Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current i'm confused, how did americans feel last weekend
9 days ago
im not american
10 days ago
lets return to the days of discord warfare, roleplayerguild terrorist groups and 200 hidden channels in our discords because we're worried about spies
10 days ago
miss the days that i was the one causing these problems with giant PM bombs because i had nothing better to do but i'm 28, have a job and also have my depression under control now. sorry guys
14 days ago
I'm gonna be real I think liking feet is in fact less weird than that but if that is what works for you


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Plasma holy shit a Fallout roleplay. I'm interested. Sorry to necro your thread but I need Fallout. Are you still interested in running this?
@Prisk highkey prefer your writing over the ''and then.. and then... and then...'' vibes the AI writing gives off. But it definitely mimics something I could see a person writing.
Anyhow the real question is: Custom tags for rp threads, for more diversification. Like say you have lots of themes the normal tags don't apply to.

The intention for these tags was to be used in a search system so you could search for RPs that match your interests; allowing custom tags would defeat the purpose because we'd have about 200 different variations of "MLP" "My Little Pony" "Little Pony" "Equestria" etc. making it impossible to find anything that isn't using standardized tags..
Had another thought of a feature I'd love to see as a GM/thread owner, it would be nice to be able to see who is subscribed to your thread. To go a step further, in addition to banning a problematic player, it'd be helpful to be able to remove them as a thread follower. It's nice that a ban stops them from being able to respond to the thread, but they'd still be effectively subscribed and following along. If there was a reason to ban them, there's likely a reason enough to not want them following either.

I guess my counter question is why do you care? There's a very easy reason for why you wouldn't want someone posting in your thread anymore, but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why you'd invest time and effort into coding a method (though it's probably not that hard) to prevent people from reading your thread altogether. They can't really do anything with it, save maybe plagiarize and/or parody it, but like, just create a new account and read the thread bro, it's not that hard to circumvent these types of thread bans, or just bans on RPG in general (and yes, I guess I would know ).

The privacy argument is a little silly though. Even ghost mode lets people you were on RPG in the last 0-12 hours so if you're trying to duck your way out of people knowing you haven't replied to them, it still doesn't work. So, who cares that people know you've subscribed to their thread?
Bump once more.
<Snipped quote by Dion>

Fully understand that - everyone has their own pace and that's cool! We can potentially craft supporting roles for people who want to post at a slower rate. This would depend on you being comfortable not having as much impact on the group's strategy (unless you upped your rate during crucial points). There is also the option of you having a solo mission essentially once we get into the swing of things, for example going out to find help in a nearby settlement. You can then post entirely at your own rate, but i must say your chances of survival won't be great How does that sound?

I think by the time the OOC is up I might have a better idea of whether or not this is something I want to write a laaaaaaaaaarge post for once every 2 weeks or so, or if I can kick myself in the ass weekly to write a literate-enough post for per your required schedule.

If the former, though, I'm pretty comfortable not having any impact or performing an auxiliary role to the strategy/advancement of it.


We are currently working on defining some of the playable species. As Catharyn mentioned we are open to suggestions before it starts properly, if anyone has any ideas of their own. Just bear in mind that, to Kanth-Aremek, Humans are a new and alien species. The crew of the Jotunheim will very much be strangers in a strange land. To preserve that feeling, there is not anything too Human-like that is native to that world.

Second suggestion: something big, strong and massively stupid. Maybe really, really slow too, so they're not even competent fighters, but they are competent shield bearers or workhorses or maybe they are really really dumb, but they understand physical sciences like nobody else and can tell you exactly how you can effortlessly lift something 20x the weight of the person carrying it using a special technique or (whatever science mumbojumbo you can come up with to sort of justify that), or they understand mechanical engineering really, really well (which is surprising cause they're dumb).

But mostly I still just want alternative wookies.
<Snipped quote by Dion>

Hey Ideally i'd like people to post once a week at least. Does that work for you?

I tend to be a very slow poster and even a weekly post might be a bit too much for me (not because I can't, I'll be entirely up front about that -- I just don't want to sometimes) and I'd hate to force you guys to be a man down right off the bat so I'm going to wait with expressing full interest until I see the OOC thread. But, I am interested, yes. :-)

We are currently working on defining some of the playable species. As Catharyn mentioned we are open to suggestions before it starts properly, if anyone has any ideas of their own. Just bear in mind that, to Kanth-Aremek, Humans are a new and alien species. The crew of the Jotunheim will very much be strangers in a strange land. To preserve that feeling, there is not anything too Human-like that is native to that world.

Something like the wookies; small, furry, and murderous as hell.
@Catharyn What type of posting speed are you aiming for? Once a day? Once a week?
@Dark Cloud I think that that is an oversimplification. It's not just Mahz not being here. The community has overall gotten less pleasant, moderation is more or less absent, this place is a wild-west. People have gotten away with saying vehement shit in the Discord for ages even when Mahz was here, lol.
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