Avatar of BaileyBlue302


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7 mos ago
Current Dear Partners: I am vanishing for a few days due to mental health. I'll deal with you later. /lh /gen
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7 mos ago
Local school hired me to help with their school-wife Halloween Party. I will not be on today-
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7 mos ago
Kirby like a cursive L
7 mos ago
Let my SO borrow one of my flash drives(had a few important work docs on it) and he broke it. I can fix it but I have do solder it and I can't do that for a good while(until I see my parents). Anger.
9 mos ago
Had an idea for a 1x1 Medival rp. DM me for info!


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : BaileyBlue302

My name is Bailey. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.
I talk too much sometimes, sorry

Current rps


Seaside Shanties
GM: BaileyBlue302

The Syndicate: Haunted // Gone Dark
Twisted Mind

The Lost Sith

Nightlight City
GM: Midnight stars

Midnight stars

Single Malt

Most Recent Posts

“Well, then you’d have heard the message.” She responded. Chase looked startled and confused. He didn’t even know Pira had a mean side to her- at least not a mean side with others. The wolf started barking, his ears pricking and tail starting to flick a bit. Not moments later, the ship rocked as a droid opened fire on them. Luckily the shields were intact- for now.
Pira startled a bit then grumbled, “Of course you were listening. Can’t even have a private conversation.” Chase shot her a glare then decided to fill Bane in. “The people on the ship have Pira a message. ‘Dal e revan.’ She believes it’s an anagram for a location called Ravendale. I personally think it’s crazy talk and just a language she doesn’t know.”
"... an anagram?"
"It's the only logical answer. Dal has no meaning in any language I know."
"So you're saying..."
"Yes. They're not going to listen to me- I'm too little for that. They'll listen to you."
"Pira... that's insanity..."
"It adds up. 'Dal e revan'. Ravendale. Unless you can think of something better."
"I'm not telling them an insane theory."
"Please? I know it's crazy but it's the only fair answer. They were Kissimi's friends. I think we at least should check it out."
"Fine. If you're wrong, that's on you."
"I'm not wrong. It's the only lead we have as to her location as well. We need to try."
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this."

The wolf, meanwhile, flicked an ear then flopped down with an overly dramatic huff.
The wolf barked as if to agree with that statement. He proceeded to give Megara a scolding whack with his paw. Pira smirked and went back to the cockpit, half pulling Chase with her so the two could share a quick word- in private.
Chase looked up. “We lost the ship and Master Shade is effectively deaf.” Pira glanced at her brother but didn’t speak. The wolf barked, going over and tugging at Megara’s arm.
Chase looked rather nervous but nodded. He glanced back to the cockpit, checking on Pira. She looked back at him, hands sitting on the radio. She shook her head a little and Chase tilted his head. Pira got up and walked to Chase. “They’re gone. They cut out maybe thirty seconds ago.” The girl spoke quietly.
"As long as their docking port hasn't been blown, yes."
Chase darted to the back to be helpful. The clones exchanged glances. It was technically impossible.
Pira obeyed immediately. Chase watched her and tried to be helpful but she snapped at him. “SHUT UP CHASE.” Chase was shocked to silence and went to be out of the way. The wolf barked impatiently.
The clones came in. The wolf gave an annoyed whine. He realized that Megara might not know about Kissimi’s alias that she kept when on Lothal. He looked to Pira and Chase, cocking his head. Chase studied the wolf then said quietly, “Casey is Kissimi’s alias. Casey Rivers.”

Meanwhile, the radio had faded to static.
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