Avatar of drewccapp
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    1. drewccapp 10 yrs ago


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Current Rocking out to Within Temptation Pandora Station and writing my novel.
8 yrs ago
Experiencing that feeling when absolutely no game is satisfying to play and all you do is watch videos on youtube and streams on twitch -.- I feel so unproductive.
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Revising the wonders of a horribly inefficient murderer with a horribly inefficient weapon.
9 yrs ago
That feeling when Fallout 4 pre-load :3 3 days!


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"Incredible?" Kallen mused. "That was just a creative application of a simple Shape Change spell. If we continue to travel together for some time you see some truly incredible works of magic."

While his specialty was countering and canceling other magic which only rarely had a visual effect, his Control Magic almost always had a strong visual appeal.

He cleared his throat. "Anyways, I'm glad to be of some use." While he was utterly disappointed in his initial reason for being here being all for naught, Kallen was glad that he found potential tools to further his own ends. Of course he would treat them all well and with respect. That was almost always the best option to take. He disliked domineering over others like his Calabris and Peregris family members did, not to mention the other branch families. It was inefficient, and he viewed the works of magic in effort to make puppets of others a foolish initiative. Even with the successes of such magic.

As he followed the group back to Kalla, Kallen puzzled over the idea of unraveling the puppetry magic with his own counterspell. It would take some effort and creative application, but it was possible. He would need to study further the theory of dispelling magic. He was fairly certain he had some tomes on the theory in Chest back at the inn.


"I-I need to think about it," Irene responded. She seemed to be out of focus.

"No hurry," Allanon smiled. "You need rest before anything else. Hopefully, you can get all the rest you need with the life you will have ahead of you in Kalla. Good people here. I'll be in Kalla for a couple days, so you'll have some time."

With that Allanon stepped away from Irene, and he walked with the caravan in silence. He had succeeded in his mission to rescue the captured victims of the Calabris operation. He had fought to defeat a powerful foe. Even with these victories, he felt as if something bigger had been lost when the Soul of Krogan was taken. He had a bad feeling about the future that could come from it.
Oh... I finished my post after Omen posted for Cedar... I'll work an edit if I see if any is necessary.
A few moments passed and Listener felt nothing. Then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The new influx of noise was a new experience that she could not describe. She heard the whispers and they sent chills down her spine. She could not make sense of them, but there was no way she would forget them and how they sounded. Then the revving of the engine tore into her eardrums, and she yelped in pain. It was much like the noise that Archer made, although in hindsight she was amazed that she didn't yelp in pain then.

What on earth had Archer said? What was that whispering? What did she take? "Uuuuu... I regret taking that. Ow."

Listener covered her ears as her own voice was too loud for her to handle. She wished she could wipe away the several tears of pain now rolling down her face. "It's okay... I'll get used to it. It can't be permanent. It'll stop. I'll be able to see again."

Even while covering her ears the sound of her voice echoing in her head was almost too much. Listener decided it would be a good idea for her to just stop talking for a while. She knew just how difficult a task this would be... she hated the silent game. Her next question though was what was she going to do next? She hated doing nothing. She couldn't do much all alone though, even with her freshly enhanced senses.

She decided to wait for now as she paid attention to Fluke. Considering his track record, he probably would not be interested in babysitting her, and that was fine by her, but she hoped he would at least hang around long enough for her eyesight to recover. She could already see shapes and blurs. Only a few more minutes and her sight would be back, right? After that her only concern would be how long would this... senses enhancer would last.

After some thought, Listener decided to make her way to Cedar and Iris. The energy she had coursing through her veins would not let her stand there and wait. She held back the urge to ramble about how she felt still worried about the consequences of talking out loud. Staying silent with her own thoughts would definitely become too much of a challenge for her, she knew that much.

Thanks to Cedar's voice and the continual talking it was not all that hard to her to find her way to them.

"Hey," Listener alerted them as she approached wincing at her own voice. "I, uh, I have like super hearing. Ow. I, ow, I hope I can be, like, helpful to you guys. I don't think Fluke is going to be all that nice to me as much as I'm nice to him. Ow. I think my eyesight might come back. Ow. It has slowly been getting better." She winced again before whispering. "Slowly."
I'm slowly ticking away at a post, been pretty busy so my time working on this is scattered. Probably going to aim to have it finished by Wednesday or Thursday.
Oh boy...! this is getting seriously exciting!
Kallen frowned at Bidzil's lack of understanding. How could he be any more clear than "enemy of humankind"? Was the kid just naive? From what Kallen could tell they weren't too far apart in age. He decided it was not worth the effort to chase after and confront his ignorance. He scanned the area to see what he could do now that he had presented himself. Something that would put him in a favorable view with the people here. He noticed there was only one seriously injured, and many of the recently freed were fairly exhausted.

He recognized the one dead non-bandit as the Chief of Kalla. It should not be too hard to make a stretcher or sled to lay him on. The injured girl he saw Bidzil approaching looked to need a stretcher or sled as well.

Kallen stepped up to the warped archer tower he made his entrance from and placed his hand on it. "There should be more than enough material here." He took a breath before be began to chant another shape change spell.

"Shape and warp. Bend and fold. Change your form." As he felt his mana flow through him he willed the tower to change its form into a pair of sleds. The process took a solid minute as the wood creaked and groaned. He was not too worried about his mana limits, but the process of transforming the tower to such a different form and then splitting it into two of them took a while. He was fairly efficient with his mana control anyways. He had to be with how much of a toll his Eye took on him when he used it.

Once Kallen recovered from his casting he approached Bidzil who was working on a stretcher, and Kallen placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He pointed a thumb toward the sleds. "Help me with these. Sleds are easier to move people with in the sand anyways than a stretcher like that."


Allanon listened quietly to Irene's response nodding occasionally. She was of an age she could make intelligent decisions for herself. "Very wise. I recommend you give yourself a new name with this new life. Just in case. While I doubt the Calabris will spend the resources to capture you a second time it doesn't hurt to be safe. I will deliver for you any message you want to give to your father when we get back to Kalla."

If he was not committed to the promise he made his wife, Allanon would probably have moved to Kalla all those years ago. However, Portea needed someone capable of fighting and breaking Calabris operations. He had been a meticulous thorn in their side ever since they retired him and the other Ironblades. As long as they still existed in the form they did his efforts to make the world a brighter place would be thwarted.

He was confident he would die before he could do enough to remove the threat of the Calabris family, but that did not stop him from making every single effort he could to set a foundation for their removal.
In Lantern 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Been recovering from how this pandemic hit my business. Otherwise, I just can't wait for the lockdown to completely be over. The data points to everything should mostly be fine and life ought to be returning to some level of normal. I'd get into complaining about the specifics with the people in power being stupid, but I'd rather just focus on getting work done so I can pay rent.
Seven cups of coffee. Listener never had coffee in her life. Her parents never let her near the stuff, and honestly, she never felt the need for a pick-me-up. She hesitated as she closed her hand around the pill that Archer gave her. "This won't be addictive, right?"

She lifted her mask just enough to slide the pill into her mouth before receiving any confirmation. Ultimately, she was not too concerned. She was confident this vision loss would be temporary. Especially considering how she had gone from seeing nothing to seeing blurred colors. She rolled it around in her mouth for a moment to build up saliva before quickly swallowing it. She never liked taking pills of any kind even when she needed them, but she never complained about them either. Even if they gave her chills when she swallowed them.

While she waited for the pill's effects to take place, Listener stood still for what felt like eternity. She hated every second of it.
I embrace the challenge!
Allanon knelt before the girl. He took a moment to remember the name of the girl. He had only heard it once from her father when he took the mission upon himself to rescue the girl. "You must be Irene." He spoke gently. "I'm here to take you back to your family and make sure that this never happens to you again. I can teach you and your father how to keep yourselves safe." He was beginning to wonder why the Calabris family would take the effort to bring her all the way from Portea to here. Perhaps they were not able to get the girls they needed exclusively from Kalla, and needed to import them from other regions.

"I won't force you to do anything," Allanon continued. "You are at an age you can make your own decisions, and I will respect them if you think another path is better for you."


This Chihiro confirmed to him that the Jeevak mentioned was the Jeevak of legend. If this was true then he did not like the implication. He glanced over toward the ignorant man that commented about Jeevak sharing. He put on a smile and placed his hand on Bidzil's shoulder. "If this is the historical Jeevak. The Jeevak of legend. Then you are talking about sharing with the enemy of humankind. The last heir of the Grandis Empire. Seeking another key for the Oracle, or recovering the Soul are now the best options if we want a chance to stop a villain such as Jeevak."

Finding another key would take work, but the key was just the start of getting access to the Oracle. The ritual had conditions to be met as far as he was able to understand. His information was incomplete. He had hoped to get a hold on the Soul so he could have time to study the ritual, but that was no longer an option. If Jeevak made it to the Oracle first, he was worried he would not be able to achieve his desires.

"From what I understand of the ritual," Kallen continued. "It will take a fair amount of time to set up and meet the conditions. Just because Kitchi is far faster than anything I've ever witnessed doesn't mean we can't catch up." He then scratched the back of his head and paced around a bit. What would happen if they did catch up? He had no idea what these people were fully capable of, and his own abilities were specific and niche when it came to combat situations. He also had zero information on any of Jeevak's people.

Would this group even work with him?
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