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Genetor Dahti, Chief Medicae and Xenobiologist


The retort from the Enginseer was expected; Hishiryn's words were so...trite. Dahti had heard many times over the critiques of his Order before and it came as no surprise that even one below his rank would have the gumption to comment on the Genetor's vat-grown muscles. It was of no consequence. In truth, the commander did good by cutting both of the tech-priests off from their ancient argument. There would be time enough to convince the Enginseer of the value of flesh, especially if they were going as far as the Dark Imperium - and it was this mission which was most peculiar, even moreso than the Squat.

Dahti listened intently, reading over the High Gothic that sprawled across the screen in front of them. So little was evident from what he could decipher, besides the direct information being given by the commander. Undoubtedly, it was in fact a missive from the Primarch himself, which was remarkable to say the least. That he would be so privileged to be a part of a mission from the Righteous Lord Guilliman himself, Dahti was visibly excited (as much as a Magos could seem).

The logistics began formulating in his mind as they spoke: the dangers of the journey were far more complex than just Xenos, Daemons, and Void-beasts...supplies, such as food, water, medicine, bandages, tools, ammunition and firearms (God-Emperor knows how much is needed), fuel, sacred oils, promethium, and, most importantly, manpower. The data-arrays of the campaign on Driantum and the Indomitus Crusade flooded back into the cerebral cogitators of the Magos. The Daemon-infested Forge World had been so close to the Maledictum, it now came as no surprise to Dahti that he had been given this opportunity aboard His Divine Purpose.

His Calculus Logi produced inquiries that numbered in the thousands, but much of that data could be retrieved with the aid of the Enginseer in accessing the ship's data-stacks (as long as they were undamaged). If anything, the Magos had several questions of great importance about the people arrayed in front of him. However, as he formulated his ideas, he listened to the others before his sonorous tone broke into the conversation.

"Blessed be our venture, to have come from Holy Terra itself! I second Sister Agathe's request! To righteously sanctify our honorable vessel, our noble bodies, our blessed machines and weapons, would both mentally steeling and tactically wise. The spirits aboard this glorious vessel, both organic and inorganic, are protected by His Divine Blessings, from the torment and terrors of the Enemy, most particularly those Whispers of Chaos which can infect the mind as insidiously as the body."

The Magos continued, a holy fervor and zeal invigorating his speech.

"More than once I have been witness to capabilities of the Ministorum's wards...most especially when combined in a Grand Liturgy with the litany of the Machine. Should we have the capacity to perform the rite of a Grand Liturgy, it would be the same ritual as is performed for those about to embark on Holy Crusade, which seems most fitting for our Ordained journey."

His rising speech pulled back, however, as he looked towards the others and the Enginseer particularly. The Magos then spoke with the gravitas of many years spent in the Void.

"Under Lord Andamar's auspices, I do not doubt we will make it to our destination. However. I would do a great disservice to all of you if I did not share the truth of the Maledictum. It is unlike any Warp-Storm which has touched the face of our galaxy. The machinations of the Enemy are nearly infinite and the foul Spawn of Chaos will, without a doubt, make an attempt on our vessel."

The Magos paused for a moment before continuing, the mechanical tone of his voice clicking and shifting to a new thought.

"In light of this I have several queries; 1. With the permission of the Chief Enginseer, I wish to access the data-stacks of this vessel, so as to know the minutiae of its staff, its faculties, and its vulnerabilities - if I know where to expect danger, I can have my staff prepared to assist; 2. I would wish to physically examine each of you, so that, should I need to save your life, I will know the specimen with which I work - especially you," the Genetor pointed to the Squat, Haldengard, "as I have only ancient data on your kind. And, 3. A question for the Commander - are we to make contact with any support or are we to complete the assignment alone? The strategic analysis will fluctuate depending on our resources."

Arbusculus Formidatus (Dahti) - Magos Biologis, Mechanicus

Dahti listened intently, a content look on his face as the pieces of His great puzzle arrived to the board. The Magos' pleasant posture was aristocratic; he was a tech-priest by His design, manufactured in the gravity of the Lathes...and he sensed a wonderful tension as the room began to brew with more organic intensity. It was the kind of feeling that one had watching a sacred engine be brought to life with the Ritual of Awakening...it was drenched in the atmosphere of a holy occurrence. At least, that's how it appeared to the Genetor. There could be no coincidence here.

Although he gave a gracious acknowledgement of those who appeared, he awaited, as the Captain Andamar, the rest of the party before he would speak further...until the Enginseer arrived, wherein the Magos was forced to acknowledge more deeply his brethren. After the Enginseer spoke, the clatter of Binary spilled out of Dahti's mouth.

"The Chief Enginseer Hishryn 08-MN Kappa, I presume? Omnissiah's blessings from the Mechanicus Calixis, I offer you; I have heard of you and am always glad to work with my brethren..." A devilish glint reflected in the fleshly eye of the Genetor as he continued, "...but I offer too a query. Is the organic social convention not ritual, as are the litanies and incensed chants of the Machine Spirit? Undoubtedly, you too remember the Warning, 'to break with ritual...'" The Magos let the statement rest in the air as the rest of the party arrived to the Central Dome.

Quickly breaking from the Binary into Low Gothic as everyone who was expected came to the table, "but regardless of this, Chief Enginseer. You would have been most useful at Driantum. The daemonflesh certainly has an adverse response to promethium and I do forsee productive efforts in our future." Finishing his thought, he turned his calculating gaze to the people arrayed before him.

"Noble Commander, this is a most peculiar regiment. Who are we to be so blessed with one of so few Sororitas Errant? Most Honourable Sister Agathe, you exponentially alter the statistical analysis for our venture, as I am sure the Chief Enginseer and the Captain are quite well aware, for you are magnificent specimen of the Emperor's Will." The bionic right eye of the Magos was passively scanning each and every person who came into the room, examining data and extrapolating upon it in milliseconds. The Sister of Battle was more than capable on her own and he looked forward to working together with her, especially in combat. "And two unique variables join us."

Turning to the Squat and the Ratling, the Genetor continued: "Mr. Haldengard and Mr. Cliffbloom. I can't wait to see what it is you do so excellently as to be brought here...As for myself, I can offer many things, but the most practical of which is: stitching your intestines back into you; recasting a skull plate; rebuilding you, blood, bones, and skin, and so on...provided you don't terminate before I can help you, of course." The content smile never left the face of the Mechanicus, becoming more disturbing as one gazed into his mechanized face.

One, eerie green laser broke the darkness of a crammed passageway, glaring out from beneath the heavy, white-gold, and crimson hood of the Mechanicus. The hissing and whirring of the machine spirits accompanied the Genetor on his self-guided tour through the maintenance tunnels. The heavy clang of Dragon Scale boots echoed in time with the clatter of the maul and Lightning Cannon hung ceremoniously on Dahti's waist. Although no Enginseer, in truth, the Magos still recognized the mystery of the Void-spirits which drove the hulking engines of His Majesty's Crusades. It was a sacred rite and duty for every Mechanicus to know precisely the machine with which they worked - the companionship of Mechanicus Navymen with their spirits - was a holy and righteous thing. Every embodiment of the Omnissiah's power is owed due respect, but most particularly those monuments to the Grand Glory of the Machine-God, such as the Ordo Titanicus and the many Voidships which guard Imperial space.

Thus, Dahti conducted himself to the Medicae Station and the Xenodomes through the various veins and arteries of His Divine Purpose. Seeing to it that his (now much smaller) staff had become acquainted with the many blessings bestowed on them, Dahti finally ascended to the Central Observation Dome to meet with his erstwhile commander and honor-bound master. Of course, the sound of the Genetor's approach would alert him, but his appearance would likely surprise the Commander Andamar. Though quite old by standard human years, Formidatus' body was sculpted (literally) to be a firm and undying example of the human machine. What look like slabs of muscle have been morphed into the machine of Dahti's body.

The Squat-like Magos climbed up to the dais, and performed an honorable bow before his new liege. The respiratory filter crackled with its binary intonations as the Genetor spoke. The pale Dahti spoke with a more spirited tone than most Mechanicus.

"My Most Venerable Lord Andamar - The Omnissiah is made glad by your acceptance of my passage aboard your most righteous vessel. I thank you for your hospitality, for your most sacred blessings of the machine, and for the opportunity you provide me in my own Quest for Knowledge. I do believe you will greatly profit from my presence here...particularly if you maintain your training regimen."

The bionic right-eye of the Genetor pierced across the room, instinctively processing the sensory data into physiological analytics.

"And, in turn, so do we all profit."
Arbusculus Formidatus, Genetor Carniculae, Magos Errant of His Divine Purpose

Born unto the Lathe World Het, Arbusculus Formidatus led a rough and painful life from his first day. The belching smoke and muttering anvils chiming throughout the numerous data-halls surrounding the youth. The only thing louder than the incessant manufactorum-beat were the Mechanicus Chants which echoed, reverberating on the walls and datastacks. The Sacred Rites of the Databanks, the Holy Liturgy of the Omnissiah echoing through the chains; the servitors grating out a chorus of binary;the bells clanging in-time to the dispersal of fragrant smoke…there was a sacred nature to the operation of The God of the Machine, Deus Ex Machina – Imperator Machinex.

Arbusculus Formidatus (Dahti) was born into the Mechanicus Simplicius, the son of two poor manufacturers. His body was sickly, like so many of the Forge Worlds, but the Lathes pounded the genetics of his people. He was born with “mounds of flesh,” the corpulent nature of his gravity-bound brethren. Such are the consequences of ultra-heavy gravitational events forever altering the bodily structure of the inhabitants of the Lathes in the Calixis Sector. Sometimes mistaken for Squats, his people have become the center of the Mechanicus Calixis. And Dahti was gifted in the ways of memorization, of code, creed, architecture, structure, fundament, nuance, and further.
As on many other Forge Worlds, Dahti was given the opportunity to advance beyond his social class at various ages. At 14, when still thriving on the gruel served at luncheon, cooked and served by the Holy Machine, Dahti tested out of his social class…but his movement was halted by Administratum legislation. Again, at 16 years of age, Dahti tested far beyond his social class. The Lathes would needs permit him, at the second testing, to at least attempt an apprenticeship with an Enginseeer. Yet, again, the datastacks, infinite in their movement, disintegration, and reformation, prevented his upward movement. Finally, at 20 years of age, Dahti moved upward, venerating his parents, his elders, his lineage, being granted a Holy Ascension – he was inducted into the rite of the Lathe-Covenant, a full member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Cultus Calixis.

Dahti spent many years foraging the datastacks of the Lathe-World Collective, delving deeply in the Quest for Knowledge, to prove to his superiors the inherent value of his work. He had dedicated himself as an apprentice of the Genetori, the Magos Biologis, in the hopes of one day entering their ranks. Dahti became a prodigy of Darcais Rex, a forthright Forgemaster, one of the foremost Magos Biologis in the Sector. At 36 years of age, he was already Consul Adeptus for Het’s Biologis Sector, nearly one of the youngest in his post. Dahti battled in the Quodlibetus Sanctus, the Great Debating floor of the Lathe-World Het, arguing that the human body itself was a complex and vehemently adaptable machine itself, just as worthy of of consideration, If not moreso than, the inorganic machine.
As Consul Adeptus, he was made Magos Biologis, a Genetor, at the age of 56. However, that was when the Indomitus Crusade descended in 999.M41.

Genetor Arbusculus Formidatus was drafted in 999.M41, and was assigned to lead 4 Skitarii regiments, descending from the Veracitus, in battle against the Chaos hordes on the Forge World Driantum. Under his command, the Mechanicus regiments were to support the Imperial Guard and a chapter of Space Marines, the Black Guard. There were two Medicae regiments and two defensive-arrayed Skitarii regiments. They were to come behind the forward advance and provide necessary supply. Of course, this was not how it would work. The memory of the invasion still haunts the memories of Dahti…the screams…the trenches…the promethium and the stench of daemon-flesh.

In two months, his Skitarii had been reduced to half. Dahti became bogged in Daemonic warfare stretching across the swamplands of Driantum. In that time, his medicae had managed to save the lives and limbs of countless Guard and Marines, but now the medicae themselves were starting to come under fire. Calls for resupply, for reinforcement, were met with a staunch – “Hold your position. Reinforcements are coming.” When, you did not know, but you held your position. Then, there came a call over the vox-caster…”Find cover, find cover, seal yourselves in. 77th Death Corps of Krieg inbound, relieving position E48.” Then came the nuclear hellfire. The sound of oblivion. It was a righteous sound, the screams of a thousand and ten daemons. The front moved forward, and the vast majority of the mutant and daemonic scum were eradicated. A basic line of defense was secured.

Now it is a dream, a nightmare, long past. Having served his time, the Genetor Dahti was awarded for his “heroic valor” in the face of overwhelming odds. Their position had held out for three months. As it turned out, they were 20 km behind enemy lines at the time of the Krieg relief effort. For Dahti, this proved a most lucrative opportunity. Being in charge of the front for so long gave him plenty of opportunity to experiment on behalf of the war effort and his own Quest for Knowledge expanded in proportion to the number of corpses which flooded his way from the frontlines. During the Invasion of Driantum, Dahti became quite the Xenobiologist, his deep interest in the inner functions of organic life extending beyond the human form and into the daemonic, eldari, and more. His horrific methods came to the fore in the push on Verghaz, a central manufactorum-city of Driantum, when his soldiers began to display unique biological implants. For his work, he has been both commended and condemned, depending on who reviewed his actions.

Now, Genetor Formidatus has leveraged his honors and his position to afford the opportunity to be aboard a Rogue Trader Vessel as a Magos Errant, working aboard His Divine Purpose, under Edmund Andamar, as the Medicae Genetor-General. Formidatus is a most excellent ally in uncertain situations, as he and his medical staff’s capabilities often far exceed the standard of so many others. The Magos Formidatus himself is certainly…eccentric…and experimental. However, his loyalty to the Emperor is unwavering and his will relentless. Formidatus is sworn to House Andamar, and his word is unbending.

o The Genetor is a broad, stocky, and burly fellow who stands at about 5’4”. As far as Mechanicus Magos go, he is still rather fleshy and his face is mostly unaltered, aside from his eyes, which still appear quite human. His skin is a pale-gray and his hair is white – this is not from ill health or age but are his natural tones. His countenance is usually stern and contemplative. He wears the traditional white and red robes of the Mechanicus Medicae.
o Potentia Coil, Respirator Unit, Electro-graft, Cybermantle, Cranial Circuitry, Mechadendrites - Medicae
Pattern, Electoos, MIU, Calculus Logi, Synthmuscle, Second Heart, Bionic Eye (Right).
o Lathe-pattern Power Maul
o Hetti Lightning Gun
o Mechanicus Dragon Scale Armor
o Guardian Skull

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