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@BingTheWing Good job, Accepted.
Anyway, If necessary I will continue this tomorrow cause I'm going to sleep.

I just said, I ADMITTED my mistake and a started RPing the invasion... Do you prefer to get more and more confessions out of me? Maybe my true love too?
@Byrd Man
I agree with that actually. I was GOING to do that, but then you guys made complaints which is understandable because I didn't explain wtf I was doing, but as you guys saw BEFORE Aaron made a very long post about my wrong-doings. I was actually RPing out my moves basically admitting I did SOMETHING wrong. So, the super long post wasn't really necessary
You didn't exactly see where I was going with the entire thing. I already know all of this. Just because I blatantly invade 5 countries doesn't mean I don't know the risks. Nations don't always live, people make stupid mistakes as leaders and I am setting an example In IC as a nation. Secondly, the GM is often used to set the stage or in order to make the story. But, there is also the fact that even with those hard to pass mountains making it VERY hard to get to the actual country after many deaths I would be able to break through and setup a small base until more people get there. Then, there is also the fact that THAT is what MIGHT happen if NO ONE intervenes(Talking about the video), but that isn't going to happen because no one is just going to allow someone to gain that much territory if they are rivals.
While I do understand where you are going with this. My one post just showed a possibility and it was mainly advertising for the RP (cause It's on YT) and also to test out my mapping skills. As I stated in the video's comments and just a minute ago in this post. That is ONE possibility of the war's outcome and doesn't actually define the entire war in one post. I was going to post MORE scenarios but, then you guys started getting worried about it. Which of course, I don't blame you because I probably should have explained the situation.
Also, the Mongolian rebellion isn't exactly a serious thing considering it was a backstory BEFORE the RP started. I defeated the rebellion before the RP started. I do admit I probably should have said it was a flashback, that's my mistake.
Also, in either case I started RPing and deleted the video off of the post hours ago, meaning really that long an elaborate post didn't really do much.
It was the tiniest nation there. They had no chance, using logic I would have gone for them first since they were fairly close. So, instead of having probably about 1m soldiers die and then probably civilian casualties of around 15k people die they surrendered. Plus their is also the fact that even if I sent them in logical short bursts of soldiers they would still lose. Even if I didn't want to give up my nation I would prefer surrender over thousand dying (In real life when the people aren't just numbers.), wouldn't you?
King Sui watches this speech and laughs in his chamber.
"My turn" he thinks.

Hong Kong

"My great nation! I'm sure thanks to the new lifting of the television laws many of you have seen the Vornehm leader's speech. But, they call us ALL "dogs" they call us all evil! And for WHAT? I say! Trying to calm down the rebellions that the incapable Middle Eastern governments obviously CANNOT? Sure, I said we needed oil, and we do! BUT, that is not the main reason we have declared war! We will bring PEACE and PROSPERITY to a land that cannot give that! We are not backing out of this war! If Vornehm, The English, ANYONE! tries to cut ties with us, GO AHEAD I SAY! It will achieve nothing but false reasoning! We will make the Middle East a prosperous region like in ancient times ONCE AGAIN!" He roars and pounds his fist on the podium. The crowd cheers and whistles for the King. He had always had a knack for speeches.
Back at the Capitiliai the King is in his War Room directing the war once more. He decides to push forward in the North and slightly in the South urging them to push in the middle to fall into his trap. They do what he wants and he laughs at the horrible strategist on the other side. Just that mistake took four thousand people. Only five hundred even dying! The others surrendered.

"Ah, Mr. Shoing I see we're back at this again. Chasing a high value prisoner across the empire isn't fun I can tell you that and sadly, you know the rules for Vornehm citizens who avoid their sentence three times or more. I'm sorry. I was beginning to like you." At that moment Sui pulls out his APG .98 again, points it slowly at the prisoners skull and fires two shots.
"*Sigh* I really don't like doing or watching that. Ok, time to travel to Russia for my meeting with the new Dictator in order to keep up our puny alliance.

New Russian Empire

"Ol' Ruska! I see your getting along in your newly owned country well!" Sui says greeting the new leader.
"Well yes, it's quite stressful though." He says frowning,
"Of Course it is! You're ruling two hundred million people!" Sui protests,
"This is true! So, how are things on the Western front and with the Europeans?" The new leader asks.
"Well, the front is doing well, we have lost fifty thousand and they have lost one hundred and sixty seven thousand and then the Europeans," at this he raised his hand to his mouth like it was a secret when it really wasn't, "Well, like usual, they're pissed at me for no valid reason." Sui says.
After a lot more talking and drinking the new leader says,
"I know you will get angry, but I wish to end our alliance." The new leader snaps his hands and all of his guards get up to escort Sui out. Su raises his hands in surrender and walks out, sent off with a friendly goodbye that he doesn't return and he gets into the King's APC followed by an escort of fifty soldiers. He arrives back at the capital building and sees the diplomat he sent to Vornehm who shakes his head,
"Not surprised." the King says and then, "Oh yeah, and you can take the next week off. That trip and those Vornehm people had to have been tiring." Sui remarks with a smirk. The diplomat just nods with a slight rise of his lips and walks off. Sui goes to his chambers.

and falls asleep.

"Sir, we are two days into the war. Already one nation has surrendered because of how small they are. The others have united and are currently fighting our Marines as our main Army heads out." A soldier says while Sui stares at the holo-screen depicting the battle.
"Hmm... Our left flank looks a bit weak. Reinforce it with one thousand." Sui commands.
"Yes sir" the solider executes the command and at that exact moment the left flank is surprised by the enemy and it's destroyed.
"DAMNIT! Make that ten thousand and on the double!" Sui screeches.
"Yes sir!" the soldier executes and men are there in an hour engaging the enemy troops.
"You know what to do." He says to his strategist as he walks out crisply.

"OK! We have found more Vorehm immigrants and some more people guilty of treason I assume?" Sui asks.
"Yes sir, we also have some people here who tried to steal military vehicles." A soldier barks.
"Hmph, send the thieves to prison for five years, the ones who committed treason to death, and the immigrants in the new holding cell until Vorehm decides to pick them up." Sui commands. With this new method people liked the justice system more and thre Vorehm weren't constantly riding his ass for killing their people. He had over five thousand Vorehm immigrants in holding cells waiting in just a couple days of hunting. Sui crisply walked away and got into the King's APC and went to the next scene of a crime.
"Sir, we have received word of fifty people abusing their food rations cards.
"Then, let's go." HE said.
They arrived and he got out of the APC slowly and walked over to the line of people.
"Hello, I understand this is a small crime for the King's presence but I want you to understand just as an example you have to be sentenced to three years of prison each." He said crisply. "Good Day" he got back in the APC and heard gunshots, he looks over and sees all fifty of them lying on the ground, bleeding. He quickly open the car door and screams< "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? I SENTENCED THEM TO PRISON NOT DEATH! DO YOU KNOW THE SHIT STORM YOU JUST CAUSED?"
He pulls out his APG .92 and aims it at the commander.
"You fucking shit." HE screams.
He fires a bullet into the commanders skull and goes to the APC heading back to the Capitiliai and goes to bed in his chamber.

I wasn't done my friends... I think 22m technologically advanced soldiers would have won either way :/ I was just showing what was going to happen in a summary.
@Byrd Man I would like it slightly longer but, it's fine now. Accepted
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