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11 mos ago
Current Anyone up for a Pokemon RP set in the Orre Region? Gonna try setting one up again.
1 like
1 yr ago
Ah. I see. Like I said, not very technology wise myself.
1 yr ago
Is it possible to file a complaint with his internet service provider? Not very good with technology myself but isn't that an option?
2 yrs ago
@LadyAnnaLee As someone who has done it in the past, I highly recommend you don't do it. I don't want to see you harm yourself.
3 yrs ago
If anyone is interested in joining a Pokemon Orre Region based RP, please feel free to get a hold of me.


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Looks like the Discord link expired
@Chev we seen you lurkin'

How you doing Buddy?

Doing pretty good. Gonna be honest, I've been giving some thought to seeing if I could join.
Looks interesting. I do like Warcraft. Not sure I'd be able to post frequently though.

@Chev The picture for your squirtle doesn't work for me

That's weird. Seems to be working on my end.

*Appears in a blaze of light*

You have my interest xD
"Although, I think you'll find we're not going down so easily this time."

Darren was caught a little off guard by the move Rory's Floatzel was using.. His Camerupt was going to have a difficult battle this time and if Camerupt were to take a direct hit from a water attack that powerful he wasn't sure if the Pokemon would be able to take the hit. Camerupt was the oldest member of his team and he didn't want to see it hurt or in pain.

"Camerupt!" He called out. "Avoid it by using Dig!"
I'll try and get a post up either today or tomorrow
"Always good to see you... Overseer Steele."

Overseer Darren Steele of Terran Town let a small grin form on his face as he took the offered hand and shook it.

"Rory Bennett, Good to see you again." Darren said as the grin widened. The grin faded somewhat as muffled cursing and yelling began to make itself known as four burly mine workers dragged two men unfamiliar to Darren out through the entrance of the mine. "Give me a minute here, Rory. Gotta take care of something real quick."

Darren turned away from Rory and stared down at the two men who had been dragged out of the mine. "What's all this about?" He asked calmly. One of the unfamiliar men managed to get himself free from the grasp of the mine worker and took a threatening step towards Darren who calmly threw a Pokeball into the air and a moment later, a large red Pokemon appeared in a blaze of light. The Camerupt growled and two pillars of flame shot into the air. As the demonstration was intended to do, the unfamiliar men froze up.

"I'll ask again. What is this about?" he asked calmly. "Found em trying to make off with a bunch of ore, boss." The largest of the mine workers said. "Caught em red-handed."

"It wasn't like tha-!" One of the men started to say only for the Camerupt to growl at him. "Okay, so maybe it was what it looked like. We've got nothing right now! We blew everything we had last night!"

Darren's eyes turned cold and a frosty smile formed. "So you blew all your money so you decided to steal from us, Hmmm?"


Darren put his arms around the shoulders of the two men and motioned towards the mine. "Today is your lucky day, my friends. Just so happens two of our men were just promoted today. We have an opening for two new mine workers. Its honest work and you'll get to make all sorts of new friends and your probably going to gain a lot of muscle over the next few months!"

The two men looked helplessly at Darren and then back at the mine. "What if we refuse?!"

"Then you will never be allowed in this town again. I know everyone here, fellas. They'll tell me if you show your faces around here if you decide to decline this opportunity."

The two men looked at one another and then at the mine and sighed and headed towards the entrance. "Good choice!" Darren called after them. He looked at the two larger of the four who had brought the men out. "Rocky, Slade, consider yourselves promoted. Your new job is to keep an eye on those two. Don't let em run off with anything."

Rocky nodded. "Got it, Boss. They won't get away with anything with us watching em."

The four headed back to the mine and Darren grinned before turning back to Rory.

"Sorry about that, friend. Been having more and more issues with people lately. Tough love approach seems to work though."

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