk over and talk to him. He gave a smile to the woman he met earlier before, and the person who invited him. "Hello again, Miss De-- er, Abbie." He said, remembering their discussion from earlier. He gave a laugh at her comment about the press, and gave a shrug. "As long as they capture my good side, I think I'll be fine with it. A bit too early to start my "diva" stage as a billionaire, right?" At the mention of a drink, Dick realized that he could really use one-- Not too much, though. Bruce taught him that one long ago. Act like you drink a lot, but never dampen your senses.

"A drink sounds great. You look terrific, by the way." He added, taking her arm and following her to the bar. He wasn't lying on that one, the blonde definitely was a looker, and she knew how to talk a crowd by the way the people they passed kept giving her "hello's" and smiles. She was an entertainer. A people person. As they reached the bar, Dick glanced at the different options they had. They were greeted by a bartender, and just like his host; Dick Grayson grew up being an entertainer. "You wanna play a game? I was a bartender in Bludhaven for a couple of years." Dick asked the bartender with a smile, taking off his suit jacket, and rolling up his sleeves. "May I?" He asked politely, indicating that he wanted to go behind the bar. He was (of course) accepted, and Dick went to work. "Follow the leader, alright?" he told the bartender.

They started off simple, Dick grabbed a bottle of bottle of vodka, pouring it in a glass. "Alright, alright..." He said approvingly at the bartender. and then Dick went to work. He grabbed bottles, flipping them around in his hands, tossing bottles from hand to hand, even doing a small juggling act before pouring mixtures of alcoholic drinks and juices together-- he didn't have a recipe, he just remembered what tasted good while working as a Bartender in Bludhaven. It didn't take long for the bartender to get lost, so he smiled and watched as Dick stirred his drink gently, and presented it to Abbie. "For the hostess." He said with a smile, then turning to the bartender and handing him a large tip as to say thanks for letting him do what he did.

"Not bad, eh? Although if you hate it, don't spit it out at me." Dick said, picking up his jacket with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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A heartfelt laugh left Abbie's full glossy pink lips as she shook her head, "Don't go diva on me just yet. I'd rather you not dump a drink on someone's head because they looked at you funny at your first outing. Trust me, even though these people have money, it doesn't mean they're not nice individuals. Okay well..." She drug out the words as they walked, "A few of them aren't that pleasant but they mean well even if their comments come across as harsh."

His complement made her grin as she bumped him lightly with her elbow. "You clean up pretty good yourself. But don't let it go to your head Mister Greyson, the last thing I need is some diva billionaire at my party." With that she gave him a playful wink before turning to look at the available menu.

His request to be behind the bar surprised both the bartender and the blonde as he pealed himself out of his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Leaning up against the bar top, she folded her arms along the top and watched the show. Her caramel eyes expanded as she watched him juggle the bottoms with an unexpected skill. Blonde eyebrows rose as he handed her the drink. Her small hand wrapped around the glass while he came around the bar back to the front. "You're failing that trying to go the 'diva' route Mister Greyson. Keep up the good work." She said with a grin as she brought the drink up to her full lips and sipped it.

Again she found her eyes expanding before she turned her caramel gaze up to him. "Wow! So you were once a bartender and now a billionaire. Prey tell, what were you in between? Do you have any other talents you want to share?" With that she held up her hand, "Keep it modest though, we are in public." She said with a small laugh as she offered him the drink, "Do you want to at least try your creation? It's good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dick smiled at her comment, taking the drink and taking a sip. "I wouldn't be that interesting if I told you all my secrets. Everyone likes a mystery man...But I'll let you in on a secret. My friends don't call me Mister Grayson. You can call me Dick." He handed her the drink again, looking around the area. Everyone seemed to either be really enjoying themselves, or gawking over how the newest heir to the Wayne fortune was here. Is this how Bruce always felt? It was surprising that he could sneak out and dress up as a bat all the time... His attention then turned to a rather tall, bald man with circular tinted glasses, and a dark gray beard. He seemed to look at both Dick and Abigail as if he was analyzing them. It made Dick feel a bit uncomfortable. "Mister Grayson, a pleasure to meet you. And miss Dent. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Doctor Hugo Strange." He said with a sophisticated tone. He held out a hand to Dick, and he took it, both giving a surprisingly strong grip.

"A pleasure, Doctor Strange." Dick said with a small smile. "I'm sorry to say that I wasn't invited to this little party, but I had to talk to you as soon as I possibly could." He said, not looking at Abigail, but looking at Dick as if he was still trying to analyze him to see how he ticked. "Before Mister Wayne passed we were discussing a possible funding for the medical procedures down in Arkham." Strange began, and Dick only raised an eyebrow. "I work as the main medical surgeon at Arkham, and after seeing all the villains that Batman has brought in to the Asylum, he and I both believed that there had to be more we had to do to help these troubled souls... Tell me, Master Grayson. How much did you know about Bruce? and Batman?" He asked rather bluntly.

Dick was obviously not comfortable with this conversation. He tilted his head a bit. "I think that we are getting in to questions that I don't think any of us want answered. Bruce was a good man. And what Batman did was for the good of Gotham--"

"But the masked hero and him weren't far off from the people he sent behind bars. None of these heroes are."

"It's been a pleasure, Doctor. I'm afraid I don't have enough information for you. If Bruce and you were talking about this, I'll do my research and get back to you with my opinion. Right now, I owe the hostess a dance. Have a nice night." And with that, Dick gently put a hand on Abigail's arm, and led them far from the Doctor who crashed the party. He was going to have to do some major research on this Hugo Strange. He just then realized that he was charging through the crowds, dragging Abigail along. He suddenly let go, a bit red faced. "Sorry... I just needed to get away from him. He gave off a weird vibe." Dick began.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Alright Dick..." Abbie couldn't help but speak a bit shyly at this statement. Well, she could think of quite a few people would kill to be in her position right now. Hearing the newest billionaire in Gotham refer to her as a friend was surprising and envious to most people who were at the party. A bright smile moved across her full lips as she took back the drink, she even opened her mouth to say something back to him only to have her breath to speak cut off by the arrival of a new individual.

Her caramel gaze moved to the new person talking to them. People of the press knew about Doctor Hugo Strange and there was a mixed impression on his ideas and the things that went on at the Asylum. Abbie had mixed feelings about it; she liked that the villains caught by Batman was put behind bars far away from the citizens of Gotham but... Well she didn't quite trust Doctor Strange and what his ideals were, along with the functionality of the Asylum. Or so she's heard; she hasn't gone there to see for herself and she has no motivation to do so!

What she didn't expect was to be treated like she was invisible as the Doctor stared down poor Dick. It didn't take long before she was half way done with the drink and was grabbed gently by her arm. As they moved through the crowd she noticed a lot of turned heads and glares from women. "So, you owe me a dance huh?" She repeated with a cheeky grin. "It's alright Dick, if you hadn't found an excuse I would have gotten you away from him; you looked uncomfortable. I hate to say this but you'll find that a lot more often in Gotham now-a-days. Weird people doing even more weird things seems to be more common these days." Her brows pushed together in thought; the first person that crossed her mind was that weirdo on the motorcycle last night... Nightfang or something...

She was broken from her thoughts as someone tapped her on the shoulder. Her head turned to see the event coordinator behind her. The woman leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Confusion moved across as she looked up at the lady. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah miss..."

"Say no more, there's an ATM across the street I'll get the rest and make a phone call tomorrow."

"At least it's not that much right?" The woman said in a joking tone with a shrug and Abbie nodded in agreement.

"By the way, there is a gentleman walking around in a white coat with a grey beard and tinted glasses with a bald head; can you politely escort him from the property."

"I shall miss, when you get the funds just let me know."

"I will thank you." With that the woman left to find Doctor Strange and her attention turned to Dick. "Hold that thought," She said with a grin as she moved passed him; "I have to run across the street then I'll be back. Then you can cash in that dance." She said with s joking tone and winked at him before turning and walking towards the exit.

Oswald Cobblepot stared down at the party from the one way mirror in his office. The woman who had just approached Abbie wondered into the office. "Are you sure she's his daughter?" The dirty look from Mister Cobblepot said that he was before he looked back down at the crowd. "She will be great leverage to us against him." Oswald said with a grin across his face, "Mister Dent needs to realize that while I am a business man, I am out to make a living in more that just a petty night club. What better way to get him to agree to my terms then to show his daughter a good time?" The event planner merely smirked and watched as three men snaked through the crowd to follow Abbie out the door. Doctor Strange being escorted out a different door at the same time.

Lucky for Abbie, the streets were claim and there were few people in sight. So her adventure across the street wasn't anything out of the ordinary until she got to the ATM. Slipping her debit card inside, she punched in her number and waited for the cash to fall out. A moment's glance at the mirrors above showed the three men approaching and upon turning around she found the men on her, and what happened next you would have to be there to believe.

One jumped at her, she dodged with a graceful spin before bringing her elbow back with a force; hitting him in the back of his right rib cage. The other came forward arms straight to find her pushing his arms apart with hers and giving him a swift punch to the gut. As he fell forward she swung an uppercut to his face causing him to stumble backwards and be unsure of where he should hold in pain.

The third guy thought coming up behind her would be the best option, but before he could get his arms around her neck in an attempt to choke her out; she grabbed him by his arm and bent forward throwing him over her back and knocking the wind out of him. The first man to come at her was on his feet and to her again; he was met with a swift high heeled kick to the chest. Surprisingly enough, he caught her foot before the impact could hit. Smirking at her, he was met with a smirk on return and the blonde jumped, spinning her body and kicking him in the face using him as her balance for her other foot. He dropped to the ground letting her go.

The second man was the only on left standing staring at the seemingly defenseless blonde. She stood, fists at the ready before she opened her palm and flagged for him to come at her. "Bring it." She said in a teasing voice. The man decided against it and took off running.

Standing upright, Abbie dusted herself off and turned, opening up the little protective case and took out the three hundred dollars she owed on the rental and stepped on each of the men in order to get to the road, which she crossed with ease and re-entered the building.

The event coordinator seemed shocked to see the blonde finding her way towards her. Abbie placed the money in the woman's hand and smiled, "I'm pretty quick huh?" She said with a laugh, "is there anything else you need?"

"No Miss Dent, that was it... Thank you." The coordinator said with a nod and a smile.

Abbie returned the look and turned back to look at the crowd, her hands on her hips. "This is a good night." With that she wondered back into the crowd leaving the coordinator stunned.

Although Abbie wanted to visit more with Dick, because he seemed like such a neat guy, she was pretty sure that more people than herself (and Doctor Strange) would be interested in speaking to him. She mentally shrugged to herself; they were bound to run into each other sooner or later and if he wanted he could always find her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was Dick's turn to be ignored in a conversation, and he was relieved by it. He took this time to glance around the room, eyeing Doctor Strange from across the room, and he could tell that he was doing the same to him. Something wasn't right about him. Abigail then dismissed herself, and as he gave a smile and nod, he looked over at the event coordinator, frowning a bit at the small smirk she gave as Abigail left... He didn't really know what the conversation they had consisted of, but he wasn't so sure that the smile was the excitement for money... He saw the woman glance up at a mirror, and it was obvious that that wasn't just that. He looked back over at the exit, and saw two things: Doctor Strange getting escorted out one exit, and Abigail leaving another... and three men joining her soon after.

Dick started to move through the crowd, keeping his eyes on the men until they left, and then he started to go double time. He tried to give quick smiles and nods to people who tried to call him over, but he didn't have time for that right now. Someone could be in trouble. He exited the Lounge just in time to see the three men approach Abigail across the street at the ATM... He was about to rush over there until a very unexpected event happened. Abigail kicked some ass! He watched with impressed shock as the woman took out three thugs all at once. Before Abigail could see Dick, he slipped back inside to the party, still showing a sign of shock on his face.

Dick slid in to the corner of the Lounge, searching for the woman that Abigail talked to earlier. Sure enough Abigail found her first, handing her the money, and the event coordinator looked more stunned than Dick did. As Abigail left, Dick went in silent pursuit. He quickly took a drink of a man's hand, putting his fingers in it, and quickly flicking a bit of in on his neck, and taking a swig of the drink in his mouth before spitting it out. He handed the glass to another person near him, and then he "accidentally" stumbled in to the even coordinator. "Whoo!" He screamed, pumping his hands in the air, a large amount of the group cheering in response.

To the woman, he just looked like a new billionaire that has had way too much to drink, but as he bumped in to her, he placed a small hearing bug on the inside of her collar of her shirt. He then stumbled away, and as he did, he suddenly became sober again. He pulled something out of his pockets, and inserted it in his ear.

"...All of them out." The woman's voice said

"What?! What the bloody hell do you mean?" The second voice was one very familiar to Dick: Oswald Cobblepot, also known as The Penguin.

"The people you sent after her failed at getting her, she's still down there enjoying herself with the new Wayne billionaire..." The woman replied rather nervously. There was silence for a minute. "Once she's had a few drinks in her system, enjoys a nice night, we'll get her. Send my better men this time... and clean up the mess in the street. I'll deal with them later."

Dick pulled the item out of his ear, and searched the large area for Abigail. As the new protector in Gotham, he didn't really know why Penguin was going after her (but he will soon find out), he wasn't getting anywhere near Abigail again. Dick eventually found the blonde again, walking over and giving her a smile. "Hey, I'm here to cash in a dance." He said to her. He smelled very drunk, but that thought didn't come to mind just yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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When it comes to having a good time; Abbie liked to think she could deliver in that fashion. She wasn't the wealthiest of people in the room but there wasn't a single person there who didn't know her name. Even the plus ones of the main guests knew exactly who she was and how social she was. There wasn't a single person in the group that she hadn't spoken too and many people expressed their gratitude for the party and filling the desperate want to get away. Most of the people who were there would talk to her again outside of the party, which means she met more people and that was exciting for her.

She had just finished a conversation with someone when Dick arrived to her. Her caramel eyes twinkled at him as he said he wanted to cash in the dance. "Alright then, a go-getter I see." She said teasingly as she followed him out onto the dance floor.

It wasn't until they were out of the crowd that she caught a whiff of the alcohol smell; a knowing smile moved across her face as they began to dance. "I hope you've had a nice time socializing so far Dick, but you kinda... Well you might be getting close to drunk." She began playfully to show that she meant no offense by it. "So before anyone attempts to take advantage of you, let me fill you in on a few things." As they moved she started. "The woman in the bright yellow short lengthened dress with the red hair; she's a supermodel and completely addicted to heroin. The woman in the red floor length dress with the black hair and oversized diamond necklace, cocaine user. The brunette in the green strapless dress and silver overcoat, been married four times and divorced the same amount of times; no prenup and she got half the stuff. And the young man by the bar flirting with the bartender; very gay and very much a player. All of these people were the plus ones of a few of my guests but their history is not unknown to me. These and a few others are people you should be careful about in your state, they will most likely try to take you home in the state you're in--- or at least going to be in by the night's out. Everyone else is harmless to my knowledge but you're a fresh face, new to the town and they like to pounce on new people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dick's expression went to confusion when she said he was getting drunk, but then he realized that the smell of alcohol around them was himself... As she started to describe the different people around, he glanced over at them. His skills of detective work picked up on the things she was starting to say, but other things were things she knew because of talking with the people. Little did she know that he was more than capable of taking care of himself... But he wasn't sure he could say the same about her later tonight. "I'm not technically new here, Miss Dent. I didn't grow up here. And if you think Gotham is bad, spend a night in Bludhaven." Dick said with a small laugh.

"But I'll keep all of those things in mind when I leave the party tonight... How do you know so much about these people? What do you do? If you don't mind me asking, of course." Dick said, starting to move along to the music. He knew that Penguin was probably now eyeing her, and since he knows that, he was going to make sure she didn't drink, and that he didn't leave her side for too long. If he had to, he would escort her home if he had to... Tonight he would pay Cobblepot a visit. He knew that he probably wasn't happy with Dick at all for inheriting money that he thinks should belong to his family... He hoped that there wouldn't be in issue tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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This time it was Abbie's turn to give him a confused look. It took her a moment to realize that he was referring to the dangers on the streets of Gotham and Bludhaven, to this she gave him a grin. "I think there's some misunderstanding. The danger isn't in violence, the danger is in the flirting. You take the wrong person home and things can come missing; valuables, personal belongings and the sorts." She nodded softly as she spun under his arm. "Don't let this detour you from talking to them, by any means but please just make sure you're fully aware. That's all I ask."

When she was questioned about what she did, she put her hand on his shoulder and gave a small shrug. "Photography really; anyone who will hire me I'll take photos for. It's a passion of mine as well as a hobby. Right now I'm part time at the Gazet." She paused, her caramel eyes flicking to look up at at him before a teasing smile moved across her face. "Don't worry, they can't pay me enough to exploit my friends but if you see someone who looks roughly like me at a press release or a open interview; it's probably me. I'll only give them the photos that show your diva side though." She died with a cheeky grin and a laugh, "I don't do the paparazzi stuff, just the photography."

Tilting her head to one side she gave him another charming white smile, "Are you going to do anything fun or just enjoy relaxing as a billionaire for a while? Will you take up a job of some kind?"
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