Avatar of AwesomeZero5


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6 days ago
Current one night shift left. then **me** time. mostly maintenance and editing stuff. instead of writing on 14 hrs of being awake!
12 days ago
Coming back from night shifts! And running on some bad sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.
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20 days ago
Bread Boy poetry
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20 days ago
sure you did. "bread"


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Ok, there’s canon evidence in Pokémon that suggests people who bond with Psychic Pokémon develop some Psychic abilities so I’m not completely opoosed to it.

But there’s gonna have to be a good explanation for this.

There's also those whom have connections to ghost types.
A ghost hunter obsessed with capturing them on film and possibly possessed frequently. Followed by a shuppet perhaps.

Could just have them be late starters.
Maybe there's a promotion to join the league as a trainer for a start up reward?
<Snipped quote by AwesomeZero5>

Possibly. What would a bit of psychics entail?

Video thoughtography. Able to create images from their mind into a video medium. Touch a camera, or a device, places s video file on it.

Maybe being able to see ghosts as well, which seems kind of standard.
May recycle an old psychic ghost hunter lad.
Loved finding haunted places to record and the ilk.
I'm, rather rusty when it comes to Kalos. If you're okay with leading a bit, I'd do my best to join.

I should ask, would a bit of psychics be okay, trainer wise?
Unrelated, happy birthday!
Digimon would be interesting. Although I'm a bit out of practice, so may need ye to GM a bit more. It'd been years since I've been as familiar with the series, but could do some refreshers.
Welcome to the community!
For the most part, it's a roleplay forum. So, coming up with an idea to roleplay or adventure is typically the name of the game, and then inviting others to join in on the prompt. Either that, or joining other roleplay campaigns.

Typically, a lot of roleplays are based around fandoms as well.
When it comes to horror, I think the SCP Fandom might help with that niche.
There may also be Silent Hill Fandom RP's, but it wouldn't hurt to search for Creepy Pasta specifically.
Welcome back, by any chance, would you be curious or interested in developing an Isekai?
Sweet! Sounds like you're down
A mordern fantasy type vibe. Where there can be mysticism or psychics involved, and traditional weapons used. A blessed family Spear, or a good ol shotgun are both viable options.

The Secret World, Or The Dresden Files might help with some.
In that a bunch of different approaches can be applied to the same problem depending.

Although, while a mysticism approach may exist.
Probably not going to go off the same vibes of the "hunters" having trouble directly encountering the supernatural. Not that they'll always come out on top. Just that they'll have means or train into directly combating them in a physical sense once they cornered / encountered the entity.
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