Avatar of Klomster
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    1. Klomster 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I am Klomster, i have no status.


Known primarily as Klomster, both on the net and on real life.

I really enjoy roleplaying and do so every weak, preferably twice in two different campaigns. Sometimes even more.

From time to time i've done some forum roleplaying with mixed success. I've tried GM-ing with even more mixed success and all in all, i find forum rp's enjoyable. Hence why i joined, hoping to play some forum rp's and OWN at it. (Or something.)

I have an erratic thought pattern so my posts can appear as incoherent, if you notice you can just mention it if i should clarify anything.
Other than that, hey there fellas.

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This is relevant.

@rezay ah i got it.
They use animals they find dead for their hides. Primarily for yurtas.

As for some plant fibers, sure flax is kinda advanced, but making something a bit more fabric-like than the raincoat example should be possible.
I mean, there's plants you just open up, drag out the strings inside and dry them. Makes rudimentary strings one can weave into things. Not full on dense fabric but certainly good for some clothes.

But yeah, either they go naked or hides otherwise. And hunting for hides doesn't make massive sense.
As usual lots of posts during my sleep :P

@rezay However, i think you forgot Flax and other plant fibers. It makes sense for them to focus on plant based things since they eat the stuff.
As for yurts, i'd say they hunt Rhinos and Krollan specifically for hides. Just leaving the meat since to them it's a waste resource.

As for the passage of time. I was expecting the months scale of things from last time, but there we had a weird racial memory so people sort of remembered stuff. So tech sort of improved monthly or quarterly.
Which is hella fast, so here it'll probably be different.
But yeah, it's also a question how many players want their characters to be important through time. If we want to we can just say that all races gain technologies faster than history (and those with intelligent are even faster).

But yeah, discussions probs needed.
I guess it would be a bit op if you began with already trained and domesticated Ovis (found in the fauna section of post 1) so the Aad doesn't feel too overpowered.
I mean, it's like a few small sheep right? Not like you start out with full husbandry and wool industry.
I see our resident skeleton has begun an IC post.

I've made a lineart piece myself for the sobek, tried to colour it...... gave up on it.

I know the struggle.

I'll post it when my guys get some proper clothes and stuff.
I do like the pic @rezay, while kinda rough it's good. Perhaps a bit uniformly thick lines, would probs look better with only the outer lines being thick.
But now i'm critiquing art, point is i like it.
@rezay It seems your race pic isn't showing in the character tab

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