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EldritchOne said
*Zeppelin drops out of the sky and a half machine pony pops out with a clipboard* "Delivery for Mr Crashing from our Lord Vox Machina, ten thousand crates of the finest whisky free of charge, please sign here" :P

"Jackpot," signs the delivery form," Rule th' world with me blessing." Walks off," Gonna get soooo fucked up!!"
EldritchOne said
I have a feeling you'll wake up with an epic hangover and discover I have conquered the world in your absence, and just be like "shit."

Then he'd reach for another bottle, pop the cork and take a drought. "Well that happened...Who's up fer round two?"
Monochromatic Rainbow said
Et vice versa, amicus.(And the other way 'round, my friend.)I'll go contact my extended family and get a moonshine still.

I've a feeling this won't end well. Hmmm I wonder how a meeting between Armifera and Crashing will go.
Monochromatic Rainbow said
I really want to see what happens if Amaretto meets Armifera, now that you've brought it up.Add Crashing and it'll be a drinking contest for the ages.EDIT: And now I've got to wondering if the other Alicorns aside from Thea would have shapeshifting powers of a sort...

Ye'll find 'im no easy challenge lass
EldritchOne said
Astral's request is actually pretty reasonable all things considered, Scalpel was actually going to do a limited form of that anyway so it sort of fits into his longterm plans quite nicely. Scalpel will probably offer to give him a new form as a bonus anyway, - note: maintained self and soul, plus freedom of will included- simply because he feels he might as well reward someone who just gave him Immortality on a plate.


kapuchu said
Now I can just imagine a very, very disgruntled Crashing sitting in front of a large bonfire, marshmallow on his horn and held over the fire, with an overly excited foal/filly/coat standing beside him, eyes fixed on the marshmallow.

Yeesh that does not sound comfortable. Heh toasty though. Get it? Ha I slay me.
OH and here's Spectrum's character sheet fpor anyone curious of it.

Name: Astral Spectrum

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cyan fur and pitch black mane and tail. Mane has streaks of grey through them, showing his age. Eyes are cobalt blue. Cutie mark is a magic circle that once held the colors of the rainbow but is now a faded grey. Center of the magic circle resembles a cat-like eye. Body has runes burned into it marking his dabbling in dark magic. Forelegs also covered in scars from his foalhood. Usually wears a dark brown cloak when not in his priest robes to cover his marks and scars.

Talent: His talent is his ability to scry, a rare form of magic which allows someone to see into the Aether. His magical sight is by far the best in MaS second only to Archmagister Twilight Sparkle’s. As well he is blessed with insight that has more than once brought him good fortune including his position.

Personality: Spectrum believes that if you want anything in this world you must work for it. He has little to no patience for those that waste his time. He despises laziness and pomposity and will put someone in their place when he deems it necessary. His brutal honesty puts him at odds with Head Inquisitor Lulamoon more often than not. Ironically there is a grueling respect between the two because they both came from humble beginnings as opposed to the rest of the Ruling ponies of Moon and Stars. Despite his high rank in MaS he doesn’t believe that unicorns are the superior race. His own apprentice is an earth pony that has shown herself extremely clever having broken out of the domes more than once. He rewards those who show tenacity, ambition, and most of all will to survive. In crisis he is calm cool and collected.


Spectrum has mastered quite a few spells in his time. He has knowledge of Elemental magic and knows ice magic due to his position as High Priest of the Moon Guild. Umbramancy is one of is most skilled powers but his best spells reside in his Divination.

Breathe of the Windego: Surrounds large area in a bone chilling mist. Expelled from caster’s mouth. (Incanted)

Shadow Tendrils: Shadows rise around the caster into inky black tendrils. Once formed they can be either warm or chillingly cold. As well when the caster focuses the tendrils will send a shock of pain through the captured target.

Shade Warp: Caster teleports silently from shadow to shadow.

Other spells include basic levitation, an ice needle spell and a cold light spell.

Background: Spectrum was born in a small fishing village in the small broken Freelands across the Sea of Harmony. His mother was once a noble mare but upon his birth she was cast out for infidelity. From there she was forced to become a prostitute to survive. When Spectrum was born she blamed him for her misfortune and even went so far as to name him Jadno which in the Mother Tongue means ‘Pathetic‘. His life as a foal was that of pain. He scrimped for food and whenever his mother was lucid enough she beat him mercilessly.

After his thirteenth birthday and one particularly bad beating he went to the docks with the idea to drown himself and end his suffering. Instead Spectrum found himself stowing away on a vessel bound for Equestria. Sure enough he was found out and the captain wanted to throw him overboard but a scholar by the name of Dusty Tome saved his life. On the way to Equestria he taught Spectrum to read and even gave him his name.

Dusty found the young colt had a gift for languages and spells and had promised to take him to Canterlot and see him through school. A week before they made port though they were hit by a fierce storm. Sadly Dusty Tome was killed by one of the falling masts and when they came to port Spectrum was forced to escape lest the captain kill him. With nothing else to do and the scholar’s books in tow he set off toward Canterlot intent on making something of himself.

Along the way he taught himself to wield magic from the books. Soon enough he also found his talent along the way. Unfortunately it resembled his mother’s, much to his dismay. Upon coming to Canterlot he found a job as an apprentice to a lawyer named Valid Point. The old earth stallion saw a sly intelligence in the colt and on a hunch hired him. Within a year Spectrum had enough to enroll in the Celestial Magic Academy, with the help of a scholarship and no small thanks to Valid of course.

Here he met Silver Scalpel, a rival and lifelong friend. He looked up to Silver for his ambition and skill in the medical field and more than once had to really ‘step up his game‘ when it came to academic scores. Silver was the only one he trusted with his past, a sore subject for him. Within a decade Spectrum graduated with full honors and a Doctorate in Magical Theory. Even after that he continued to expand his knowledge of the magical field until he came into possession of hints of a powerful field of magic.

With his future secure when the House of Moon and Star Rose up he worked diligently to perfect spells within the Moon Guild and much of his Umbramancy he mastered under the Thestrals. he holds a high regard for their stealthy nature and has learned to fight magically from them. They respect him and within a few short years became High Presit of the Moon Guild, they became fiercely loyal to him.

Goals: Spectrum wishes to see Equestria return to its age of prosperity but wishes to see it done through the hooves of its people and not some God. Unfortunately his time his short as a debilitating disease threatens to end him before he can see Equestria united and prosperous. He is now in a race against time to seek his old friend whom he believes is the key to unlocking pony kind’s potential.
Astral Spectrum held his shock at bay. Had Silver made some dark pact? This was not normal by any means. Even more so the unicorn before rarely laughed. If it weren’t for his experience with the Nightmares and constant training with the Thestrals in their Umbramancy- after all such magic forced you to face your darkest demons and control their fear- his fur would have stood on end. And he would sooner prostrate himself before one of the fickle Gods than allow fear to control him.

His expression stayed neutral,” Do you wish to know of my real reason for seeking you out? I shall tell you my old friend, to make Equestria one again. For too long we’ve waged a war sparked by the petty needs of revenge among the wayward Elements. It is true I myself have pledged myself to Twilight Sparkle but at least she among the others has vision and ambition enough to bring Equestria back into the light.” He couldn’t help but smirk at that,” But she herself believes the alicorns are infallible. As for the others they need to be disposed of and this damned civil war ended. I hope that the Archmagister can see reason that equestrian has suffered from alicorn rule but if she cannot embrace the change Equestria needs then she will meet the blade as well. The Elements need to be brought to heel and their armies humbled.”

Spectrum cast an eye at the constructs in the room,” Already you have the makings of an army and with that horn now in your possession you will be quick to usher in a new era. My price is your word that I will live to see that era come to fruition. I will be honest with you, I’m dying. I’ve months to live. A debilitating disease has infected my body and no form of Restomancy or medicine can cure me. I want only to see Equestria whole and able to drive off the enemies that clamor at her borders. When that is done then you may bring the blade across my throat yourself.”

Spectrum regarded the unicorn before him. He had a feeling that there would be betrayal. He was a careful stallion and telling Silver that he was indeed dying was a gamble but a calculated one. It had its own advantage. More often than not an opponent thought to be too weak to fend off assassins was underestimated but where his body was failing him his mind and magic more than made up. Even though he doubted he could go against a God he was confident in his abilities to defend himself.

Spectrum resolve hardened,” These are my terms Silver Scalpel.”

Red Sash stood with his guard at his back. Many were battered and exhausted. For most of the night wave after wave of these strange ponies had come through the illusion thick mists that threatened to choke Stalliongrad. Most slaves in the city had heard the call of the sirens and trotted aimlessly into the mist, as well as a few weak minded guards, never to return. More than likely they were dead, Red gathered. He had sent his fastest seraph to the capital to report the information. He only hoped they could hold the line. They could do he kept telling himself. After the last wave all had gone silent.

Beside him his lieutenant shivered,” It’s too quiet.”

He nodded, his steely eyes fixed forward. The waves had come in meticulous waves of twenty to thirty every thirty minutes without fail. They’d been waiting of the next wave for over an hour. It was nearly midnight and the moon above peaked through the vapors with a haunting yellow light. This only added to the creepy atmosphere. What were they planning?

Suddenly a tremor shook the ground followed by a bellow that would make the biggest dragon’s sound like a hatching’s squeak.

“Hold!” Red Sash shouted as his ponies began to panic. It’s a trick it has to be. “Hold!”

“Keep it together you ninnies!” his lieutenant barked. He couldn’t have been more proud of her.

Then they saw something coming through the mists. They all took a battle stance, ready to end the tall figure with a barrage of spell power. Red squinted to get a better look. The figure came to light. A tall white pony with dark blue hooves walked slowly toward them. From Red’s vantage he could see leather wrappings clinging to the pony’s form and a massive horn jutting from its head. It walked as though it was on an evening stroll. Red Sash didn’t like this. One. Bit.

Finally it stopped before them, its eyes shining despite being black as pitch. Sash’s eyes widened as he noticed the massive wings on the sleek pony’s back. It was one of the alicorns!

There was silence as it just stared ahead before grinning revealing a row of pearl white serrated teeth.

“Judgment be on ye fools!”
Crashing lunged forward, his hoof connecting with the leading mare’s throat. She let out a strangled gurgle as her neck snapped from the force of the blow and sent her barreling into the soldiers behind her. His twin scimitars came free of their sheaths as the, what Crashing could only guess was the leader of this pathetic force, started barking orders as his own blade floated into the air.

A blinding slash from one blade ended one fool’s journey to skewer the ailcorn with a spear. The other found a throat as its caster began weaving a spell. Crashing saw the leader, a distinguished old buck but still in prime condition, lunged with a blade. Said blade met water as Crashing became a puddle of clear water. He moved quick as a viper after a field mouse and became corporal behind the stallion. The buck raised a thick shimmering barrier as two of Crashing’s silver tail hooks sought flesh. They clanged harmlessly against the barrier and the old buck dropped it and slashed out with his blade.

Crashing stumbled back as blood oozed from just above his muzzle. This one has some fight alright! He cackled madly and slashed down with both of his blades only to be blasted off his hooves by a telekinetic blast. Crashing flipped and landed on his hooves and skidded back, leaving deep gouges in the street. A few of the unicorns had put their magic together. The alicorn chuckled and licked some of the errant blood that flowed from the gash above his muzzle.

“My turn lads,” he summoned magic to his horn and unleashed a thin wave of water he collected from the air. He thanked Mother for Sunpearl’s incite to use mist as cover. Some ducked but a few unlucky wretches were beheaded. The old buck form before gathered magic to his own horn as he pulled up from a roll. Twin ethereal swords appeared and went sailing at the alicorn. Crashing yawned and shattered them with his own. The old blades had been made from the bones of twin sea dragons very useful for dealing with annoying constructs such as those.

Crashing pulled his arquebi out and lined up a shot. A shot rang out in the night and the old buck looked down at the hole that appeared in his chest in confusion. Blood started to flow, soaking his uniform shirt. He looked up at Crashing in shock. The alicorn smiled as the buck fell on his side. Silence filled the air until one of the soldiers screamed and charged Crashing only to get a hole through his head as well. I love these things. Crashing set to reloading the weapons as he flashed his blades out at the oncoming unicorns.

The death of their leader had sparked a fury in them and it made them reckless. Two throats were opened before another took a shot in the eye. Twin tendrils of water shot out and lifted a unicorn in the air. Crashing focused and a moment later, ripped the poor sod in two. It wasn’t to say he wasn’t suffering damage as well. Gashes, puncture wounds, and burns from magic bolts marred his fur but healed at an accelerated rate.

Crashing saw another hanging back, her horn glowing fiercely. Crashing aimed an arquebus and took the shot. He cursed as a barrier went up around her. He cursed and ripped the fool that had saved her life’s throat open with vengeful jaws. Blood filled his mouth and Crashing nearlt lost himself to the delicious taste of the fool’s life-blood. He ripped tendon and blood vessel free and swallowed greedily. Another fell to his searching jaws and whimpered as Crashing gave his neck a shake, snapping the soldier’s throat.

The limp body fell from his jaws and he looked to the moon a bellow ripping from his throat. Another roar answered his call and the earth trembled. Avur seemed hungry as well. It would be shame if he didn’t get his pound of flesh.no! Crashing dug deep and held his wrath at bay.

No…the message had been sent and the mages of Canterlot would know what transpired here. An army would be sent he was sure and when they arrived they would fill Avur’s belly. Inside his mind his Darkness raged for release but Crashing promised it would get its pound of flesh as well. The lesson was still to be learned and they would be taught.
Monochromatic Rainbow said
Armifera's Swords of Slaying.+5 Against fleshy thingsX2 Crit chance when under the influence

Because that's the only way to do it. We'll share a keg...then. WAR!
EldritchOne said
H̴̷̷̸̟̫̞͇̱̗̫̱̣̹̳̝͕͓̅̋̓̒̽̄̀ͭ̃́ͫ̍̓̈͡ͅÊ̢̊͆͒̇̓̆ͤ͌͋̽̚͠͡҉̲͎̰̲̮̖̥̜̺͞ ͕̪͓͕̞̮̺͚̘̳͉̲̆͑ͫͪͮ͂̊̈̒̔ͤͭͥͥ͋̚̕̕͜͢ͅͅA͉̮̟͖̭͆̾̌̃ͥ̏ͬ́̓̀Ŗ̜̩͎̠̺̞̭̼̞͗ͨͤ̐́ͥ̂̋̇̍̾̇͗ͬ̔ͤ̇̋̚̕͡͞I̴ͩͣͨ̐̄̿͛̄̾̌̑ͫ̄͊̋̆̆͟͡҉̩͔̭͎͙̦̫̝̼̲S̶̡͙̫͖͖͔͇̜̙̐̔̎̽͂͡Ě̢̨̥̭̝̤̰̮̣͇̟͚̮͖̳̀͋̆́̓ͧ̉̈̐͛͑ͭ͒̅ͬͪ̚͘͠S̨͚̩̣̹̣͖̼̠͈̤̪͚̜̫̘̟͍̀̓̍͐ͥ̐̃̉͒̚̕ͅ!̘̺̰̪̞̳͔̗͉ͧ̽͋̀͟

Monochromatic Rainbow said
Z̸̷̳̺͓̝̈́̄̐͆̎͐͐̊̔ͥ̽̈͐̋͂͘A̷̴ͦ͋̌͋ͩ́͗̌́̇ͣ͂́̚͘҉̝̱̤̙̖͉̖͖͝Ḽ̶̷͔̥̞͔͔̦̺͎͕̲̖͓͛̔͗͌̉ͤͪ͐̚̕͢͡G̶͓̭̟̥̪̙̦̲̦͗̎̓̇͐ͭ͊͒̔̿̑͂ͬͧ͢O̷̸̐̏͛̄̎̈́̈́̋ͮ̎̑̋̾̔̉͑҉҉̠̲̥̘̯̗ͅ...H̹̺͇̫͍̝̦̰̥͓͆ͪͬ̏ͭ͋ͦ͑ͤͯͬ̋͆̐ͮ̏̈́́͟͢ͅE̸̶̬͔̼̣̞͍͉̬̖̻̼ͬ̄̒ͨ̿ͨ͐͊̌͒ͯͩ̑̇̓̑̓̚͠ ̙͉̻͚̬͓͓̺̖͆̀̿̐̔͋̏̽ͩͮ̓̒̄̇͑̏ͮ̌̀̕͟C̷̜̻̲̜̬͖̲̰̗̮̱̩͎̠̝͌̄͆ͤͯ̂̇ͮͬͮ͒̃O̶̪̳̗̥̹̮̼͙̬͕̙̺͎̼̟͐̃͐̈͆͋ͭ͂͛ͦͩͥ̊͐̐̂ͪͤ͞͡͞ͅM̸̴̷̨̯̥̻̤̜̠̗̙̺̱̥̫͇̊̂̽́̈ͮ͊ͨ̀̃͛͟ͅEͧ͒̓͌̀̿͗̽̉ͩͨ͒ͮ̿̒҉̢̹͔̝̗͕̯̻͚̠̤̘̬͚̥̙̫͠͞͠ͅS̥̣̫̹̲̞̻̦̝̠̦̦̝͓ͮ͒͐ͥ̐̑ͮ̏̈̾̋ͩͭ͑̓͘͟

How the hell you guys do that is beyond me. Anyway I'd say the good Doc is in a good mood.
kapuchu said
Sorry for my... tardyness? Slow posting? ...You get the idea. Haven't been feeling much like typing up a post lately, but I'll have something down for when Astral has delivered the horn and is gone. Also... "he hasn't been followed." Suuuure, he hasn't ^^ Not by ponies, at least ;)

Woodland creatures I gather
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